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Miss Veilleux Room 3 August 31, 2017

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Presentation on theme: "Miss Veilleux Room 3 August 31, 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 Miss Veilleux Room 3 August 31, 2017
Curriculum Night Miss Veilleux Room 3 August 31, 2017

2 Welcome! Arrival/Dismissal Community Building Typical Day Curriculum
Volunteer Opportunities Reminders Conferences Communication Questions

3 Arrival All Duffy students line up in the front of the school
Our class lines up at the cone labeled “Miss Veilleux”, families can watch their child enter from behind the classroom lines All K-1 classes enter through the side door with their classroom teacher/K paras

4 Dismissal Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday:
3:14 Wave 1 (K-2) dismissal Wednesday: 1:54 Wave 1 (K-2) dismissal Kindergarten exits through the side door Room 3 meets in the front of the school where the sidewalks merge

5 Community Building Morning Meeting Routines Bucket Fillers/PBIS
Building the Classroom Environment Star Student of the Week/Classroom Jobs Curious George Weekend Backpack Mystery Bag-rotates daily

6 Typical Day

7 Lunch/Recess 12:15-12:45 Lunch 12:45-1:00 Transition to Recess

8 Mathematics Unit 1: Counting and cardinality
Count to 100 by 1’s and 10’s Fluency 1-5 Add and subtract 1-20 Story problems Geometry 2D and 3D shapes

9 English Language Arts Unit 1: Picture Concepts and Conversation
Letter identification/sounds Sight words Guided reading groups/literacy centers Authentic literature/read alouds Blue “Homework” on Friday’s

10 Writer’s Workshop Narrative Information/How-To Books
Opinion/persuasive writing Journal writing

11 Science Inquiry based Senses (apples, pumpkins) Weather/seasons
Living things Shelters Duffy Garden

12 Social Studies Building a Positive Sense of Self
Building Community, Community Helpers Second Step Civics/Geography Maps/Globes

13 RISE Raising Instructional Success for Everyone
M, W, F 8:45-9:15, begins in October

14 Art Unit/Author Study Interdisciplinary: Math, literacy, social studies Mo Willems, Dr. Seuss

15 Andrea Marseglia & Diana Gagne
Paraprofessionals Andrea Marseglia & Diana Gagne

16 Amy Janangelo & Erin Gadarowski
Room Parents Amy Janangelo & Erin Gadarowski

17 Volunteer Opportunities
Classroom Help (weekly help-sign up using Konstella) Help at Home (cutting, Scholastic Books, etc…) Mystery Reader (every Friday) Chaperones Apple Farm Field Trip (October) Bushnell (April)

18 Scholastic Books An opportunity to build your home library with quality affordable books. Flyers will be sent home once a month Online orders are delivered to the classroom. Every student order helps build our classroom library!

19 Reminders Snack/Lunch everyday (nut-free snack) Art Smock
Pillowcase for rest-time Birthday Grab Bag Extra clothes (labeled)

20 Conferences November 13th 3:14 dismissal 14th 1:24 dismissal
In October, I will send out a Sign-up using Konstella

21 Communication Folder (daily) Weekly Newsletter Konstella
Please by 8 a.m. if there is a dismissal changes for that day Office: Folder is primary means of communication. Replace folder when it gets ragged. by 8 am if you need a response before the school day begins. I try to check it at lunch time.

22 Questions

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