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Harry S. Truman 1945-1953.

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1 Harry S. Truman

2 Truman and the atomic bomb
FDR dies April 12, 1945 Truman becomes President Atomic Bomb dropped August 6, 1945

3 Truman’s “Get Tough” Style
Truman had a personality ill suited for diplomacy. He was brash, impatient, and direct. Truman constantly exaggerated, as when he declared that he had “knocked the socks off the communists” in Korea. After he met with Soviet officials he bragged that “I gave it to him straight ‘one-two to the jaw.” (the official had stormed out refusing to talk to Truman)

4 Scenario # 1 It is 1947 and the governments of Greece and Turkey are crumbling. Their instability makes it likely that the USSR will try to assert their influence and economic system (Communism) upon them. What should the US do?

5 Dollar Diplomacy The use of loans to gain political influence.
Under the Marshall Plan, the U.S. gave $12.4 billion to Western Europe. Read the ”Excerpts from the Truman Doctrine” and answer the analysis questions that follow.

6 Containment The Truman Doctrine is often called a policy of “containment,” discuss with your partner what you think that means. Containment: Numerous strategies used to prevent the spread of Communism throughout Europe and three rest of the world.

7 George Marshall Distinguished Military and Political career
Chief of Staff of US Army Secretary of State Secretary of Defense Delivers address at Harvard Graduation in which he outlines “The Marshall Plan.” Start at 5:53

8 The Truman Doctrine/Marshall Plan 4min.

9 Political Cartoon • What symbols are found in the political cartoon? What do they mean? • What is the overall message of the cartoon?

10 Germany: Post World War II
The USSSR controlled Germany for the purpose of reconstruction. Berlin was split into 2 parts East Berlin – Communist West Berlin – Capitalist

11 Scenario # 2 - Berlin Blockade
June 1948 France, Great Britain and USA control West Berlin Stalin calls The Marshall Plan “American Economic Imperialism.” Refuses to allow supplies from capitalist countries to enter West Berlin. What should the US respond?

12 The Berlin Airlift Within days Truman ordered American planes to begin flying supplies into West Berlin. Became joint effort of American British and French planes, code named “Vittles” 5, ,000 tons of cargo each day In total 2.3 Million tons of cargo delivered May 1949, USSR ended blockade 1961 Berlin Wall is constructed

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