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Clinical Session on Projects, Spillovers and Leftovers of class

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1 Clinical Session on Projects, Spillovers and Leftovers of class
January 23, 2017

2 Clinical session Overall objective: How can use the knowledge learnt in this class to approach issues by organizations and individual managers face in different cultural contexts. Deep immersion into the countries and developing a sense of leadership and interpersonal styles that work there. As a class, we learn about 5 different countries – 1 of them in immersion

3 Presentation Sections
Section I. Background information Overview of the country, economic indicators, demographics and brief history Cultural and institutional context analysis to provide a background for patterns of human behavior. What are some of the challenges that international managers can face in this country?

4 Presentation Sections
Section II. Contextual analysis of styles Leadership analysis in context: Select a famous leader in this context (can be a political, cultural or business leader) and analyze their leadership style. What makes this kind of leadership work in this context? Developing skills for this context: What kinds of communication skills do you think would work in this context? What should foreign managers be aware of in terms of interpersonal skills in this country? Popular culture analysis: In order to understand a society, one of the biggest recommendations made in theory is to connect with people about what they care about – especially in terms of popular culture. What are specific elements of popular culture are important in this country? How does this help us understand this country better?

5 Presentation Sections
Section III. Your conclusions and recommendations Overall recommendations to international firms that are planning on managing in that country about organizational behavior specificities of that country that should be important when creating policies about that country Overall recommendations to individuals who are planning to go and work in this country as an expatriate from Finland

6 Presentation Rules Make an appointment as a group and come meet with me with your final slides tomorrow afternoon (Tuesday, January 24) 15 minutes presentation – 10 minutes of question and answers Dress code – business formals Slides should be posted online on assignment section before class 1 print out should be handed in class before the presentation

7 Project Report 8-10 page project report (not including any graphs, figures – in Appendix) Times New Roman, font size 12, double spaced and 1 inch margin on all sides Project report is due on the day of the presentations – please post them on Assignment section. No need for printed copies Citation – all citation should be in APA style. Please note there will be severe consequences for any violation of academic code of conduct of the school

8 Exercise Step 1. Individual exercise: Describe the Finnish culture as you have experienced it in 4 words Step 2. With a partner in your group – share your 4 words and come up with 4 words between your 8 words that would best describe Finnish culture Step 3. With your group discuss the words chosen in your partnership and come up with 4 words that would be representative of your group’s description of Finnish culture

9 Feedback Loop Did any of your words get into the final words by the group? How did your group resolve the conflict of choosing only 4 words from all the choices available?

10 Conflict Resolution Conflict is a natural phenomenon, neither inherently good or bad, but there may be positive or negative outcomes. Interpersonal conflict is unavoidable, but we can learn to manage it. Conflict: A condition that exists anytime two or more people disagree.

11 Conflict Resolution General perceptions of conflict as “negative:”
Anger Disagreement Hostility Threat Anxiety Competition Tension Violence Destruction Pain War

12 Conflict Resolution Potential Productive Outcomes of Conflict:
Clarifying Learning Stimulating Intimate Courageous Strengthening Creative Helpful Enriching Caring Opportunity Inclusive

13 Conflict Resolution How do/did we learn our own styles of conflict management? Role Models? Family role models Celebrity role models Teachers/mentors/coaches Media examples/role models

14 Personal Styles of Dealing with Conflict
Turtle (Avoidance) Teddy Bear (Accommodation) Shark (Domination) Fox (Compromise) Owl (Integration)

15 Conflict Resolution It’s likely that a person employs more than one style, depending on the situation, but usually one style dominates. Certain styles may be appropriate for certain situations.

16 Conflict Resolution Managing conflict constructively depends in large measure on clear, open, and honest communication

17 Conflict Resolution Skills
Getting the facts Active/Reflective Listening Defusing/managing anger Empathy skills Cognitive restructuring Negotiating outcomes

18 Active Listening Look at the person speaking Maintain an open mind
Pay attention Ask questions Repeat what the speaker says Listen for the feelings of the speaker Don’t: Interrupt, change the subject, make up your mind before the person finishes speaking

19 Roadblocks To Resolving Conflict
Clashing Egos - Styles Of Conflicts Name calling Sarcasm/Ridicule Insulting Threatening Blaming Inflexibility Defensive body posturing/language

20 Organizational Politics: What is it? Is it a good thing?
Machiavellianism Alternate approaches to politics – creative problem solving mechanisms to bridge differential interests

21 Understanding power dynamics of an organization
Identify the interdependence Who has the resources Whose compliance is needed Whose cooperation is required Identify sources of power Sources of difference and possible conflict – identify differences in goals, styles, stakes Broader context – factors that can lead to conflict or cooperation

22 Stress What is it? Impact? Acute Episodic Chronic

23 Stress Causes Actions Occupational demands
Conflict between work and non-work Ambiguity and uncertainty Overload Responsibility of others Lack of social support Individual actions – everyday and episodic Organizational actions – support programs Leadership actions – team processes

24 Identity and Authenticity
What happens when you need to conceal an identity? Outcomes of inauthenticity: Stress Dissonance Lowered performance Health impact

25 Organizational Identity
Do people define by their organizational membership? Who am I? I am an employee of… I am in the Department of… I am a trade union leader in… Outcomes of that Greater job satisfaction and commitment More helpful behaviors at work Less employee turnover

26 Identity Issues in the Workplace
When identities collide: Gendered expectations A Muslim woman A gay man A disabled person Others… Specific ways of managing your ‘different’ identity? Specific ways an organization manages diversity?

27 Emotions in the Workplace
Emotional labor Emotional dissonance Emotional intelligence Mood vs Emotions Display rules – do they vary by cultures?

28 Workplace behaviors Positive Negative
Organizational Citizenship – helping Cooperating Mentoring Counseling Cyberloafing Bullying Aggression Theft Incivility Damaging

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