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Integrated Livestock model By PRADAN

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1 Integrated Livestock model By PRADAN

2 Importance of Goats & BYPs for rural community
Livestock (BYP bird and goats) keeping is age old practice by most rural families especially by tribal community It is very appropriate for poorer families including women & destitute Goats and BYPs are often called ATM, Poor woman’s cow etc. It has many significance such as women empowerment, income, crisis management, investment, food & nutritional security , manure for Agriculture etc.

3 Issues related to BYP birds and Goats
BYP birds mortality is very high and sometimes whole flock die due to RD and foul pox disease outbreak. PPR & Goat pox attack on goat is highly prevalent resulting to 70-90% mortality Know-how related to rearing practices is mostly poor among the farmers (poor quality shelter, in breeding, no supplementary food etc.) Existing system to provide vet-services is not sufficient to reach to the interior pockets Low herd size: unable to attend the threshold scale and low potential actualization

4 The Model Strengthening livelihoods through the small livestock (mostly Goats and Poultry birds ) It focuses on the existing breed and builds on existing stock The unit size: 4-6 hen units with flock size of and/or 3-4 mother goats with herd size of 12-20 The activity can be managed by the family along with their existing livelihoods engagements Primarily depends on scavenging and open grazing sources with critical feed supplements Net annual income of about Rs 25-40,000

5 Major interventions De-worming, vaccination and first aid services
Basic care & hygiene Improved breeding practices Feed and fodder Shelter

6 De-worming, Vaccination and First-aid services
Grooming and nesting of women CAHWs as entrepreneurs Payment by community through SHG collectives Cold chain establishment Regular de-worming (at least 3 times)and vaccination of BYP (RD and Pox) and Goats (PPR, ET, Pox) First-aid and ethno-veterinary services De-worming and vaccination of poultry birds and goats

7 Basic care and hygiene Mother goat care, care during pre & post kid birth kid care during extreme winter, summer and rainy seasons Supply of clean feed and drinking water by use of feeder and drinkers Protection from predation Segregation and quarantine of diseased bird/goats Proper disposal of dead birds and goats Protecting goat kids from predation Use of feeder and drinker

8 Improved breeding practices
Birds: Selection of proper hens: more clutches and eggs, better hatchability Practices: Better brooding and hatching place, good cock Goat: Timely castration Selection of good mother goats (more twin probability, less kidding interval) Buck exchange, grooming healthy kid as buck, Availability of bucks Preference to be given to local breeds Improved brooding and hatching practices

9 Feed and Fodder Birds: Goats:
Supplementary feeding for chicks and hens (dry fish, vegetable wastes) Few demonstration of termite feeding, Azolla Goats: Supplementary feeding to mother goats during pregnancy and lactating stage Special care of mother goats one week before and after the kid birth Special care of kids in winter and rainy season Supplementary feeding to goats

10 Shelter Sufficient space Goat and BYP shed
Cross ventilation and light passage Raised platform in goat shed Water proof roof Separate space for kids, adults, brooding and hatching place Regular cleaning, liming of shed Improved goat and BYP shed

11 Key approach Potential women CAHW (Community animal health worker) to be selected and nested by GPLF One CAHW to provide services to about 100 to 150 families in contiguous villages The CAHW are groomed to provide vaccination, de-worming and primary health care services on payment basis The CAHW will operate in close association with ARD staffs Activity cluster promotion for ensuring improved rearing practices What is the distance covered by Paravets and pashu sakhi Institutional linkage Linkage with Animal Husbandry dept etc Issues cropped up like paravet or pashu sakhi can not give vaccinations and can not prescribe antibiotics. Certification of the paravets from animal husbandry department

12 Impacts observed so far……
A sample family having 4-6 hen units with flock size of and 3-4 mother goats with herd size of earns Rs 25,000 to 35,000 within a period of 2 years. Occurrence of major deadly diseases like PPR, Goat pox in goats and New Castle and fowl pox in poultry birds has drastically reduced. Adult poultry birds as well as adult goat mortality have reduced by 60 to 70 %. It is contributing towards nutritional security as the bird consumption has increased by about 4 times. This intervention has significantly contributed towards the empowerment of women There is significant enhancement of knowledge and change in rearing practices by most of the women. Significant livelihood for poorest of poor families like destitute, landless labourer, physically handicapped, old etc

13 IEC materials developed
Goat Manual BYP manual Family livestock card Leaflet, flex and posters


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