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Powerschool Attendance and Gradebook

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Presentation on theme: "Powerschool Attendance and Gradebook"— Presentation transcript:

1 Powerschool Attendance and Gradebook
Passaic City Public Schools Elementary, Middle, and High School Attendance/Gradebook

2 Passaic PowerTeacher Implementation
Grades 7-12: Attendance and Grades (not just report cards and progress reports) Grades K-6: Attendance Some schools w/electronic report cards; some without Attendance and Grades – All schools Parent portal activated

3 Passaic Home page  PowerSchool  PowerTeacher
Classroom Attendance Taking classroom attendance in Teacher Grade Book Online Passaic Home page  PowerSchool  PowerTeacher OR

4 Passaic Home page  PowerSchool  PowerTeacher OR http://passaic

5 Login firstname lastname

6 PowerTeacher Attendance

7 After opening your teacher gradebook you will click on the
chair to access the student information

8 If all students are present just click Submit.

9 If any students are absent you will need to change the Current Attendance Code to Absent from the drop down menu. Then click in the box next to the absent students name.

10 When you click in the box next to the student’s name the number 1 will appear. This is correct for counting an absence by the computer. Do not try and change it. DO NOT FORGET TO SUBMIT WHEN YOU ARE DONE! When you are done LOG OUT!!!!!

11 PowerTeacher Menu Please note the change on the menu.

12 PowerTeacher Gradebook
To open the Gradebook click on the gradebook link in the menu

13 PowerTeacher Gradebook
You will be asked to Launch the Gradebook, click on the blue button

14 Gradebook is web-based and needs to start a Java Applet

15 Web-based programs have security click on Trust

16 Choose the School Year

17 Choose the Class

18 Students Tab to see Roster

19 Assignments Tab

20 Click on a student to get info

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