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Welcome to Year 4 Mrs Hover and Mrs Leake

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 4 Mrs Hover and Mrs Leake"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 4 Mrs Hover and Mrs Leake
Please sign in and take a seat. We will be starting shortly.

2 Teaching Assistants Mrs Ross Mrs Rustom

3 Don’t forget the website!
There’s a lot to take in so the Powerpoint plus other information will be available on the website…

4 Curriculum Summary Key assessment criteria:
We are assessing the children weekly (English, Maths & Science) and regularly in other subjects, building up a picture of their understanding. We then use our assessments to report on your child’s attainment at the end of the year. Working towards (WTS) At the expected standard (EXS) Working deeper in the standard (GDS)

5 English Reading Speaking & Listening Writing SPAG Handwriting
Quality texts - a hook! ‘Gorilla’ by Anthony Browne. Leading to work on endangered animals and conservation (Cross curricular links with Art, Science, PSHE and Geography topic)

6 English We teach Reading through:
Texts in English & other subjects, Guided Reading and class book - ‘Author of the Month’ Word reading Attitudes to reading Understanding reading Discussing, explaining and evaluating the texts Home Learning: Links on the class page to websites with recommended books including audio CDs

7 Maths There is a focus on using and applying skills, problem solving and reasoning skills throughout all areas – WEEKLY CHALLENGE All children need to have learned up to and including 12 x 12 times tables by the end of Year 4. Home Learning: x tables and link on the class page to websites/apps – focus on mental calculations for + - x ÷

8 Animals including Humans
Science Electricity All Living Things Sound States of Matter Animals including Humans

9 Feedback Increasingly in Year 4, children will be expected to edit and review their own work. This may lead to reduced amounts of teacher feedback after the lesson is over but an increased amount when the lesson is taking place. Books may look a little different by parents’ evening!

10 Broad and balanced curriculum
History & Geography, R.E, Art & Design, Design & Technology, Computing, P.E, Music, PSHE Year 4 – big emphasis on increasing the children’s independence and we teach them how to ‘problem solve’ if they don’t understand how to do something straight away. e.g. Working Wall – strategies, examples, Maths equipment, dictionaries & thesauruses, prompts

11 PPA Cover/PE Autumn Term 1 Sports Provider:
Football - Rob Oakley (Tuesday) PPA Cover: French – Kathy Mabbott (Wednesday) PSHE – Jane Turnbull (Friday) Autumn Term 2 Games – Kathy Mabbott (Wednesday) Gymnastics – Ron Bell (Friday) Please make sure the children bring their PE kit in on a Monday and leave it in until Friday as other opportunities sometimes pop up!

12 A Typical Week in Year 4 The bulk of the English and Maths will be covered in the first three days of the week. Mental maths and times tables tests will be on a Friday however, as will the spelling test. Guided Reading takes place on a Thursday so Reading Records need to be in school then and there is an opportunity to exchange reading books. Music for Life is a great feature of Year 4! This happens on a Monday afternoon. Science and Topic also feature later in the week.

13 Information Lunches & Snack- children need to have made their selections by Sunday night for school dinners but snack money continues to be handed in on Monday. Residential – This is scheduled for Beeston in May 2017 so information about that will follow in due course. Job share – We communicate on a regular basis so don’t feel you tell both of us everything, we hope we will tell each other!

14 Contact
Please always feel free to come and speak to us or alternatively our s are:

15 Please send your child in with a labelled water bottle
Please label everything else! Fresh fruit may be brought in for snack break Please phone school if pick up arrangements change

16 Homework Reading- Reading remains a priority as far as homework is concerned. Your child will be reminded to change his/her book regularly. Please try to read with your child everyday if possible and record it in their records. Children will be given a colour band to choose reading books from. This will be assessed regularly. Please do not worry about band colours-it is not a race! It is much more important that you child is enjoying their reading and improving their comprehension skills. Questions after they have read can help this!

17 Homework Spelling- I will send home a weekly spelling list of words on a Friday. The children will be tested on the following Friday, they will be listed each week on the website. Homework – Sometimes one piece of work will be set on a Friday due in the following Wednesday. However to introduce some flexibility, some weeks will be selected by the student off the Creative Curriculum and shared the following Friday.

18 Times Tables Children need to learn every times table by the end of Year 4. Practice at home is vital. Times tables will be tested once a week. Extension – children can begin to learn corresponding division facts.

19 Many thanks for coming this evening.
We are really looking forward to teaching your children. Any questions?

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