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WP 2. Gear and catch monitoring in purse seine

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1 WP 2. Gear and catch monitoring in purse seine
Utvikler overvåkningssystemer for fangst og redskap i fiske med snurpenot. Ny «in-seine» sonar-teknologi for å identifisere mengde og størrelse av fangst som er i nota Teknologier (transpondere, sonar) for overvåkning av notredskapet Fiskevelferd og utilsiktet fiskedødelighet i fiske med not. Hvordan skal man overvåke fiskens velferd i et notkast (relevant for overleving etter slipping og for kvalitet)? Neil sin PhD

2 Fish welfare in mackerel purse seine fisheries
Neil ANDERS PhD Candidate, University of Bergen Stipendiate with UiB

3 Neil Anders CV 2016 – 2020: CRISP PhD Student - Supervisors: Mike Breen, Aud Vold, Arill Engås (all IMR), Bjørn Roth (NOFIMA) 2013 – 2015: MSc Fisheries Biology & Management, University of Bergen - Thesis with IMR Fangst on behavioural responses to fish pots 2009 – 2013: Scientific Fisheries Observer - SW Atlantic & CCAMLR 2008 – 2009: Laboratory Technician 2004 – 2007: BSc (Hons) Marine Biology, Bangor University, UK MSc at Bergen with Fangst group

4 Project objective Overlap with other IMR projects:
Increase the understanding of fish welfare during the capture process of purse seining, by examining the stresses associated with crowding and slipping in order to determine the effect on catch quality (if the catch is retained) and survival (if the catch is released). Overlap with other IMR projects: REDSLIP: Reducing slipping mortality in purse seines by understanding interactions and behavior Purse Seine Catch Control Slipping Methodology OBJECTIVE: How fish welfare impacts on SURVIVAL and QUALITY Kills two birds, w/ one stone? – higher survival and better quality Good fish welfare being when biological functions are functioning normally 4 research areas:

5 Schooling behaviour of mackerel in response to crowding and hypoxia
Describe the behavioural responses of mackerel to typical purse seine stressors Determine the factors driving any behavioural change Inferences about welfare from behaviour Mackerel, net pens, crowding & hypoxia, stereocameras, gopro, acoutics Observations at sea?

6 The effects of crowding and hypoxia on physiology and meat quality of mackerel
Determine how crowding and hypoxia affects mackerel physiology Determine how crowding, hypoxia and slaughter method meat quality in mackerel How welfare effects meat quality Small groups of mackerel, crowding and hypoxia – measure physiological response and quality Effect on quality such as blood spotting, ph, fillet firm-ness Effect on quality via slaughter method (current method vs alternatives) At sea experiements also?

7 Impairment of vitality and survival of mackerel
Establish measurable and consistent vitality measures (reflexes, behaviour) in unstressed mackerel Determine the degree of mackerel vitality impairment when exposed to typical purse seine capture stressors. Correlate the degree of mackerel vitality impairment to subsequent mortality How welfare effects survival Small groups of mackerel, crowding and hypoxia – measure effect on vitality Vitality as measured with reflexes, injuries, behaviour Relate vitality measure to subsequent mortaltiy At sea measures of vitality to determine expected mortality if released at different stages of capture process

8 Behaviour of mackerel and herring during slipping from purse seines
Provide a quantitative description of mackerel and herring behaviour during slipping Determine factors driving the observed behaviour Compare the slipping behaviour of mackerel and herring Inferences about welfare from behaviour Cameras on discharge opening Description of behaviour and relate behaviour to dimensions and/or other explantory factors

9 Thanks for your attention!
Any queries or comments? CONTACT ME: 6th Floor, C. Sundts gate 64.

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