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UNIT 6 u oo oul.

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Presentation on theme: "UNIT 6 u oo oul."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNIT 6 u oo oul

2 I can recognise graphemes quickly and say the phoneme to match.
Day 1 What we’re learning: We are learning to match some sounds and letters together to help us read harder words. How did we do? I can recognise graphemes quickly and say the phoneme to match.

3 u oul oo

4 What’s Missing? wr u oi oo ce ow oul oo

5 Piggy Bank u oo se oul ph oo wr ou rr u rr oul

6 oul se y wr ss oi r p oul ce f ph oo u ff c
I know my phonemes! oul se y wr ss oi r p oul ce f ph oo u ff c

7 I can read at least ten new words quickly and automatically.
Day 2 What we’re learning: We are learning to match some sounds and letters together to help us read harder words. How did we do? I can read at least ten new words quickly and automatically.

8 u oul oo

9 u p put u t

10 oo foot f oo t

11 oul could c oul d

12 u full f u ll

13 oo oops oo p s

14 oul would w oul d

15 u bull b u ll

16 oo brook b r oo k

17 oul should sh oul d

18 u pull p u ll

19 oo s soot oo t

20 oul would w oul d

21 u bully b u ll y

22 oo woollen w oo ll e n

23 u bull b u ll

24 oul could c oul d


26 Day 3 What we’re learning: We are learning to read sentences fluently.
How did we do? I can read at least 6 sentences quickly and fluently.   

27 u oul oo

28 Reading with Expression

29 Model Sentences She took the book to read. Brad is a bully!
“Look at all that wood” said Ben. Oops! I broke the plate.

30 Enter the Castle

31 She took that book.

32 He is good at reading.

33 Should you wear that hood?

34 Would you pull that rope?

35 Little Red Riding Hood is hiding.

36 The bull hates the red cape.

37 I can spell at least 10 new words.
Day 4 What we’re learning: We are learning to listen for all the phonemes in a word and write a letter or letters for each one. How did we do?   I can spell at least 10 new words.

38 u oul oo

39 Spelling Say the word to yourself. “brook” Stretch it out. “b r oo k”
Count the phonemes. There are four phonemes in brook. Let’s count them on our fingers. Draw a line for each phoneme on your whiteboard. __ __ __ __ Write a letter(s) to represent each phoneme. __ __ __ __ b r oo k 39

40 pull woollen should p u ll w oo ll e n sh oul d
Remember to stretch out the word. Count the phonemes and then represent each phoneme. pull p u ll woollen w oo ll e n should sh oul d

41 u

42 bull

43 oo

44 wool

45 oul

46 could

47 u

48 helpful

49 oo

50 book

51 oul

52 would

53 u

54 bully

55 oo

56 oops

57 oul

58 should

59 oo

60 hood

61 u oo oul put book could bull good would pull nool should full puff
Katherine – im not sure if this slide should be deleted?? bully oops brook

62 Looking Good Grid

63 Spelling put book would should bully woollen hood could wood stood

64 Day 5 What we’re learning:
We are learning to spell new words and write sentences. How did we do?  I can write 6 sentences with a capital letter and end punctuation.

65 u oul oo

66 Write a Sentence Say the the sentence out loud. “I should look at the bull.” Count the words with your fingers and draw a line under each word. ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ The first word is I. Let’s write it. The second word is should. I will use oul because the word ends with d. The next word is look and its easy to spell. At and the are also easy to spell. For the last word, bull, I will use u because bull ends in ll. Let’s check our sentence. Have we got a capital letter and a full stop? I think we should read it together.

67 Writing Sentences She took that book.
Picture and sentence cards: picture followed by sentence… picture stays… words appear then dissapear…kids write and then sentence comes back 67

68 Would you pull that rope?

69 You have soot on your foot.

70 Oops! I broke the plate.

71 Brad is a big bully!

72 He looks in the cookbook.

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