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Geography & African Civilizations

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1 Geography & African Civilizations
The Story of Africa Geography & African Civilizations

2 Satellite View

3 Africa’s Size Second largest continent  11,700,000 sq. mi.
M I L E S M I L E S Second largest continent  11,700,000 sq. mi. 10% of the world’s population. 2 ½ times the size of the U. S.

4 Geography & African Civilizations
Geography of Africa 2nd largest continent in the world 4,600 miles from east to west; 5,000 miles from north to south Narrow coastlines lie on either side of a central plateau Waterfalls or rapids form as rivers drop to the coast from the plateau making navigation impossible to or from the coast Coastline has few harbors, ports, or inlets Large deserts: the Sahara in the north and the Kalahari in the south Large rainforests with mahogany and teak trees that reach 150 feet tall Most people live on the savannas or grassy plains which include mountainous highlands and swampy tropical stretches The Nile River flows north in northeast Africa


6 Bodies Of Water Mediterranean Sea Red Sea Nile River Niger River
L. Chad--> <--Gulf of Aden L. Albert--> Congo River L. Victoria L. Tanganyika-> Indian Ocean Atlantic Ocean Zambezi River Limpopo River Orange River Pacific Ocean

7 The Mighty Nile River: “Longest River in the World”

8 The Niger River Basin Covers 7.5% of the continent.
Extends over 10 countries. 2,600 miles long.

9 The African Plateau

10 The African Savannah: 13 million sq. mi.

11 The Sahara Desert

12 African Rain Forest Annual rainfall of up to 17 ft.
Rapid decomposition (very humid). Covers 37 countries. 15% of the land surface of Africa.

13 Geography & African Civilizations
Customs of Early Peoples Early peoples were nomadic Experts believe agriculture started in Africa roughly by 6,000 B.C. The family was important and African people organized into family groups Many early cultures’ religions included elements of animism Animism: a religion in which spirits play an important role in daily life History was kept orally, not written down Bantu-speaking people migrated south and east leading to: Spread of farming techniques Territorial wars Intermarriages Spread of technology such as copper, bronze, and iron work


15 Empire of Ghana Website

16 Natural Resources

17 Geography & African Civilizations
Early Civilizations of West Africa Empire of Ghana 800 A.D. Became a rich kingdom by taxing traders who traveled through their lands Gold and salt were important & desirable trade items By 800, Ghana was an empire Only the king could own gold; acted as religious leader, chief judge and military commander Eventually Ghana’s rulers converted to Islam and had to learn Arabic; much of the population never converted 1076 Muslim Almoravids conquered Ghana and disrupted the gold-salt trade Ghana never regained its power

18 Gold-Salt Trade Berbers SALT GOLD

19 Empire of Mali Website

20 Geography & African Civilizations
Empire of Mali Emerged by 1235 south of Ghana; Mali’s wealth was also build on gold Sundiata militarily took over Ghana; peace and prosperity followed Some of Mali’s next rulers became Muslims and built mosques Mansa Musa (Muslim) divided Mali into provinces and appointed governors Within 50 years of Mansa Musa, Mali’s gold trade shifted east and his successors were unable to govern the empire effectively

21 Sundiata [ ] “Lion Prince”

22 Mansa Musa [r ]

23 Empire of Songhai Website

24 Geography & African Civilizations
Empire of Songhai 1400s Capital was Gao; extended their territory to the large bend in the Niger River Two great Muslim leaders: Sunni Ali & Askia Muhammad Created an empire through military conquest and efficient tax collecting Unfortunately, Songhai lacked modern weapons Defeated by Moroccan invaders and ended 1,000 years of W. African power

25 Sunni Ali [r ]

26 Askia Mohammed [r ]


28 Kingdom of Axum [ ]

29 Geography & African Civilizations
Early Civilizations of East Africa Aksum Empire Located on the horn of Africa on a plateau on the Red Sea Conquered the Kush people who had been pushed south by the Assyrians Traders from Egypt, Arabia, Persia, India, and the Roman Empire travelled though Adulis, Aksum’s chief seaport They traded salt, rhinoceros horns, ivory, & gold Height of empire was under strong military leader Ezana Monotheistic: worshiped Mahrem and believed king was his descendent Aksum later becomes Christian Depletion of soil and forests as well as Islamic invaders caused decline

30 Stele, Ezana’s Royal Tomb, Aksum (4c)

31 AXUM’S ACHIEVEMENTS Built Controlled NE African Stelae Trade Written
Language Terrace Farming Spread Christianity in No. & E. Africa


33 Geography & African Civilizations
Early Civilizations of Southern Africa Great Zimbabwe 1000 A.D. City built by Shona people that turned into an empire built on gold trade Leaders taxed traders and travelers who ventured through Great Zimbabwe was abandoned by 1450; no clear reason why Much of what is known about Great Zimbabwe comes from impressive ruins

34 Great Zimbabwe ruins

35 Great Zimbabwe Street

36 Mutapa

37 Geography & African Civilizations
Mutapa According to Shona legend, a man left Great Zimbabwe and settled a new site with fertile soil A leader named Mutota dominated northern Shona people and were dubbed mwene mutapa meaning conqueror; thus the name Mutapa Conquered all of modern day Zimbabwe Gold was a cornerstone of their economy By the 1500s the Portuguese unsuccessfully attempted to conquer Mutapa This signaled increasing European interference in Africa for many centuries


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