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eGrant changes 2017 PAFPC
Consolidated Application
LEA Plan Assurances ESSA requires several assurances for all LEAs
Offering well rounded education Identify students that are at risk of failing Provide educational assistance to meet the challenging state academic standards Identify and implement instructional and other strategies to improve school conditions for student learning
LEA Plan Assurances
Funding Accountability and Transparency form (FAAT)
Federal Funding Accountability Transparency Act Embedded in the application No longer an upload
FAAT form
Title I changes
Targeted Assistance Focus on well rounded education; using methods and instructional strategies to strengthen the academic program; and use of funds for dual or concurrent enrollment Added assurances that the school will: Provide accelerated, high-quality curriculum Minimize the removal of students from their regular classroom for Title I instruction Review the progress of Title I children and the Title I program
Targeted Assistance
Parent and Family Engagement
New assurances LEA Parent and Family Engagement (PFE) Policy revised and disseminated to parents and family members LEA notifies parents at the beginning of the school year that they can request the qualifications (Right to Know letter) of the teachers and paraprofessionals If the LEA receives $500,000 or more and funds remain at the LEA level, must explain how the funds will be used. Describe how the funds distributed to the schools will be used.
Parent and Family Engagement
Parent and Family Engagement
If LEA is required to reserve 1%, must use funds on one of five activities and/or strategies Professional Development Supporting PFE programs Disseminating information Collaborating or providing subgrants Other activities included in the PFE policy Assurances for the school level School PFE policy reviewed and disseminated to parents and family members Coordination of programs Training material to parents
Parent and Family Engagement
Transitions and Coordination
Separated from Homeless section Added questions for LEA to describe how they will transition students from early education to elementary; middle to high school; and high school to post-secondary. Transition plans will be required for all Title I schools.
Transitions and Coordination
Homeless Children and Youth
Added method used to determine set aside How the homeless liaison was consulted in determining set aside
Foster Care Transportation Procedures
Ensure that, if there are additional costs incurred in providing transportation to the school of origin, LEAs will provide transportation if: The local CCYA agrees to reimburse the LEA; The LEA agrees to pay the cost; or The LEA and local (CCYA) agree to share the cost; or The LEA of origin, LEA of residence, and the placing CCYA agree to share the cost. LEA assures they will collaborate with local County Children and Youth Agency (CCYA) to: Develop and implement clear written procedure for how transportation will be provided, arranged, and funded for the duration of the time in foster care. Procedures must ensure that children will properly receive transportation in a cost-effective manner in accordance with the Fostering Connections Act
Foster Care Transportation procedure assurances:
Foster Care LEAs will designate a POC for the corresponding CCYA, if the CCYA notified the LEA, in writing, that it has designated a POC. Point of Contact Requirement:
Non-public Verification Form
Includes new requirements This form will be uploaded to eGrants by the LEA Applications will not be processed until this form has been uploaded
Non-public Type of Instructional Service updated to include ESSA changes Service Provider choices changed
Neglected and Delinquent
Sec. 1414: (SA Applications ) What’s New! Describes how the SA will, to the extend feasible: Assist in transition “from correctional facilities to locally operated programs” is now “between correctional facilities and locally operated programs.” Provide new assurances on a.) procedures to ensure timely re-enrollment/re-entry ; b.) opportunities for students to participate in credit-bearing coursework. Note when a youth has come into contact with both the child welfare and juvenile justice systems; and Deliver services and interventions designed to keep such youth in school that are evidence-based (to the extent a State determines that such evidence is reasonably available). Providing targeted services for youth who have come in contact with both the child welfare system and juvenile justice system
Neglected and Delinquent
Data Entry Wizard
Homeless Children and Youth
All LEAs must set aside in the Reservation of Funds to support homeless children and youth
Foster Care Transportation and Title I
Title I funds is an allowable funding source for transportation, although funds reserved for comparable services for homeless children and youth may not be used for transportation.
Carryover and Transferability
Combined in one section Transferability narrative
Parent Engagement Set Aside
Applies to LEAs that receive $500,000 and more 90% distributed to schools Amount distributed to schools for PFE set aside
Non-public Calculation for Equitable Share
Calculated BEFORE any expenditures eGrants does the calculation PD and Summer School shares eliminated PFE and Administrative costs taken out of NP set aside PFE is taken from the NP set aside but calculated on the entire amount…this is from the guidance. The LEA applies the proportionate share percentage for services to private school students in question to determine how much it must spend for parent and family engagement activities for the families and parents of eligible private school students. An LEA may reserve an amount that is reasonable and necessary to administer equitable services.
