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Text and Personal Experiences

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Presentation on theme: "Text and Personal Experiences"— Presentation transcript:

1 Text and Personal Experiences
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Review Opening 5 minutes Classroom Norms (PBIS) NAPLAN Practice Lessons Activity 5 (continued) Spelling & Grammar 15 minutes Spelling Picture Dictionary: compare, setting, plot Grammar Workbook: ACELA1492 Use quotation marks. p. 1 Grammar Workbook: ACELA1493 Identify prepositional phrases. p. 2 Reading Fluency 30 minutes Selection from ACELT1603 Compare text to personal experience. p. 3 ACELY1692 Read book of your choosing. Selection from ACELT1603 Respond to text. Term 3 book p. 70 Lessons 100 minutes ACELT1603 Compare text to personal experience. ACELT1602 Compare similar stories. p. 64 ACELY1696 Handwriting Workbook ACELT1603 Compare text to personal experience. (continued) ACELA1491 Use transitions. p. 58 ACELA1495 Determine the function of adverbial phrases. p. 52 ACELT1603 Respond to text.

2 Persuasive Text Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 Review
Opening 5 minutes Classroom Norms (PBIS) NAPLAN Practice Lessons Activity 5 (continued) Spelling & Grammar 15 minutes Spelling Picture Dictionary: rewrite, familiar, attributes Grammar Workbook: ACELY1694 Write compound sentences. p. 4 Grammar Workbook: ACELA1494 Identify direct and indirect speech. p. 7 Reading Fluency 30 minutes Selection from ACELT1607 Rewrite a familiar story. p. 5 p. 8 ACELY1692 Read book of your choosing. Lessons 100 minutes ACELT1607 Rewrite a familiar story. ACELT1603 Compare text to personal experience. ACELY1696 Handwriting Workbook pp. 4-5 ACELT1607 Rewrite a familiar story. (continued) ACELT1603 Respond to text. Term 3 book p. 71 pp. 6-7

3 Quiz 1 Persuasive Text Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 Day 14 Day 15 Review
Opening 5 minutes Classroom Norms (PBIS) NAPLAN Practice Lessons Activity 6 Spelling & Grammar 15 minutes Spelling Picture Dictionary: recognise, describe, historical Grammar Workbook: ACELA1495 Determine the function of prepositional phrases. p. 8 Grammar Workbook: ACELT1694 Identify complex sentences. p. 9 Reading Fluency 30 minutes Selection from ACELT1603 Compare text to personal experience. p. 4 Selection from ACELT1602 Compare similar stories. Term 3 book p. 65 Selection from ACELT1607 Rewrite a familiar story. ACELY1692 Read book of your choosing. Lessons 100 minutes ACELY1686 Recognise the attributes of historical media. ACELT1603 Compare text to personal experience. ACELY1696 Handwriting Workbook pp. 8-9 ACELY1686 Recognise the attributes of historical media. (continued) ACELT1602 Compare similar stories. ACELT1607 Rewrite a familiar story. pp.10-11 Quiz 1

4 Persuasive Text Day 16 Day 17 Day 18 Day 19 Day 20 Review
Opening 5 minutes Classroom Norms (PBIS) NAPLAN Practice Lessons Activity 6 (continued) Spelling & Grammar 15 minutes Spelling Picture Dictionary: effect Grammar Workbook: ACELT1694 Write complex sentences. p. 10 Grammar Workbook: ACELA1493 Recognise descriptive phrases. p. 12 Reading Fluency 30 minutes Selection from ACELT1604 Identify the effect of setting on characters. p. 11 Selection from ACELT1603 Respond to text. Term 3 book p. 72 p. 13 ACELY1692 Read book of your choosing. Lessons 100 minutes ACELT1604 Identify the effect of setting on characters. ACELY1696 Handwriting Workbook pp ACELT1604 Identify the effect of setting on characters. (continued) ACELY1686 Recognise the attributes of historical media. ACELT1603 Respond to text. ACELT1607 Rewrite a familiar story. p. 9 pp

5 Assessment 1 Writing Assessment 1
Persuasive Text Day 21 Day 22 Day 23 Day 24 Day 25 Assessment Opening 5 minutes Classroom Norms (PBIS) Assessment 1 Writing Spelling & Grammar 15 minutes Spelling Picture Dictionary: explain, tension, conflict Grammar Workbook: ACELA1493 Use descriptive phrases. p. 13 Grammar Workbook: ACELA1498 Use bases to determine the meaning of unknown words. p. 15 Reading Fluency 30 minutes Selection from ACELT1605 Identify how authors create plot tension. p. 16 p. 17 ACELY1692 Read book of your choosing. Lessons 100 minutes ACELT1605 Identify how authors create plot tension. ACELT1604 Identify the effect of setting on characters. ACELY1696 Handwriting Workbook pp ACELT1605 Identify how authors create plot tension. (continued) ACELT1603 Compare text to personal experience. p. 4 pp Assessment Assessment 1

