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iPiPE Project Director

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1 iPiPE Project Director
Please address 1 of the following questions: a. What did you want to become when you were a child? b. If you had to choose a country other than the US to live in, which country would you choose and why? c. Name your favorite pest and explain why? iPiPE Coordination Scott Isard, Penn State iPiPE Project Director Jim VanKirk, NSF IPM Center iPiPE Project Co-Director Julie Golod, Penn State iPiPE National Coordinator Joe LaForest, UGA Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health (Bugwood) – iPiPE Pest Observation Repository; ; Southern IPM Center Co-Director; iPiPE Advisory Board member

2 Information Technology Services
Please address 1 of the following questions: a. What did you want to become when you were a child? b. If you had to choose a country other than the US to live in, which country would you choose and why? c. Name your favorite pest and explain why? Information Technology Services ZedX Inc. Joe Russo, Senior Researcher, ZedX Inc; Director, iPiPE IT Services component; iPiPE Advisory Board member Brian Holderman, ZedX Inc; iPiPE Programmer Chris Marrow, ZedX Inc; iPiPE Programmer

3 Roger Magarey, NCSU and NSF Center for IPM;
Please address 1 of the following questions: a. What did you want to become when you were a child? b. If you had to choose a country other than the US to live in, which country would you choose and why? c. Name your favorite pest and explain why? Roger Magarey, NCSU and NSF Center for IPM; Director, iPiPE Research component Annalisa Ariatti, Penn State; iPiPE Outreach & Education and Intern website developer

4 Jean-Jacques Dubois, Impact Evaluation Specialist, S-IPM Center;
Please address 1 of the following questions: a. What did you want to become when you were a child? b. If you had to choose a country other than the US to live in, which country would you choose and why? c. Name your favorite pest and explain why? iPiPE Evaluation Team IPM Centers Jean-Jacques Dubois, Impact Evaluation Specialist, S-IPM Center; Director, iPiPE Evaluation component Yifen Liu, Impact Evaluation Specialist, Northeastern IPM Center; iPiPE Evaluation team member Chris Gonzeles, Northeastern IPM Center Communications Specialist

5 Ariel Larson, Project Coordinator, IPM Institute;
Astrid de la Cruz Please address 1 of the following questions: a. What did you want to become when you were a child? b. If you had to choose a country other than the US to live in, which country would you choose and why? c. Name your favorite pest and explain why? iPiPE Evaluation Team IPM Institute Tom Green, Director, IPM Institute of North America; iPiPE Advisory Board member Ariel Larson, Project Coordinator, IPM Institute; Director, iPiPE IPM Elements component; unable to attend iPMx3 Luke Hingtgen, Project Assistant, IPM Institute Astrid de la Cruz, Project Assistant, IPM Institute

6 Crop-Pest Program Coordinators (Yr 1)
Please address 1 of the following questions: a. What did you want to become when you were a child? b. If you had to choose a country other than the US to live in, which country would you choose and why? c. Name your favorite pest and explain why? David Weaver, Montana State University; MT Wheat-Pest Program Coordinator Heather Faubert, University of Rhode Island; New England Small Fruit-Pest Program Coordinator

7 Danielle Sekula-Ortiz, Texas A&M; TX Sorghum-Pest Program Coordinator
Please address 1 of the following questions: a. What did you want to become when you were a child? b. If you had to choose a country other than the US to live in, which country would you choose and why? c. Name your favorite pest and explain why? Danielle Sekula-Ortiz, Texas A&M; TX Sorghum-Pest Program Coordinator Jessica Duckworth, Assistant Coordinator of Missouri Soybean-Pest Program

8 Crop-Pest Program Coordinators (Yr 2)
Please address 1 of the following questions: a. What did you want to become when you were a child? b. If you had to choose a country other than the US to live in, which country would you choose and why? c. Name your favorite pest and explain why? Carl Bradley, University of Kentucky; South and Midwest Corn-Pest Program Coordinator Daren Mueller, Iowa State; North-Central Soybean-Pest Program Coordinator Heather Andrews, Oregon State-NWREC; NW Small and Stone Fruit-Pest Program Co-Coordinator

9 Crop-Pest Program Coordinators (Yr 2)
Please address 1 of the following questions: a. What did you want to become when you were a child? b. If you had to choose a country other than the US to live in, which country would you choose and why? c. Name your favorite pest and explain why? Philip Stansly, University of Florida/IFAS/SWFREC; FL Citrus-Pest Program Coordinator Vonny M Barlow CA Cotton-Pest Program Coordinator Darcy Telenko, Cornell; NY Vegetable-Pest Program Coordinator

