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REVIEW AND EXTEND Complete the sheet found on your desk that compares the Magna Carta and the US Constitution. Put in Unit 1 Section of your notebook.

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Presentation on theme: "REVIEW AND EXTEND Complete the sheet found on your desk that compares the Magna Carta and the US Constitution. Put in Unit 1 Section of your notebook."— Presentation transcript:

1 REVIEW AND EXTEND Complete the sheet found on your desk that compares the Magna Carta and the US Constitution. Put in Unit 1 Section of your notebook.

2 The First English Colonies
How did the English government influence the US? Why did people settle the New World?

3 Colony- A group of people in a far off place ruled by a parent country

4 Before Europeans Native Americans (Indians)- the first people to live in the Americas Native Americans immigrated from Asia (Bering Strait) Native American life Emphasis on kinship & family rather than wealth & social class Native Tribes traded with one another (although land not traded)

5 Then Colonization of South America and Mexico…
Then Exploration… Then Colonization of South America and Mexico… Fur trading in present day Canada… Roanoke Colony / “The Lost Colony”-First attempt of English colonization Virginia Dare was the first child born of English parents in the New World

6 First 3 English Settlements
Jamestown Colony (1606)- first English Colony Charter given by King James; formed by a joint-stock company that wanted gold Nearly failed- bad location near swamps; little concern for planting crops; many died Survived because of Native Americans John Smith emerged as a strong leader Later developed into Virginia

7 First 3 English Settlements continued…
House of Burgesses- first legislature in present day America 2 delegates from each settlement in VA Males only could vote

8 First 3 English Settlements continued…
Plymouth Colony (1620)- founded by Separatist (Pilgrims) that wanted to separate from the Church of England Traveled to New England on the Mayflower Before landing signed the Mayflower Compact- equal laws for common good & first self-government in the New World Settled in present day Massachusetts Helped by Natives- First Thanksgiving William Bradford (one writer of Mayflower Compact) became governor

9 First 3 English Settlements continued…
Massachusetts Bay Colony (1628)- founded by Puritans that wanted to “purify” the Anglican Church Settled in Massachusetts north of Plymouth Colony; Salem, Massachusetts John Winthrop became governor of Massachusetts Bay; He wanted to set the standard for morals in the colonies “We shall be as a city upon a hill. The eyes of all people are upon us.”


11 New England Colonies Middle Colonies Southern Colonies Connecticut
Massachusetts New Hampshire Rhode Island Middle Colonies Delaware New Jersey New York Pennsylvania Southern Colonies Georgia Maryland North Carolina South Carolina Virginia

12 Types of Colonies Royal- Owned and managed by the royal government (King) Proprietary- King grants charter to one person who owns and governs the colony but still reports to the King Self-Governing/Joint-Stock- King grants charter to a company; the company sets up its own government, independent of King-Investors get partial ownership

13 Triangular Trade Triangular Trade- trade between the colonies, Europe (England), and Africa Colonies provided raw materials England provided finished products Africa provided slaves

14 Middle Passage Middle Passage- a portion of the triangular trade route where slaves were transported between Africa and the colonies

15 New England Colonies CT, MA, NH, RI
Many came for religious freedom for themselves (did not tolerate other religions) Puritans and Separatists RI first to accept all religions People settled in towns (small farms with equal land only); towns = town meetings (direct democracy) Industries- Fishing, fur trade, furniture & ship building (because of region’s forests) Good Natural Harbors- Shipping Industry Education, hard work, and obedience important in NEC

16 Middle Colonies DE, NJ, NY, PA Settled by the Dutch
Religious Freedom (William Penn and the Quakers) Accepted all religions Climate better for growing Large Family Farms and cash crops (wheat, oats, barley, potatoes)- “Breadbasket” Large Cities along the coast Population very diverse Mercantile System- more exports than imports

17 Southern Colonies MD, VA, NC, SC, GA
Large plantations/ economic opportunities in farming (long growing season and rich soil) Tobacco, rice, indigo Large number of slaves (indentured servants) MD created for Catholics GA created for poor debtors Little formal education Wealthy few controlled most of the land


19 Review Video As you watch, write down 5 to 7 things we did not discuss in class. Write this on a sheet of notebook paper or the same page as the chart we did as the start of class.

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