6 Year 5 Preview Day 26 Day 27 Day 28 Day 29 Day 30 Review
Opening 5 minutes Classroom Norms (PBIS) NAPLAN Practice Lessons Activity 6 (continued) Spelling & Grammar 15 minutes Spelling Picture Dictionary: interpret, literal Grammar Workbook: ACELA1780 Determine the meaning of homophones. p. 17 Grammar Workbook: ACELA1491 Identify pronouns that refer to noun groups or phrases. p. 19 Reading Fluency 30 minutes Selection from ACELT1604 Identify the effect of setting on characters. p. 14 Selection from ACELT1605 Identify how authors create plot tension. Selection from ACELT1611 Identify and interpret personification. p. 23 ACELY1692 Read book of your choosing. Lessons 100 minutes Preview Year 5 ACELT1611 Identify and interpret similes. ACELT1604 Identify the effect of setting on characters. ACELY1696 Handwriting Workbook pp (continued) ACELT1605 Identify how authors create plot tension. ACELT1607 Rewrite a familiar story. p. 10 Preview Year 5 ACELT1611 Identify and interpret personification. p. 21 pp Preview Year 5 ACELT1611 Identify and interpret personification. (continued)

7 Quiz 2 Year 5 Preview Day 31 Day 32 Day 33 Day 34 Day 35 Review
Opening 5 minutes Classroom Norms (PBIS) Spelling & Grammar 15 minutes Spelling Picture Dictionary: interpret, literal Grammar Workbook: ACELA1493 Identify prepositional phrases. p. 3 Grammar Workbook: ACELY1694 Write compound sentences. p. 5 Reading Fluency 30 minutes ACELY1692 Read book of your choosing. Selection from ACELT1605 Identify how authors create plot tension. p. 18 Lessons 100 minutes Preview Year 5 ACELT1611 Identify and interpret metaphors. p. 27 Preview Year 5 ACELT1611 Identify and interpret personification. p. 25 ACELY1696 Handwriting Workbook pp Preview Year 5 ACELT1611 Identify and interpret metaphors. (continued) ACELT1605 Identify how authors create plot tension. Preview Year 5 ACELT1611 Identify and interpret similes. p. 21 pp Quiz 2

8 Year 5 Preview Day 36 Day 37 Day 38 Day 39 Day 40 Assessment
Opening 5 minutes Classroom Norms (PBIS) Assessment ACELY 1689 Plan a Presentation (Writing Assessment #2) Students should be given time to practise their presentations before delivering them. Students can continue writing their text as a part of this day if needed. Spelling & Grammar 15 minutes Spelling Picture Dictionary: convey, opinions, interpret Grammar Workbook: ACELY1694 Write complex sentences. p. 11 Grammar Workbook: ACELA1498 Use bases to determine the meaning of unknown words. p. 16 Reading Fluency 30 minutes ACELY1692 Read book of your choosing. Selection from ACELT1604 Identify the effect of setting on characters. p. 14 Lessons 100 minutes Preview Year 5 ACELT1611 Use figurative language. p. 31 Preview Year 5 ACELT1611 Identify and interpret metaphors. p. 29 Preview Year 5 ACELT1611 Identify and interpret personification. p. 26 ACELY1696 Handwriting Workbook pp Preview Year 5 ACELT1611 Use figurative language. (continued) ACELT1604 Identify the effect of setting on characters. Preview Year 5 ACELT1698 Explain how idioms convey ideas and opinions. p. 37 p. 35 pp Preview Year 5 ACELT1698 Explain how idioms convey ideas and opinions. (continued) p. 30 ACELY1694 Plan persuasive text Give students the prompt for Writing Assessment #2. ACELY1694 Write persuasive text.

9 Assessment 2 Assessments Day 41 Day 42 Day 43 Day 44 Day 45 Assessment
Opening 5 minutes Classroom Norms (PBIS) Assessment 2 Spelling & Grammar 15 minutes Spelling Grammar Workbook: ACELA1491 Identify pronouns that refer to noun groups or phrases. p. 20 Reading Fluency 30 minutes Selection from ACELT1605 Identify how authors create plot tension. p. 18 ACELY1692 Read book of your choosing. Assessment ACELY1689 Deliver a Presentation (Writing Assessment #2) Review Lessons 100 minutes Preview Year 5 ACELT1698 Explain how idioms convey ideas and opinions. p. 39 ACELT1605 Identify how authors create plot tension. Preview Year 5 ACELT1611 Use figurative language. p. 35 Students should begin delivering their presentations here.

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