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Robert D. Friedberg, Ph.D., ABPP, ACT

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1 Robert D. Friedberg, Ph.D., ABPP, ACT
Beyond alphabet soup: The need for transdiagnostic and unified CBT protocols for youth Robert D. Friedberg, Ph.D., ABPP, ACT

2 Agenda No alphabet soup for you: Why we need transdiagnostic unified approach Unified approaches Modular CBT MATCH-ADTC Unified Protocol for Youth

3 Alphabet Soup CBT for Dep CBT for OCD CBT for GAD CBT for PTSD

4 Why we need Transdiagnostic CBT for youth
Co-morbidity Caseloads of practitioners typically reflect severe co-morbidity and consequently they do not invest in single disorder protocols Complicated family circumstances (Chu, 2012) Targeting core mechanisms and common pathways increase possibility of generalization (Chu, 2012, Chu & Ehrenreich- May, 2013). Increased clinical flexibility (Chu & Ehrenreich-May, 2013)

5 Transdiagnostic approach
A transdiagnostic approach offers a comprehensive treatment package Integrated interventions target multiple problems; solves the multiple manual problem Transdiagnostic and unified protocols may better serve dissemination and training

6 Transdiagnostic approach
Based on (chu, 2012) Shared etiology Common pathways Similar maintaining processes

7 Common pathways to disorders (Chu & Ehrenreich-May, 2013
Cognitive Attention Memory Intolerance of uncertainty (Dugas & Ladouceur, 2000) Perception of control Thought suppression Rumination Perfectionism

8 Common pathways Emotional Interpersonal Community/Sociocultural
Hi Negative affect, low positive affect Experiential avoidance Interpersonal Family conflict Peers Community/Sociocultural Neighborhood influences Broader societal forces

9 Attentional pathways Diagnostic group Attentional pathway Panic
Catastrophic misinterpretation of normal bodily sensations Social anxiety Fear of negative evaluation, embarassment, scrutiny OCD Intrusive thoughts regarding responsibility for harm PTSD Hypervigilance to threat cues and reaction to past trauma GAD Vigilance to range of dangers, consequences of worrying Eating Dis Overconcern with body weight and shape Depression Overconcern with worth and acceptability

10 Memory Intrusive memories common to PTSD Social Phobia Agoraphobia
Body Dysmorphic Disorder Bipolar Disorder Major Depressive Disorder

11 A potential useful algorithm
Dudley, Kuyken, & Padesky, 2011 Transdiagnostic UP’s are useful when Single Disorder that is Not otherwise specified (NOS) or does not match protocol’s parameters Two or more co-morbid conditions

12 Modules and manuals Chorpita, Daleiden, & Weisz, 2005 Manuals
Specifies therapy content Operationalizes therapeutic procedure Specify a sequence to the operations Supports adherence checks Proliferation of many manuals with a select few disorders

13 Modules Modules Distill discrete techniques from manuals
Combine different techniques into conceptual categories based on shared common elements Creates meaningful units that have relationship between them

14 Modules Modules allow practitioners to make better use of outcome data
Can be responsive to individual variations Diagnosis Age Ethnicity Gender

15 MATCH-ADTC Weisz & Chorpita (2012)
Modular Approach to Therapy with Children and Adolescents with Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, and Conduct Problems Like a library of procedures Complete with flow charts, clinician guidance systems, scripts, materials, dashboard monitoring systems

16 MATCH-ADTC: Some components
Brief description of procedure Recommendation for individual/family Goals of procedure Materials needed Prompts for therapists Scripts Prompt to end session on positive note (“Leave em laughing”)

17 Examples of core procedures by problem area
Fear ladder Anx, Trauma Active ignoring Conduct Exposure Problem solving Depression Trauma narrative Trauma Psychoeducation Anx, Dep, Trauma, Conduct Pleasant activity scheduling Correcting cognitive errors

18 MATCH-ADTC: Clinical Information System
Yields Brief Problem Checklist which reports on “top” problems identified by parents (Chorpita et al., 2010) May also use broader measures such as the CBCL and/or the Stengths and Difficulties Questionnaires Records which modules were used and their effectiveness

19 Unified protocol for youth
Components of the UP (Ehrenreich-May & Bilek, 2012) Three common principles Altering antecedent cognitive reappraisals Handling threat perceptions Modifying negative attributional biases Preventing emotional avoidance Focusing on helping patients focus on uncomfortable emotions without avoidance Modifying action tendencies Encountering avoided behaviors, increasing approach Decreased distraction rumination, inhibition

20 Summary Transdiagnostic approaches serve Parsimony Training
More ecological valid patient care

21 THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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