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Warfarin, Your Days are Numbered!

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1 Warfarin, Your Days are Numbered!
Linda R. Kelly PharmD PhC CACP Pharmacy Anticoagulation Specialist Presbyterian Healthcare System

2 Objectives Identify and classify the available oral anticoagulants
Evaluate patient characteristics that would suggest using one product over another Design a plan for switching from one oral anticoagulant to another Manage oral anticoagulants in the peri- procedural period

3 Terminology VKA-Vitamin K Antagonist (warfarin)
DOAC-Direct Oral Anticoagulant TSOAC-Target Specific Oral Anticoagulant NOAC-Novel (or New or Non-vitamin K) Oral Anticoagulant

4 Resources

5 Available Direct Acting Oral Anticoagulants (DOACs)
Dabigatran Rivaroxaban Apixaban Edoxaban

6 DOAC Mechanism of Action
Inhibits Factor Xa Rivaroxaban Apixaban Edoxaban Direct Thrombin Inhibitor Dabigatran

7 DOAC Indications and Dosing
Focus on Venous Thromboembolism and Non-valvular Atrial Fibrillation

8 Meet Marge Marge is a 72 year old female with non-valvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF). She has been taking warfarin for stroke prevention. Her history also includes hypertension. What is her CHA2DS2- VASc score?

9 CHA2DS2-VASc Score

10 Marge Marge comes to see you about starting a new product, bringing you a souvenir from her latest excursion. What factors should be considered when planning to start or switch a patient to a DOAC?


12 DOAC Indications and Dosing
Rivaroxaban Apixaban 20 mg once daily with evening meal 5mg twice daily NVAF Rivaroxaban Apixaban 15 mg twice daily x 21 days 10 mg twice daily x 7 days 20 mg once daily with evening meal 5 mg twice daily DVT PE

13 DOAC Indications and Dosing
Dabigatran Edoxaban 150 mg twice daily 60 mg daily NVAF Dabigatran Edoxaban LMWH lead in x 5-10 days 150 mg twice daily 60 mg daily DVT PE

14 2.5 mg Apixaban twice daily**
DOAC Renal Dosing Rivaroxaban NVAF CrCl mL/min 15 mg once daily CrCl < 15 mL/min Use warfarin DVT/PE CrCl < 30 mL/min 2.5 mg Apixaban twice daily** NVAF Must meet 2 of the following Age 80 years or older Actual body weight 60 kg or less Serum Creatinine 1.5 mg/dL or greater **No dose reduction in DVT/PE patients. However, patients with SCr > 2.5 or CrCl < 25 mL/min not studied

15 DOAC Renal Dosing Dabigatran NVAF CrCl 15-30 mL/min 75mg bid
Use warfarin DVT/PE CrCl < 30 mL/min Edoxaban NVAF CrCl >95 mL/min DO NOT USE CrCl mL/min 30mg daily CrCl < 15mL/min Use warfarin DVT/PE

16 Use with caution- limited clinical experience
DOAC Hepatic Dosing Child- Pugh Class Rivaroxaban Apixaban A No Adjustment B Use warfarin Use with caution- limited clinical experience C Child- Pugh Score calculator can be found at PresNet Anticoagulation Oral Anticoagulants Rivaroxaban (Xarelto) Child-Pugh Classification Score

17 DOAC Hepatic Dosing Child- Pugh Class Dabigatran Edoxaban A
No Adjustment B Use Warfarin C Use warfarin Child- Pugh Score calculator can be found at PresNet Anticoagulation Oral Anticoagulants Rivaroxaban (Xarelto) Child-Pugh Classification Score

18 Drug Interactions Dabigatran: Rivaroxaban: Apixaban: Edoxaban
Substrate for p-glycoprotein Rivaroxaban: 51% CYP 3A4 metabolism Apixaban: 25% CYP 3A4 metabolism Edoxaban Minimal CYP 3A4 metabolism

19 Drug Interactions Common Interacting Classes
Anticonvulsants including barbiturates Antiretrovirals Antifungals Antiplatelet drugs and NSAIDS Your favorite drug interaction program is your best friend

20 Oral Anticoagulant Product Selection
Focus on Venous Thromboembolism and Non-valvular Atrial Fibrillation

21 Is a DOAC a Good Choice For Marge?
What should we consider before prescribing a DOAC?

22 DOAC Selection DVT of leg or PE with active cancer Pregnant
DVT of leg or PE without active cancer

23 Anticoagulant Selection
Valvular atrial fibrillation Valve replacement Myocardial infarction requiring dual antiplatelet therapy Breast feeding

24 Anticoagulant Selection
Valvular atrial fibrillation Valve replacement Myocardial infarction requiring dual antiplatelet therapy Pregnant or breast feeding Will the patient have trouble paying for a DOAC? Yes No Non-valvular atrial fibrillation Secondary VTE prevention VTE prophylaxis following knee/hip replacement surgery Does patient have CrCl < 30, mechanical heart valve, moderate to severe hepatic impairment (Child-Pugh B or C), significant drug-drug interactions6? Yes No

