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Evolution Jeopardy Geologic Time Fossil Record Relative Dating

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Presentation on theme: "Evolution Jeopardy Geologic Time Fossil Record Relative Dating"— Presentation transcript:

1 Evolution Jeopardy Geologic Time Fossil Record Relative Dating Absolute Dating Plate Tectonics 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 Final Jeopardy

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3 A-100 QUESTION: What do we call the history of the Earth?
ANSWER: Geologic Time

4 A-200 QUESTION: What are the remains or impressions of an organism that lived in the past called? ANSWER: Fossils

5 A-300 QUESTION: During which Era did early human appear?
ANSWER: Cenozoic

6 A-400 QUESTION: What Era did life evolve? ANSWER: Precambrian

7 A-500 QUESTION: Which Era did fish evolve? ANSWER: Paleozoic

8 B-100 QUESTION: What are a collection of all fossils that have been found since the study of fossils began? ANSWER: Fossil Record

9 B-200 QUESTION: What are the remains of animals that existed for a relatively short period of geologic time? ANSWER: Index Fossils

10 B-300 QUESTION: Which part of the organism has a better chance to become fossilized? ANSWER: Bones or shells

11 B-400 QUESTION: Floods, mudslides, earthquakes, and ash deposits are examples of? ANSWER: Catastrophic Events

12 B-500 QUESTION: How many organisms that have lived on Earth does the fossil record represent? ANSWER: .1%

13 C-100 QUESTION: What are layers of sedimentary rocks called?
ANSWER: rock strata

14 C-200 QUESTION: What kind of rock dating technique compares one rock layer to another rock layer? ANSWER: relative dating

15 C-300 QUESTION: This states that each sedimentary rock unit is older than the rock unit above it and younger than the unit below it. ANSWER: Law of Superposition

16 C-400 QUESTION: What do you call a break in the sedimentary geologic record? ANSWER: unconformity

17 C-500 QUESTION: What causes an unconformity?
ANSWER: Nondeposition or erosion

18 D-100 QUESTION: What is another name for unstable isotopes?
ANSWER: Radioactive Isotopes

19 D-200 QUESTION: What is the calculation of the ratio of parent to daughter isotopes called? ANSWER: Radiometric Dating

20 D-300 QUESTION: This is the time it takes for one half of the unstable atom to decay into stable atoms. ANSWER: Half-Life

21 D-400 QUESTION: Which isotope has a half-life of 5,730 years?
ANSWER: Carbon-14

22 D-500 QUESTION: This always happens at a measurable rate.
ANSWER: Radioactive decay

23 E-100 QUESTION: Which scientist introduced the concept of continental drift? ANSWER: Alfred Wegener

24 E-200 QUESTION: A theory that all the Earth’s land masses were once part of a supercontinent. ANSWER: Pangea

25 E-300 QUESTION: This type of boundary usually occurs on the ocean floor ANSWER: Divergent Boundaries

26 E-400 QUESTION: What do you call the bending of rocks? ANSWER: Folding

27 E-500 QUESTION: This is formed when limestone is put under extreme heat and pressure. ANSWER: Marble

28 FINAL JEOPARDY QUESTION: What are the three types of rocks in the rock cycle? ANSWER: Metamorphic, Sedimentary, and Igneous

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