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Why does Croydon Exist? WOW: Trip to Croydon Airport Museum LC1

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1 Why does Croydon Exist? WOW: Trip to Croydon Airport Museum LC1
Why do we have an airplane outside a Croydon Hotel? LC2 What role did the Spitfire have in the Croydon area? LC3 Who are the famous people who lived in Croydon? LC4 Why is our school called Forest Academy? LC5 How could we persuade people to live in Croydon? Reflection Outcome An Art Gallery showcasing their lino prints. Money raised will go towards a local charity voted for by the children. Literacy Links: Tuesday by David Weisner . Two Week – Descriptive Writing Three Weeks – Chronological Report (Newspaper) Creative Arts Link: Pupils to create prints of the school environment. Forest Academy

2 Year 4 : Why does Croydon Exist?
Literacy Art Computing Pupils will be: -identifying the audience for and purpose of the writing, selecting the appropriate form and using other similar writing as models for their own -noting and developing initial ideas, drawing on reading and research where necessary writing narratives, considering how authors have developed characters and settings in what pupils have read, listened to or seen performed. Pupils will evaluate the effectiveness of their writing by: proposing changes to vocabulary, grammar and punctuation to enhance effects and clarify meaning ensuring the consistent and correct use of tense throughout a piece of writing ensuring correct subject and verb agreement when using singular and plural, distinguishing between the language of speech and writing and choosing the appropriate register proof-read for spelling and punctuation errors Sketch Books Do they use their sketch books to adapt and improve their original ideas? Do they keep notes about the purpose of their work in their sketch books? Drawing Can they explain why they have chosen specific materials to draw with? Printing Can they print using at least four colours? Can they create an accurate print design? Can they print onto different materials? E-safety Follow the school’s safer internet rules. Use different search engines Recognise that information on the internet may not be accurate or reliable and may be used for boas, manipulation or persuasion. Understand that the internet contains fact, fiction and opinion and begin to distinguish between them. Use strategies to verify information, e.g. cross-checking. Understand the need for caution when using an internet search for images and what to do if they find an unsuitable image. Understand that the outcome of internet searches at home may be different than at school. Forest Academy

3 Year 4 : Why does Croydon Exist?
LC 1 Why do we have an airplane outside a Croydon Hotel? LC 2 What role did the Spitfire have in the Croydon area? Using photographs of the airplane, children investigate why the airplane is there. They will use old and new photographs to help answer this question. Children will start reading ‘Tuesday’ making predictions about what will happen next and writing descriptions of the events. Children will research the ‘Spitfire’ using a variety of evidence such as photographs, text based resources and the Internet and they are to create a fact file about their research. Children will continue to read ‘Tuesday’ and write and draw the next part of the story, for example What happens next? LC 3 Who are the famous people who lived in Croydon? LC 4 Why is our school called Forest Academy? Children will research famous people who lived in Croydon both during the war and more recently. They could present their research in their own chosen format. For example, poster, power point, fact file. Using real newspapers children identify the features of a newspaper. They will make headlines, by-lines and learn how to use alliteration Children will find out about their school by asking relatives and staff members who used to go to the school. They will learn how to be roving reporters by interviewing these people. Children will be taught how to write a short newspaper report about ‘Tuesday’ LC 5 How could we persuade people to live in Croydon? LC 6 A Historical Magazine on Croydon, including adverts. Children will compare and contrast adverts from the past and the present. They will look at the persuasive features used. They will design an advert for their newspaper. Children gather together all their facts and information and make their magazine. In mixed ability groups assign roles and tasks for group members. Forest Academy

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