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CORE KARES Lesson Plan Sept. 21, 2015

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1 CORE KARES Lesson Plan Sept. 21, 2015
Today we will have our students reflect upon their first quarter final grade report and create an academic action plan for the second quarter. In addition to their CORE notebooks, students will also need a copy of “Passport to My Future, Academic Action Plan” (attached to ). Back-to-back copies are recommended for this form. Here are the steps: Follow the procedure on the next slide to print each of your CORE CARES students’ first quarter progress grade reports. Please have this done prior to class! Distribute grade reports to each student and have them enter their grades on the “Passport to My Future, My Report Card Progress.” Students should complete both sides of the form and also calculate their Trend Points, which is on the bottom of the first side of the form. Trend points (+ or -) are simply the difference between the previous and current GPA. For example, if the previous GPA was 2.8 and the current GPA is 3.0, then the trend points are +.2 . How do students calculate a “P” or “NC” grade? As per our previous GPA-calculating activity, it is recommended that you exclude those grades and also reduce the number of total grades accordingly in the calculation.  For example, if a student has two “P” grades out of seven classes, then have that student calculate his/her GPA by adding up the five quality points from the other classes and then divide by 5 (instead of 7).  In this way, he/she will still accurately calculate their GPA for their five graded classes. Please collect and keep this form for future academic reflections! For today’s final activity, students will reflect upon their academic progress and set realistic goals for the second quarter. Please assist them as they complete both sides of “Passport to My Future, Academic Action Plan.” You may choose to collect and evaluate this form after completion.

2 Procedure to Print Individualized Student Grade Reports:
For this to work you MUST open Synergy in the Internet Explorer program.  1. Log into synergy and bring up your seating chart for your CORE class. 2. Left click the first student on your roster and chose “Grade BOOK” 3. Using the choices in blue on the left choose “All Classes”. Using the pull down menu where you choose which class to look at change it on the right to “P1” under “Periods. Right click the page and choose “Print Preview” and change the pull down menu on the right from “Shrink to Fit” to “50%” Now print the report. To change the student use the little pull down menu under the student picture.

3 Please show your students the remainder of this PowerPoint and have them complete the activities that it requires.

4 My Report Card Progress, Page 1
Today we will calculate and complete this section only!



7 My Report Card Progress, Page 2
Today we will shade in this section only!

8 In today’s final activity, we will reflect upon our academic progress and set some realistic goals for the second quarter. Be honest with yourself as you identify last quarter’s obstacles! This helps to create a more realistic and attainable goal for the second quarter.



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