1 2 3 4 5 Agency/LEA Test District Wizard Step Reservation of Funds 1
Total Funds Transferred From Title IIA and Title IVA $0 Now includes Title IV 2 Title I Funds Available $0.00 Will no longer decrease as set asides are entered TITLE I TITLE IIA Other Other Source Parent Involvement * (Set Aside Requirements) $0 Distributed Parent Involvement Amount $0 20% School Intervention Set Aside $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Homeless 3 Validation removed due to Non-Public Equitable Share Calculation Audit $0 Community Day Programs $0 Indirect Cost $0 District-Wide Professional Development $0 Pupil Transportation $0 Pre-School Programs $0 Program Evaluation $0 Salary and Fringe Benefits Differentials $0 Summer and Intersession Programs $0 State and Federal Liaison $0 Homeless and/or Foster Transportation $0 4 New set aside Homeless and/or Foster Liaison $0 5 Updated label Nonpublic Administration Costs $0
Back to Grant Application
State and Federal Liaison $0 Nonpublic Administration Costs $0 6 TOTAL $0 $0 $0 Removing Totals Previous Next Save Validate Back to Grant Application
1 2 Agency/LEA text Wizard Step Selection of Schools 4 Title I Ranking
Use the table to adjust Total Funds allocations for each building and click Recalculate Funds to update the totals. 1 Removing now obsolete columns Building Category Low Income % Ranking Eligibility Low Income Public Students Low Income Non-Public Students Per Pupil Amount Total Public Funds Total Non Public Funds Total Funds FTE = Total Allocation – Neglected Funds + Transfers + Carryover (if redistributed) Total Funds Available $0.00 Non-Public Equitable Share $0.00 = Non-Public Equitable Share % * (Total Allocation – Neglected Funds + Transfers) Non-Public Set Asides $0.00 = Non-Public Equitable Share % * Parent Involvement + Non-Public Administrative Costs Public Set Asides $0.00 = (100% - Non-Public Equitable Share %) * Parent Involvement + Public Set Asides Public Funds Available $0.00 = Total Funds Available - Non-Public Equitable Share - Public Set Asides Amount Distributed $0.00 = Sum of Total Funds column Amount Remaining $0.00 = Public Funds Available – Funds Distributed (on SOS 4 table) 2 Displaying additional values to better demonstrate calculations that are taking place Previous Mark Section Complete Save Validate Recalculate Funds
SOS Summary Display – Step 5
Neglected Entitlement $0.00 Total Public Low Income Funds (Estimated) $259,336.00 Total Non-Public Low Income Funds (Estimated) $0.00 Total Public Share of Parent Involvement Set Asides $0.00 Total Non-Public Share of Parent Involvement Set Asides $0.00 Non-Public Per Pupil Amount $0.00 1 New value for informational purposes NEW = (100% - Non-Public Equitable Share %) * Parent Involvement Set Asides 2 Existing value with calculation change UPDATE = Non-Public Equitable Share % * Parent Involvement Set Asides 3 New value for informational purposes NEW = Total Non-Public Low Income Funds / No. of Served Non-Public Low Income students 4 Removed “Total Non-Public Share of Summer School Set Asides 5 Removed “Total Non-Public Share of Professional Development Set Asides
Title II – Supporting Effective Instruction Changes
Program description Expanding all allowable activities
Program description Describe how title II activities will be aligned to state standards If used for CSR, provide summary of number of teachers hired and grades targeted Summary of the results of the equity plan implementation and any identified areas of equity gaps.
Assurances New assurances
PD and CSR activities are evidence based and expected to improve student achievement Title II activities used to eliminate achievement gap Equity Plan Title II activities are data driven LEA coordinates title II funds with other local, state, and federal funds
Title IIA Equitable Non-public Share
ESSA requires non-public consultation to include “how, where, and by whom the services will be provided.” Non-public allocations will be calculated in your application Amount reserved for administration and indirect costs claimed to administer both the district and non-public programs________ LEA 5-17 enrollment_______ Total non-public enrollment________ Resulting proportionate share due to non-public schools______ Per-pupil amount_________ Remaining Title IIA allocation reserved for your district________ Describe how the funds will be used
Title IIA Equitable Non-public Share
Title II Part A allocations are subject to a non-public equitable share requirement. This share is calculated based on a proportionate share of your total allocation. For instance, if you have 100 students that would have attended your district but have chosen to attend a non-public school, the share you would owe the non-public schools would be 10% of your allocation if your district enrollment is 1000. Charter schools are exempt from this equitable share requirement and may mark the section complete without entering data. School District Name Total Allocation Administration Cost Including Indirect Costs (Total of Public and Non-Public) Total LEA 5-17 Enrollment Non-Public Enrollment Non-Public Ratio Non-Public Share of Total Allocation Public Allocation Non-Public Per Pupil Amount
Title III - Language Instructions for English Learners
Assurances No changes to Title III - Language Instruction for Immigrant Students Parent and Family Engagement assurances LEA provides and implements effective strategies including parent and family engagement Parents notified within 30 days of the start of school or two weeks after a child is placed in the program If LEA fails to meet AMAOs
Title IV - Student Support and Academic Enrichment
Assurances If receive over $30,000 need to check assurances
20% of allocation of well rounded education opportunities 20% safe and healthy students Some on effective use of technology Comply with section Complete report of how funds are used
Assurances Assures prioritization of the distribution of funds to schools If reserving up to 2% for direct administrative costs, describe use of funds
Narratives Describe use of funds spent towards well rounded educational opportunities Describe use of funds spent toward safe and healthy students Describe use of funds spent towards effective use of technology
Well Rounded Educational Opportunities
Select how the funds will be spent on Well-Rounded Education Opportunities Describe the program
Safe and Healthy Students
Select how the funds will be spent towards safe and healthy students Describe the program
Effective Use of Technology
Select how the funds will be spent on the effective use of technology Describe the program Assurance – not more than 15% used for technology infrastructure
Performance Goals Instructions updated to clarify student achievement and other performance goals.
Performance Goals
eSignature PDE needs copy of resolutions signed by the Board authorizing one person in the LEA to have the eSignature capability to sign off on grants and applications on behalf of the LEA Superintendents, IU Executive Directors, Charter School CAO/CEOs Legal office will review resolutions and persons named. Upon approval, the eGrants team will set that person up with the eSignature capability in the new system.
eSignature New Superintendent/CEO/Executive Director
eSignature rights do not transfer to another person Need to go through process on previous slide for eSignature rights Contact PDE to have an individual’s eSignature access removed Contact your RC for the link to the board resolution template. Information from Terri Porter regarding eSig for “new” people: They will need to submit a new resolution for any newly-appointed superintendent/CEO--even if it is an Acting or Interim Sup/CEO, if they wish for that person to have e-signature authority until a new Sup/CEO is hired. Also, they should be notifying us if they wish to have an individual’s e-signature access removed until we receive the new/updated resolution.
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