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SOMALILAND INVESTMENT FORUM FISHERIES SESSION Mansoor Hotel Hargeisa 20/9/2016 Sam Omer Ghedi.

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Sam Omer Ghedi

4 Investment Opportunities in the Fishery Sector of Somaliland
There are ample opportunities for any entrepreneur willing to invest in fisheries. These are:- 1. Underexploited/Unexploited fishery Resources The average annual value of the potential fish catch is estimated at US$32 million, (JNA, Productive Sectors Report, Sept,2007). Even though no reliable data is available, there is an estimated 40,000ton of fish that can be harvested annually without endangering the stock.

5 2. High demand for fish: Domestic and external
Local Markets In Somaliland, there is unmet demand for fish in local markets. This fact is evident from the daily sell-out of fish supply in both coastal and inland markets.

6 Fish Demand was estimated to be:- 94,526 tonne in 2015 and
Foreign Markets Ethiopian Markets Fish Demand was estimated to be:- 94,526 tonne in 2015 and 117,586 tonne in 2025 projected Current annual total fish production potential is estimated to be tonne. Unmet demand: tonne in 2015. Source: FAO report 2003

7 Djibouti: Djibouti’s fish market represents an obvious target for Somaliland fisheries’ products. Djibouti City hosts many foreign (mainly European and American) people who are there for different purposes. There are also: Yemen Market Dubai Market

8 Investment Opportunities con..d
Political will that supports sustainable fisheries exploitation. Long lasting Security situation. Existence of government institution that have been empowered to manage fisheries. Availability of Fisheries Act and Legislation that does not frighten the investor. Presence of investment law; Encourages foreign investors with tax free of all machinery and equipment for production of natural resources of Somaliland Some donors and partners are interested in assisting fisheries development in the country.

9 Overall Goal The overall fisheries sector goal is: Sustainably managed and economically viable fisheries that generate prosperity for the present and future generations. Sustainably managed fisheries sector, capable of: Providing fisheries employment opportunities Contributing to Gross Domestic Product, Contributing to national food security and Increasing foreign currency earnings from exports of fish

10 We are not close to achieving this goal.
Current fish production The production of Local fishermen is around metric Tons annually. There was offshore production of 1,045 Tons In 2015 This represents less than 2% of exploitable resources.

11 Question What is wrong? What is/are the problem/s? There are number challenges : Challenges vary:- Some of the challenges are common in all parts of the coast Some are confined to specific sites Challenges also vary in terms of severity Some could be addressed easily and in short time provided necessary inputs are available Some will require long time to overcome

12 Use of Low level of technology by artisanal fishing communities.
In availability of new technology Fishing communities are unaware of the existence of such tech. Challenges related to the use of technology

13 Cold storage facilities , Ice making machines,
Lack of /inadequate of Cold storage facilities , Ice making machines, landing sites facilities, lack of fish transport , Fish markets. Except Berbera town: most of the above facilities are not available in major fishing centres Problems related to missing Fisheries infrastructure along the coast

14 Lack of adequate investment in fisheries infrastructure and facilities for processing and marketing of fish and fishery products; Poor national economy. Ineffective participation of private sector Lack of access to finance and credit facilities; Problem with lack of Investment in fisheries

15 Problems related with the status of the coast
Coastal areas are underdeveloped: No roads, No electricity, No water Major populated towns are far from the coast.

16 Problems related with management of fisheries
Insufficient information on the resource base. Inadequate capacity to carry out research. Lack of fisheries extension service Lack of fisheries vocational training institutions. Illegal fishing Lack of capacity to monitor, Control and do Surveillance

17 Incomplete legal framework
Weak enforcement on Fisheries Legislation. Inadequate Fish Inspection and Quality Control mechanisms. Inadequate information on available markets and capacities

18 Problems /opportunity? Related with lack of piracy
PERHAPS: areas where piracy existed/exists receive more international assistance than that Somaliland gets. Is this a rewarded for having piracy? I don’t know . This does not mean we are trying to promote piracy , on the contrary. But we are just pointing out this is how things work .

19 Solutions to the challenges

20 Who is facing the these challenges
Who is facing the these challenges? The Ministry of Fisheries (central) District administrations Fishing communities Private sector Not a single party is responsible for addressing these challenges. Every stakeholder has responsibility and jointly these can be overcome

21 The ministry is trying to:-
To establish basic fisheries facilities in along the coast with in the 2 years. Reviewing and updating Fisheries Policy and Legislation. Strengthening the collaboration among key stakeholders The ministry is seeking support for the establishment of an effective mechanism to curb illegal fishing.

22 The ministry is trying to encourage the private sector with :-
Free duty fishing equipment Information Establishing PPP

23 The private sector role is to:
Invest in fisheries with technical advice from professionals or from the ministry. Fishing communities role is: To use resources sustainably To protect the resources and it’s environment from illegal fishing, from pollution.

24 In conclusion The fishing sector has promising future. Investors should be patient.

25 Finally I would like to thank to all those who are supporting the fishing sector technically, financially and morally. Some of them are: Our development partners like: Oxfam, FAO, SFF, GEEL, SHURAAKO, SDF and all those I could not list their names.

26 END Thank you for your attention Any Questions


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