25 Anticoagulant Selection
Does patient have CrCl < 30, mechanical heart valve, moderate to severe hepatic impairment (Child-Pugh B or C), significant drug-drug interactions6? Patient/ Family Preference No Yes Patient Characteristics Favoring DOAC Highly like to be adherent with DOAC therapy and follow up plan Reliable to notify health care provider about changes to health and pertinent medical issues Confirmed ability to obtain DOAC on a longitudinal basis from a financial, insurance coverage and retail availability standpoint Unstable diet or malnutrition Frequent illness or health status changes Frequent medicine changes or need for medications that interact with warfarin but not with DOAC Frequent medical procedures with bleeding risk

26 Anticoagulant Selection
Patient/ Family Preference Drug 1 Older, more established Strong interaction with diet and other medications Reversible and easily monitored Frequent monitoring and dose changes often required Bridging may be required around procedures Higher risk of intracranial hemorrhage Drug 2 Newer, less familiar No diet interaction and fewer interactions with other medications Cannot easily monitor level of anticoagulation and reversal agent may not be readily available Frequent monitoring and dose changes not required Bridging NOT required around procedures Lower risk of intracranial hemorrhage

27 Drug affordability Warfarin $
Rivaroxaban, Apixaban, Dabigatran, Edoxaban $$$$ Commercial plans (not Medicare/ Medicaid) Patient copay Medicare Consider coverage gap TrOOP vs. Drug spend Use sample card and/or coupon Sample clinic Patient pay

28 Drug affordability- Medicare
Medicare coverage gap or “Donut Hole” Must pay deductible (PHS plan deductible= $0) Copay ~$45 per month Gap starts at $3700 total cost or “drug spend” This is copay + balance insurance pays In 2017, when in the gap patient pays ~51% cost for generic, ~40% for brand. Out of gap at $4,950 paid in out of pocket expenses True out of pocket cost= “TrOOP” Cost the patient sees, copay, coinsurance, spending during the coverage gap

29 Drug Affordability- Medicare
Example- Rivaroxaban alone Rivaroxaban total cost= $431.4 Rivaroxaban copay = $45 Will meet gap in 8.6 months ($3700) After gap, drugs cost = $ per month TrOOP ($4950 to get out of gap) $360 (on copays) before gap with no deductible $ (4 months in gap) Drug spend for catastrophic = $4950 After gap $21.57 (5%) (if patient is on other medications)

30 Drug Affordability- Medicare
Example – Warfarin alone Warfarin total cost $6 (5 mg per day x 30 days. ) Warfarin copay= $4 Will not meet gap with warfarin In the gap, warfarin cost approx $3 After gap will pay $1.60 per month

31 Patient Assistance Utilize patient savings cards Sample Cards
1st month free! Regardless of insurance plan. Copy Card $0 copay for commercial insurance Samples may be available

32 Patient selections takeaway
LMWH preferred in patients with active cancer DOAC preferred in patients with DVT/ PE NVAF European and Canadian guidelines recommend DOAC over warfarin, AHA/ACC/HRS guidelines do not recommend one over the other Must consider patient co-morbidities and ability to afford therapy

33 Is a DOAC a Good Choice For Marge?

34 Questions?

35 Oral Anticoagulant Switching

36 Enoxaparin TO/FROM DOAC
Stop old medication and start new medication when the next dose is due Abo-Salem J Thromb Thrombolysis (2014)

37 DOAC TO DOAC Stop DOAC 1 and start DOAC 2 when the next dose is due
Abo-Salem J Thromb Thrombolysis (2014)

38 DOAC to Warfarin/Warfarin to DOAC
Abo-Salem J Thromb Thrombolysis (2014)

39 Warfarin to DOAC Discontinue warfarin
Begin rivaroxaban when INR below 3.0 Begin dabigatran or apixaban when INR below 2.0

40 DOAC to warfarin Need overlap therapy until INR equal or above 2.0
May interfere with INR reading Must use DOAC trough for INR draw Make clear to the patient that they MUST go in for an INR draw right before next DOAC dose is due. OR LMWH Transition like normal LMWH bridge per PMG policy. Start LMWH when next DOAC dose due.

41 Anticoagulant Transitions
Warfarin to DOAC, DOAC to Warfarin ** INR < 3.0 for Rivaroxaban

42 How Does Marge Switch from Warfarin to Rivaroxaban?

43 Peri-Procedural Anticoagulation

44 Peri-procedural bridging
Avoid overlapping LMWH and DOACS Can the procedure be delayed until patient is not on anticoagulation therapy? Is the bleeding risk of procedure high enough to warrant DOAC interruption? Consult bleed risk tables. Can we delay procedure to increase time for elimination? DOAC elimination based on renal function. Resume DOAC after hemostasis is achieved Low bleed risk: 24 hours High bleed risk: hours.

