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Interdependence in the water

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1 Interdependence in the water
In the aquatic world, there are many relationships among organisms. A relationship in which organisms interact in a mutually dependent way is called interdependence.


3 The part of the Earth that supports life is called the biosphere.

4 Aquatic Ecology The study of the interactions of living things with each other and their environment is called ecology. The study of such interactions within the ocean is called aquatic ecology.

5 Ecosystems Ecosystems are specific areas of study
and are made up of both Living (Biotic) and Non-living (Abiotic) factors.

6 An ecosystem is made up of the interdepences among the populations in a community AND the community’s abiotic factors.

7 The place where an organism lives is its habitat.

8 a collection of interacting populations
Community a collection of interacting populations Example: Trout population influences the eagle population because they use them for food. Less trout means less eagles and vice versa

9 Every species has a particular function in its community.
This is its niche.

10 POPULATION A group of organisms of one species that interbreed and live in the same place at the same time.

11 Members of the same population compete with one another for
food, water, mates, and other resources.

12 All organisms are adapted for life in a particular environment.
(Adaptation – a change over time to fit a new or special use or situation)

13 Producers are the organisms that can ‘produce’ their own food through photosynthesis; green plants, some bacteria.

14 Consumers are organisms that get their energy either directly or indirectly from producers.

15 Primary Consumers are those that eat plants (Herbivores).

16 Secondary consumers are organisms that feed on the primary consumers.

17 Top Consumers are those that feed on secondary consumers.

18 Decomposers breakdown remains of dead organisms keeping remains from building up.

19 Ecological Relationships
When organisms live together they constantly interact with each other. Some of these interactions are beneficial while others are harmful. However, all result in a balance that maintains the natural state of nature.

20 Competition crowded population leads to scarce resources and results in competition for survival. Both sides lose (-,-)

21 Predation - one organism eats another.
One benefits while the other is harmed (+,-) situation

22 Parasitism - one organism lives off another. Also a (+,-) situation

23 - one organism benefits while the other is not hurt.
Commensalism - one organism benefits while the other is not hurt.

24 Mutualism - both organisms benefit (+,+) situation

25 Food chains are simple representations of a feeding network.
Aquatic Plant Smelt Heron Food webs show how all organisms in an ecosystem are connected to one another. Duck Sparrow Hawk Terrestrial Plant Grasshopper Shrew

26 All organisms are connected to one another in many complex food webs.

27 autotroph 3rd order consumer 2nd order consumer 1st Order Consumer
decomposer 3rd order consumer 2nd order consumer

28 What are the types of interdependence shown below?

29 What are the types of interdependence shown below?

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