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Samuel A. Logan, Prattana Phuekvilai and Kirsten Wolff

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1 Samuel A. Logan, Prattana Phuekvilai and Kirsten Wolff
Ancient woodlands in the limelight: genetic structure of Tilia (lime trees) in the UK. Samuel A. Logan, Prattana Phuekvilai and Kirsten Wolff

2 Ancient woodlands Continuous cover since c1600
Indicator species (e.g. wild garlic, herb paris, oak, lime) Forest remnants Pollen records Conservation concern Fragmentation Isolation Genetic consequences

3 Tilia T. x europaea T. cordata T. platyphyllos
Image: M. Dodd (

4 Aims Test the resolution of genetic markers Hypotheses Outcome
Discriminate between T. cordata and T. platyphyllos Distinguish hybrids Hypotheses Species are separate evolutionary units Genetic structure and limited gene flow Low genetic diversity Outcome Broaden our understanding of the molecular ecology Aid in future restoration and conservation

5 Study sites and genetic markers
24 populations Mixed with hybrids Ancient or natural origins Forward primer DNA fingerprinting Microsatellites Reverse primer

6 Species vs hybrid identification
PCoA Identified groups (species) STRUCTURE Assigned individuals to two clusters (K = 2)

7 Diversity and differentiation
Genetic diversity T. cordata – HE = 0.51 T. platyphyllos – HE = 0.68 Genetic differentiation T. cordata FST = 0.08 T. platyphyllos FST = 0.10 Among species FST = 0.31 AMOVA

8 Intra-specific structure
Tilia cordata Tilia platyphyllos

9 Conclusions Genetic markers Conservation Differentiation
Identified groups (species) Optimal K = 2 Differentiation High genetic differentiation Two biological units Intra-specific structure Optimal K = 3 Geographical Diversity High genetic diversity Conservation Highest diversity Endemic genotypes

10 Future work RNA-seq using Next Generation Sequencing
Illumina HiSeq platform Generated >366,000,000 paired-end reads De Novo transcriptome assembly One sample produced >100,000 transcripts Annotation Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) Microsatellite markers Adaptive genes

11 Acknowledgements Sample collection and fieldwork Landowners Funding
Dr Paul Ashton Dr Rebecca Roseff Tim Laurie Landowners National Trust Forestry Commission Private landowners Funding RB Cooke Studentship (Newcastle University) Thai Government

12 Thank you School of Biology, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne.

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