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Mathematics Evening Welcome.

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1 Mathematics Evening Welcome

2 What are we going to do this evening?
Pencil & paper procedures for the four operations, +,-,x & ÷ (language) Consistent, progressive approach KS1 - Mental calculation strategies KS2 - Informal written method → Standard written method Model each method→Practise multiplication & division

3 Addition- KS1 Year 1 Relate addition to combining two groups of objects & extend to three groups by counting on. “There are 2 cars in the garage, three more arrive, how many are there now? Use fingers and count on using a number line

4 Begin to partition & recombine so that,
Addition- KS1 Always put the larger number first in order to count on, so 5+8 becomes 8+5. Begin to partition & recombine so that, 5+8= 5+5+3= =10+3 =13 5+8=13

5 Addition- KS1 Year 2 Add three numbers by looking for pairs that make 10 & do these first. Partition & recombine so, 9+8= (5+4) + (5+3) = = 10+7 = 17

When the children are working sums out mentally, they are encouraged to put the biggest number into their head a count on. Example – = 23 put into their head Put up 6 fingers Count on from there = 29

7 Addition- KS2 Year 3 Using a numberline, children count on in multiples of 100, 10 or 1 So = 80+20 = 6+3 =

8 Addition- KS2 Children in year 3 then start to record their calculations in preparation for an efficient standard method by adding the larger digits first 67+24 →(60+20) + (7+4) = =91

9 To move to column addition
As the children progress they will work with 3 digit and 4 digit numbers.

10 Subtraction KS1 Year 1 Finding one more & one less than a given number
Begin to relate subtraction to ‘taking away’ and counting how many are left. “We had 6 jellies and ate 2, how many are left?”

11 SUBTRACTION KS1 Year 1 The children will then start to look at finding the difference by counting on. If they are looking for 10-4= they would start at 4 and count on to 10. This begins to prepare the children for more difficult questions for later in KS1.

12 Subtraction KS1 Year 2 Recognise that when finding a difference between 2 numbers that are close together, it is easier to find the difference by counting on not back. So is best done by counting on from 79 to 82 or this can be done by counting from 78 to 85. The difference between the smaller number and the bigger number will give the answer to the question. Children would use a hundred square to help with this.

13 Subtraction KS2 Year 3 Again, use the numberline to count on to the nearest 10 and count on or count back. 45-16= 16____20___________40___45 We call this a frog method Next step is decomposition

14 Subtraction - decomposition
84 56 Place value & position of digits in columns is very important here

15 What happens here? 81-57 81

16 Which can be further compacted to
467 - 238 229 The ‘traditional borrowing’ is introduced here. This is continued into year 5 and 6.

17 Multiplication KS1? Year 2 In order to begin multiplication in KS1 we use arrays. An array is usually arranged in rows and columns. 7 x 3 =

18 Multiplication- Informal written method
The Grid method (Starts in Year 3) Examples 23 x14= X 20 3 10 200 30 4 80 12 = 322

19 Moving towards a standard written method
346 X x x x Note the importance of having the digits in the correct column. This method is called the ‘compact method’ and it is continued in years 5 and 6.

20 In KS1 division is a process of sharing. 6 ÷ 2 = 3
Division – KS1 In KS1 division is a process of sharing. 6 ÷ 2 = 3

21 Division Chunking (From year 4). This is a way of tackling more complicated division and breaking down the calculation into pieces to which you know the answer. 65 ÷ 5 0___________________________50____________65

22 Division In years 5 and 6 we move onto the ‘bus stop’ method. 636 ÷ 6=
First try to see how many 6’s go into 6. The move onto how many 6’s into 3. This can not be done. So you move along the bus stop and say how many 6’s go into 36.

23 Thank you for attending
Please remember that if you have a query with any aspect of your child’s schoolwork, to contact the office who will obtain an appointment with the class teacher at the earliest mutually convenient opportunity.

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