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1. Multiply 2. Move the decimal

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Presentation on theme: "1. Multiply 2. Move the decimal"— Presentation transcript:

1 1. Multiply 2. Move the decimal
Multiplying Decimals 1. Multiply 2. Move the decimal

2 Multiply Decimals Step 1 --- Ignore the decimal
Step Rewrite the problem Step Multiply the problem Step Underline all numbers to the right of decimal(s) in original problem Step Move decimal that many places left in your answer

3 Steps 1 & 2 Ignore decimals and rewrite the problem 4 . 5 6 X 0 . 3 9
4 5 6 x

4 Step 3 Multiply problem without decimals 4 5 6 x 3 9 4 1 0 4

5 Step 4 x 0. 3 9 ---------------
Underline numbers to the right of decimals in original problem 4. 5 6 x ( 4 places)

6 Step 5 Move decimal that many places left in answer 4 5 6 x ( 4 places)


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