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Classification of FDG-PET* Brain Data

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1 Classification of FDG-PET* Brain Data
* Fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography Deborah Mudali 1,* Michael Biehl 1 Klaus L. Leenders Jos B.T.M. Roerdink 1,3 1 Johann Bernoulli Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Groningen, NL 2 Department of Neurology University Medical Center Groningen, NL 3 Neuroimaging Center * Mbarara University of Science & Technology, Uganda

2 overview Prototype-based classification Learning Vector Quantization
Generalized Matrix Relevance Learning (GMLVQ) Example application Classification of Parkinsonian Syndromes based on FDG-PET brain data Combination: PCA + GMLVQ comparison with DT, SVM Conclusion and Outlook

3 Learning Vector Quantization
N-dimensional data, feature vectors ∙ identification of prototype vectors from labeled example data ∙ (dis)-similarity based classification (e.g. Euclidean distance) competitive learning: Winner-Takes-All LVQ1 [Kohonen, 1990, 1997] feature space • initialize prototype vectors for different classes • present a single example • identify the winner (closest prototype) • move the winner - closer towards the data (same class) - away from the data (different class)

4 prototype based classifier
- represent data by one or several prototypes per class classify a query according to the label of the nearest prototype (or alternative voting schemes) ? local decision boundaries according to (e.g.) Euclidean distances feature space + robustness to outliers, low storage needs and computational effort + parameterization in feature space, interpretability - model selection: number of prototypes per class, etc. ? appropriate distance / (dis-) similarity measure

5 Learning Vector Quantization
fixed distance measures: - choice based on prior knowledge or preprocessing - determine prototypes from example data by means of (iterative) learning schemes e.g. heuristic LVQ1, cost function based Generalized LVQ relevance learning, adaptive distances: - employ parameterized distance measure - update parameters in one training process with prototypes - optimize adaptive, data driven dissimilarity example: Matrix Relevance LVQ

6 Relevance Matrix LVQ generalized quadratic distance in LVQ:
[Schneider et al., 2009] relevance matrix: quantifies importance of features and pairs of features summarizes relevance of feature j ( for equally scaled features ) training: optimize prototypes and Λ w.r.t. classification of examples variants: global/local matrices (piecewise quadratic boundaries) diagonal relevances (single feature weights) rectangular (low-dim. representation)

7 cost function based training
12/24/2017 cost function based training one example: Generalized LVQ [Sato & Yamada, 1995] minimize two winning prototypes: linear E favors large margin separation of classes, e.g. sigmoidal (linear for small arguments), e.g. E approximates number of misclassifications small , large E favors class-typical prototypes

8 cost function based LVQ
12/24/2017 cost function based LVQ There is nothing objective about objective functions James McClelland

9 classification of FDG-PET data
FDG-PET (Fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography, 3d-images) n=18 HC Healhy controls n= 20 PD Parkinson’s Disease n=21 MSA Multiple System Atrophy n=17 PSP Progressive Supranuclear Palsy condition Glucose uptake [

10 work flow Scaled Subprofile Model PCA
based on a given group of subjects subjects 1….P subjects 1….P SSMPCA subject socres 1….P Group Invariant Subprofile (GIS) Subject Residual Profile SRP high-intensity voxels log-transformed voxels 1….N (N≈200000) data and pre-processing: D. Mudali, L.K. Teune, R. J. Renken, K. L. Leenders, J. B. T. M. Roerdink. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine. March 2015, Art.ID , 10p. and refs. therein

11 work flow ? Scaled Subprofile Model PCA
based on a given group of subjects applied to novel subject subjects 1….P test subjects 1….P SSMPCA subject socres 1….P Group Invariant Subprofile (GIS) Subject Residual Profile SRP high-intensity voxels log-transformed voxels 1….N (N≈200000) ? labels (condition) GMLVQ classifier prototypes and distance

12 example: HC vs. PD Healthy controls vs. Parkinson’s Disease
38 leave-one-out validation runs averaged… prototypes relevance matrix ROC of leave-one-out prediction (w/o z-score transform.)

13 example: HC vs. PSP Healthy controls vs. Progressive Supranuclear Palsy 35 leave-one-out validation runs, averaged… prototypes relevance matrix ROC of leave-one-out prediction (w/o z-score transform.)

14 performance comparison
GMLVQ NPC accuracies Decision tree (C4.5) using all PC Mudali et al. 2015 Note: maximum margin perceptron - aka SVM with linear kernel - (Matlab svmtrain) achieves performance similar to GMLVQ

15 four classes: HC / PD / MSA / PSP
leave-one-out confusion matrix for the four-class problem GM class acc. 77.8 % 65.0 % 64.7 % 76.2 % lin. (1 vs 1) class acc. 66.7 % 60.0 % 52.9 % 89.0 %

16 HC / PD / MSA / PSP GMLVQ MSA PD HC PSP visualization of training
data set in terms of the leading eigenvectors of Λ

17 diseases only: PD / MSA / PSP
leave-one-out confusion matrix for the three-class problem (1 vs 1) lin.

18 diseases only: PD / MSA / PSP
GMLVQ PD MSA visualization of training data set in terms of the leading eigenvectors of Λ PSP

19 discussion / conclusion
detection and discrimination of Parkinsonian syndromes: GMLVQ classifier and SVM clearly outperform decision trees decision trees serious limitations: small data set leave-one-out validation over-fitting accuracy is not enough: can we obtain better insight into the classifiers ?

20 outlook/work in progress
larger data sets optimization of the number of PCs used as features shown to improve decision tree performance potential improvement for other classifiers understanding relevances in voxel-space relevant PC hint at discriminative between-patient variability PCA: recent example: diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis based on cytokine expression [L. Yeo et al., Ann. of the Rheumatic Diseases, 2015]

21 links Pre- and re-prints etc.:
Matlab code: Relevance and Matrix adaptation in Learning Vector Quantization (GRLVQ, GMLVQ and LiRaM LVQ): A no-nonsense beginners’ tool for GMLVQ:

22 12/24/2017 Questions ?

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