10 Crop-Pest Program Coordinators (Yr 2)
Please address 1 of the following questions: a. What did you want to become when you were a child? b. If you had to choose a country other than the US to live in, which country would you choose and why? c. Name your favorite pest and explain why? Sam Markel, North Dakota State University; ND Sunflower-Pest Program Coordinator Janet Knodel, North Dakota State University; ND Sunflower-Pest Program Co-Coordinator Kelsie Egeland, North Dakota Sunflower-Pest Program, County agent and Assistant Coordinator

11 Crop-Pest Program Coordinators (Yr 3)
Please address 1 of the following questions: a. What did you want to become when you were a child? b. If you had to choose a country other than the US to live in, which country would you choose and why? c. Name your favorite pest and explain why? Hillary Mehl, Virginia Tech, VA Peanut-Pest Program Coordinator David B. Langston, Virginia Tech, VA Peanut-Pest Program Co-Coordinator

12 Crop-Pest Program Coordinators (Yr 3)
Please address 1 of the following questions: a. What did you want to become when you were a child? b. If you had to choose a country other than the US to live in, which country would you choose and why? c. Name your favorite pest and explain why? Jon Clements, University of Massachusetts, Amherst; New England Apple-Pest Program Coordinator Elizabeth Garofalo, New England Apple-Pest Program, Assistant to Coordinator Muhammad Haseeb, Florida Agriculture and Mechanical University; FL Tomato and Peppers Pest Program Coordinator

13 Please address 1 of the following questions:
a. What did you want to become when you were a child? b. If you had to choose a country other than the US to live in, which country would you choose and why? c. Name your favorite pest and explain why? Heather Kelly, University of Tennessee, Southeastern Cotton Pest Coordinator Dana Roberts, Northeast Sweet Corn Pest Program, Assistant to Coordinator

14 Amanda Serven, Northwest Small and Stone Fruit-Pest Program
Please address 1 of the following questions: a. What did you want to become when you were a child? b. If you had to choose a country other than the US to live in, which country would you choose and why? c. Name your favorite pest and explain why? Interns Amanda Serven, Northwest Small and Stone Fruit-Pest Program Andrew Gennett, South and Midwest Corn Pest Program Ashley Van Vliet, California Cotton Pest Program Ben Fischer, Montana Wheat-Pest Program Chinemenma Okoroji, Florida Tomato and Peppers-Pest Program Connor Raymond, South and Midwest Corn-Pest Program

15 Eric Friesinhahn, Montana Wheat-Pest Program
Please address 1 of the following questions: a. What did you want to become when you were a child? b. If you had to choose a country other than the US to live in, which country would you choose and why? c. Name your favorite pest and explain why? Interns Eric Friesinhahn, Montana Wheat-Pest Program Gennifer Keller, New England Small Fruit-Pest Program Gretchen Seigworth, New York Vegetable-Pest Program Jodi Callwood, New York Vegetable-Pest Program Julia Rushton, New England Small Fruit-Pest Program Kathleen Reyes, California Cotton Pest Program

16 Katie Curry, Missouri Soybean-Pest Program
Interns Please address 1 of the following questions: a. What did you want to become when you were a child? b. If you had to choose a country other than the US to live in, which country would you choose and why? c. Name your favorite pest and explain why? Katie Curry, Missouri Soybean-Pest Program Nicole Foley, New England Apple-Pest Program Paul O’Connor, New England Apple-Pest Program Rachel Kempker, North-Central Soybean-Pest Program Tashani Brown, Florida Tomato and Pepper-Pest Program

17 Amanda Crump, UC Davis; Director, Western IPM Center [1]
Please address 1 of the following questions: a. What did you want to become when you were a child? b. If you had to choose a country other than the US to live in, which country would you choose and why? c. Name your favorite pest and explain why? iPiPE Governing Board Amanda Crump, UC Davis; Director, Western IPM Center [1] Bob Nowierski, USDA NIFA, National Program Leader for the iPiPE CAP [2] Frank Louws, North Carolina State University; Director-NSF Center for IPM [1]

18 Lynnae Jess, Michigan State University
iPiPE Governing Board Please address 1 of the following questions: a. What did you want to become when you were a child? b. If you had to choose a country other than the US to live in, which country would you choose and why? c. Name your favorite pest and explain why? Lynnae Jess, Michigan State University Co-Director North Central IPM Center [2] Marc Fuchs, Cornell, Director, Northeast Plant Diagnostic Network [1] Sue Ratcliffe, Illinois; Co-Director North Central IPM Center [2]

19 Steve Young, Cornell; Director, Northeastern IPM Center [1]
Will arrive Wednesday morning Kelly Whiting, United Soybean Board; iPiPE Advisory Board member [1] Will arrive Wednesday morning

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