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Teck Chia Partner,

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Presentation on theme: "Teck Chia Partner,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Teck Chia Partner,
The Future of AI is Here Teck Chia Partner,

2 Why talk about AI Foundational shift in computing
Transcends markets, culture, geography Early but impactful Shift from encoding human knowledge and instructions to learning how to solve problems by inferring and inducing from information. AI is applicable everywhere regardless of who and where it is invented Very early in AI development but very effective in solving certain problems, like medical diagnosis, web security like malware/spam detection, recommendation systems etc.

3 Structure Quick overview of AI technology Survey of AI activities
Opportunities in AI Q&A

4 What is AI? Humans Natural Intelligence is using the brain to solve problems by learning and reasoning from information.

5 What is AI? Machines Artificial Intelligence is using algorithms to solve problems by learning and reasoning from information.

6 Types of AI Narrow Artificial Intelligence (Weak AI)
Artificial General Intelligence (Strong AI)

7 Narrow Artificial Intelligence (Weak AI)
Single Domain Not easily transferrable Examples: Self-driving cars, Apple Siri, Spam filters

8 Artificial General Intelligence (Strong AI)
Can learn anything Learn how to learn Examples: Only in science fiction & movies (for now)

9 Most of today’s AI is using ML techniques
Machine Learning Class of algorithms that can learn from data or information to solve problems Most of today’s AI is using ML techniques

10 Machine Learning Paradigms
Supervised Learning Unsupervised Learning Reinforcement Learning

11 Supervised Learning Supervised Learning Algorithm Apple

12 Supervised Learning Trained Supervised Learning Model ??? Apple
Not Apple

13 Predictive Analytics for businesses
Supervised Learning Image recognition Speech recognition Predictive Analytics for businesses

14 Unsupervised Learning

15 Unsupervised Learning
News or content clustering Recommendation systems Anomaly detection

16 Reinforcement Learning

17 Reinforcement Learning
Robotics/Self-driving Game playing (AlphaGo) Quant trading

18 What about Deep Learning?
AKA Neural Networks Used in all ML paradigms

19 Why AI is exciting today

20 Increase in power, lower in cost: GPUs, ASICs
Compute Power Increase in power, lower in cost: GPUs, ASICs

21 Abundance of Data Sensors are everywhere
Consumer behaviors shifting online Big data infra available and cheap IoTs & Wearables Lots of consumer behavior shifting online, like ecommerce, entertainment, news, communications, social Big data infra, storage costs going down

22 Access to ML Tools

23 What’s Happening in AI Today

24 Big Company AI Vision, Speech, Natural Language, Video, Social Robotics, Infrastructure, Tools, Hardware, Data Mainly horizontal technologies - Conversational UI, Personal Assistants, Recommendation systems since big cos know a lot about their users.

25 Startups Mostly focused on narrow AI in vertical markets
(Small number of them attacking big AI problems) Have to attack vertical markets due to lack of data to train AI Need to partner and sell to bigger enterprise customers or orgs with data

26 Self-driving

27 Healthcare Drug discovery Medical imaging and diagnostics
Analytics & risk management Medical research Health monitoring/Wearables medical diagnostics more accurate than human doctors

28 Site reliability and monitoring
Software & DevOps Site reliability and monitoring Software engineering Testing Automation Kite Functionize

29 Fintech Quant trading bots Personal finance management
Credit & risk assessment wealthfront insurance and loan risk assessment

30 Enterprise Ops Sales Optimization Marketing automation & ads targeting
Supply chain and logistics Rank sales prospects Write sales s Helps buy ads and marketing campaigns Predicting demand for supply chain optimization

31 Security Fraud prevention Malware & spam detection
Malicious attack detection

32 Security patrol robots
Robotics Food-making robots Security patrol robots Autonomous drones Industrial robots (Self-driving cars) Amazon warehouse Nuclear power plant inspections Climate monitoring, autonomous boats

33 Creativity & Fun Face recognition & filters AI-generated music & art
AI computer player Prisma Snapchat filters & alphago

34 Artificial General Intelligence
Turing test Learn anything (including how to learn)

35 Moravec’s Paradox Prisma Snapchat filters & alphago

36 Opportunities Verticals where you can acquire lots of training data
Tools & utilities to make ML easier to use Hardware & infrastructure for ML Prisma Snapchat filters & alphago

37 Q&A

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