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Our ‘Living Eggs’ Experience

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1 Our ‘Living Eggs’ Experience

2 First the eggs arrived…
On Monday, ten eggs, an incubator and brooder box were delivered . We were all very excited as we were told that the eggs would hatch on Wednesday.

3 Hatching During the day on Wednesday, the chicks started to hatch
Hatching During the day on Wednesday, the chicks started to hatch. It was really exciting.

4 One by one, they started to arrive.
Finally they arrived One by one, they started to arrive. The children saw that they were wet when they came out of their shells, but it didn’t take long for them to fluff up.

5 The brooder box First one hatched, then the others followed. When
they were bright-eyed, we moved them into the brooder box. The brooder box had some bedding for them to scratch in. It also had a light for warmth and some food and water.

6 Off to the farm and Jeremy’s house! cockerel farm hen worms
Finally the day came for the chicks to leave us and go to a farm and Jeremy’s house. They will grow up to be hens and cockerels and will get daily treats like little worms. We were sad to see them go, but we had lots of happy memories and we were really pleased with ourselves too. We had learnt so much about them and we had given them such a good start. cockerel farm hen worms

7 The children were fascinated with every stage and were so gentle and nurturing.







14 Learning and development- The experience really enhanced the learning and provided enrichment activities throughout the school. Every play and lunch time we had lots of visitors from other year groups who wanted to hold the chicks – many of them were pupil premium children. The chicks gave the children an opportunity to: learn through experience; make connections in their learning; and transformed understanding.

15 So until next time ……….

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