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History of Life on Earth

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Presentation on theme: "History of Life on Earth"— Presentation transcript:

1 History of Life on Earth

2 Claims, Evidence, Reasoning…
Statement about a scientific phenomenon Evidence: Scientific data used to support the claim Reasoning: Ties together the claim and the evidence

3 Life on Earth Today Claim: ~10 million species inhabit Earth today
Evidence: exploration!

4 Life on Earth Before Today
Claim: ~5 Billion species are extinct! (99%)

5 Evidence: Fossils Fossils:
Preserved remains of an organism from the past Radiometric dating determines the age of the rock

6 When, where, & how did life form?

7 Event 1: Universe (space & time)
Claim: The universe expands ~13.8 bya Evidence: Microwave Background Radiation Hubble’s Law

8 Event 2: Solar System Claim: Sun forms ~4.6 bya Evidence:
Solar Nebulae condenses, flattens Lighter elements pulled by gravity form the sun Evidence: Hubble Observations Astrophysics Modeling

9 Hadean Eon billion years ago

10 Event 3: Earth Claim: ~4.6 bya Earth forms Evidence:
Heavy elements collide No Water, No Oxygen, No Life, No Fun Evidence: Zircon crystals Modeling of accretion disks

11 Event 4: Water Claim: ~4.5 bya water appears on Earth Evidence:
Icy comets and asteroids bombard Earth Evidence: Isotope measurements

12 Archean Eon billion years ago

13 Event 5: Prokaryotic Life
Claim: ~3.9 bya prokaryotic cells appear Genetic Material, Reproduce, Produced Oxygen Evidence: Fossils: Stromatolites Primordial Soup Hypothesis

14 Proterozoic Eon billion years ago

15 Event 6: Eukaryotic Life
Claim: ~2.1 bya eukaryotic cells appear Internal Organelles Evidence: Fossils Endosymbiosis Theory Chloroplast, Mitochondria

16 Event 7: Multicellular Life
Claim: ~1.5bya multicellular life appears Evidence: Fossils Colonial Flagellates

17 Phanerozoic .54-0 billion years ago

18 Event 8: Animals Claim: ~530mya animals appear Evidence:
Fossils from the Cambrian Explosion

19 Mass Extinction 1 ~450 mya: Ordovician Extinction
90% of all species died Major glacial event

20 Event 9: Colonizing Land
~ mya: Land Plants, Fungi, Amphibians Fossils, Biogeography, Homology

21 Mass Extinction 2 ~360mya: Hangenberg Event 50% of all genera died
Climate changed rapidly, sea-levels decreased

22 Event 10: Colonizing the Air
Claim: ~350mya winged insects achieve flight Super continent Pangaea forms Evidence: Fossils, Biogeography, Homology

23 Mass Extinction 3 ~250mya: The Great Dying 96% of all species died
Asteroids & Volcanoes

24 Event 11: Vertebrate Flight
Claim: ~230mya Early Dinosaurs appear Pterosaurs soar through the air! Evidence: Fossils, Biogeography, Homology

25 Mass Extinction 4 Claim: ~200mya Pangaea Erupts 34% genera extinct
Volcanoes? Climate change? Asteroid impact?

26 Event 12: Age of “Terrible” Lizards
Claim: ~200mya dinosaurs and small mammals appear Evidence: Fossils, Biogeography, Homology

27 Mass Extinction 5 Claim: ~65mya K/T Extinction 75% of all species died
Giant asteroid slammed into Mexico

28 Event 13: Mammal Diversification
Claim: ~60 mya small mammals diversify Mammal radiation occurs Evidence: Fossils, Biogeography, Homology

29 Event 14: Humans ~200,000 years ago: Homo sapiens Evidence:
Fossils, Biogeography, Homology

30 Mass Extinction 6 Habitat Destruction, Hunting, Pollution, Climate change… all caused by HUMANS

31 Critically Endangered Species

32 Into the Future

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