45 MAPPP Online and App

46 Bleeding Risk

47 Peri-Operative Management
Drug Renal Function Low Bleeding Risk Surgery High Bleeding Risk Surgery Resumption of Therapy Low Bleeding Risk High Bleeding Risk Rivaroxaban T ½ = 8-9 hrs CrCl >50 mL/min Last dose: 2 days before procedure *Skip 2 doses Last dose: 3 days before procedure *Skip 3 doses Resume on day after procedure (24 h postop) Resume 2-3 days after procedure (48-72 h postop) T ½ = 9 hrs CrCl mL/min T ½ = 9-10 hrs CrCl mL/min Last dose: 4 days before procedure *Skip 4 doses

48 Peri-Operative Management
Drug Renal Function Low Bleeding Risk Surgery High Bleeding Risk Surgery Resumption of Therapy Low Bleeding Risk High Bleeding Risk Apixaban T ½ = 7-8 hrs CrCl >50 mL/min Last dose: 2 days before procedure *Skip 4 doses Last dose: 3 days before procedure *Skip 6 doses Resume on day after procedure (24h postop) Resume 2-3 days after procedure (48–72h postop) T ½ = hrs CrCl mL/min Last dose: 4 days before procedure *Skip 8 doses

49 Peri-Operative Management
Drug Renal Function Low Bleeding Risk Surgery High Bleeding Risk Surgery Resumption of Therapy Low Bleeding Risk High Bleeding Risk Dabigatran T ½ = hrs CrCl >50 mL/min Last dose: 2 days before procedure *Skip 4 doses Last dose: 3 days before procedure *Skip 6 doses Resume on day after procedure (24h postop) Resume 2-3 days after procedure (48-72h postop) T ½ = hrs CrCl mL/min Last dose: 4–5 days before procedure *Skip 8-10 doses

50 Peri-Operative Management
Drug Renal Function Low Bleeding Risk Surgery High Bleeding Risk Surgery Resumption of Therapy Low Bleeding Risk High Bleeding Risk Edoxaban T ½ = 6-11 hrs CrCl >50 mL/min Last dose: 2 days before procedure *Skip 2 doses Last dose: 3 days before procedure *Skip 3 doses Resume on day after procedure (24h postop) Resume 2-3 days after procedure (48-72h postop)

51 DOAC temporary interruption
Allow for 95% drug elimination prior to procedure (~5 drug half lives) Resume DOAC hours post procedure based on bleeding risk

52 Case Study: MR. JF Creatinine Clearance is about 60ml/min

53 Case Study: Mr. JF

54 Bleeding Risk

55 Peri-Operative Management
Drug Renal Function Low Bleeding Risk Surgery High Bleeding Risk Surgery Resumption of Therapy Low Bleeding Risk High Bleeding Risk Dabigatran T ½ = hrs CrCl >50 mL/min Last dose: 2 days before procedure *Skip 4 doses Last dose: 3 days before procedure *Skip 6 doses Resume on day after procedure (24h postop) Resume 2-3 days after procedure (48-72h postop) T ½ = hrs CrCl mL/min Last dose: 4–5 days before procedure *Skip 8-10 doses

56 Overview DOACS used for DVT/PE and NVAF
Double check dosing for drug/ indication DOACS may not be the best option for everyone Consider your patient and their preferences DOACS come with added cost, but help is available We can transition between drug classes with monitoring DOAC temporary interruption AKA “peri-procedural bridging” is possible. Be aware of procedure bleeding risk and patient risk factors. Do not overlap LMWH with DOACS

57 Questions?

58 References
Antithrombotic Therapy For Vte Disease: Chest Guideline And Expert Panel ReportKearon C, Akl EA, Ornelas J, et al.Chest. 2016;149(2): doi: /j.chest Abo-salem E, Becker R. Transitioning to and from the novel oral anticoagulants: a management strategy for clinicians. J Thromb Thrombolysis. 2014;37(3): Connolly SJ, Milling TJ, Eikelboom JW, et al. Andexanet Alfa for Acute Major Bleeding Associated with Factor Xa Inhibitors. N Engl J Med ;375(12): Burnett AE, Mahan CE, Vazquez SR, Oertel LB, Garcia DA, Ansell J. Guidance for the practical management of the direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) in VTE treatment. J Thromb Thrombolysis. 2016;41(1): Rechenmacher SJ, Fang JC. Bridging Anticoagulation: Primum Non Nocere. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2015;66(12): Management of Anticoagulation in the Peri-Procedural Period Thrombosis Canada. New/ Novel oral anticoagulants (NOACS): Peri-Operative Management

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