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Printer Types Ball Printer-Impact type- Uses a round ball with raised characters. Chain Printer- Impact Type- Uses a character slug attached to a chain.

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Presentation on theme: "Printer Types Ball Printer-Impact type- Uses a round ball with raised characters. Chain Printer- Impact Type- Uses a character slug attached to a chain."— Presentation transcript:

1 Printer Types Ball Printer-Impact type- Uses a round ball with raised characters. Chain Printer- Impact Type- Uses a character slug attached to a chain Daisy Wheel Printer- Impact Type- Uses a round wheel with characters. Ball Printer- a printer that has metal print head shaped like a ball, with raised characters around its surface. To print, the printer rotates the ball into position to strike each character against a ribbon Chain Printer- A kind of impact printer in which the character slugs are moved by the links of a revolving chain. Daisy Wheel Printer- An Impact printer that uses a rotating plastic wheel with the type characters on it. The wheel spins to line up the correct character to print. Daisy wheel printers produced high quality type, and were common in the 1980’s but fell out of use when laser printers became affordable

2 Printer Types Dot Matrix Printers- Impact type- Uses a series of pins to strike a ribbon. Normally 9 pin or 24 pin.The most versatile of the impact printers Line Dot Matrix Printer- Impact type- One line at a time Dot Matrix Printer- A kind kind of impact printer that uses small closely packed needles or “ pins” and an ink ribbon to make a pattern of tiny dots which form the letters on a page. Dot matrix printers are noisy and cannot print fine-quality type, but are also inexpensive and have many uses. The ability to print carbon copies is the one thing that has kept the dot matrix printer alive in the 1990’s. Line Dot Matrix Printer- A printer that prints one line at a time and uses the dot matrix method.

3 Printer Types- The New Breed
Ink Jet Printer- Non Impact- tiny ink droplets sprayed onto the paper Laser Printer- Non Impact-Uses laser beam to form image- Similar to photo-copier Laser Beam Printer- Non Impact- Same as laser printer LED Printer- Non Impact- Uses LED instead of Laser Ink Jet Printer- A printer in which the image is made by tiny ink droplets which are sprayed from a nozzle onto a piece of paper. Ink jet Printers can produce high resolution color or black and white images. Laser Printer- Laser Bean Printer- A high speed, non impact printer that uses a laser beam to form images on a page. Laser printers work like photo- copiers to produce high resolution high quality printouts. LED Printer- A printer which is similar to a laser printer, but uses light-emitting diodes in place of the laser.

4 Definitions Auto Print CMY Coated Paper Stock Digital Printer
Dot Matrix DPI Autoprint- A printer function on some printers that allows all images to be printed off a PC card automatically. This is something new that has only come about in the past few years with the advent of digital cameras. It allow the printer to print directly from the camera’s compact flash card. CMY- Cyan, Magenta,Yellow. The three colors that are used in printers to create a photo. This again is new with the advent of photo quality printers. Coated Paper Stock- Paper that had some laminate added to one of both sides to create a better quality print. This was something that you will all remember about the first color ink jet printers. The ink tended to bleed through. Digital Printer- A device that is capable of printing pictures or other output from digital devices. Dot matrix- Already covered. A printer technology that uses dots to create an image. DPI- A unit of measure used to describe the resolution of images produced by printers or other output devices

5 Definitions Dye Sublimation Flash Memory Ink Jet JPEG
Dye Sublimation- Unlike some printer technologies, dye sumbilation printers require their own special media consisting of a printer ribbon and laminated printer paper. Once inserted into a printer, an image is printed on the paper when the printer’s thermal print head passes across the ribbon. Heat from the print head causes the color on the ribbon to transfer onto the laminated paper. The ribbon consists of cyan, magenta, and yellow dyes. Variations in temperature of the print cause the various colors to appear on the final image. Images printed with dye sumbilation printers produce near picture quality photographs. Flash Memory- a type of RAM memory on which digital images and information are stored. This type of memory is currently being used with a number of digital cameras on the market today. Ink Jet- A printer technology where ink is splashed onto the printer paper to form an image or character. JPEG- Joint Photographic Experts Group- A standardized image compression format developed bty the Jiont Photographic Experts Group. Usually used for compressing full color or gray scale images.

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