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Chapter 22 The d-Block Elements and Coordination Chemistry

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1 Chapter 22 The d-Block Elements and Coordination Chemistry
General Chemistry: An Integrated Approach Hill, Petrucci, 4th Edition Chapter 22 The d-Block Elements and Coordination Chemistry Mark P. Heitz State University of New York at Brockport © 2005, Prentice Hall, Inc.

2 Chapter 22: d-Block Elements
On the Periodic Table … d-block elements contain the transition metals EOS Chapter 22: d-Block Elements

3 Relative Orbital Energies in the Fourth-Period Transition Series
EOS Chapter 22: d-Block Elements

4 Fourth-Period Properties
EOS Chapter 22: d-Block Elements

5 Chapter 22: d-Block Elements
Atomic Radii EOS Chapter 22: d-Block Elements

6 Chapter 22: d-Block Elements
Oxidation Numbers EOS Chapter 22: d-Block Elements

7 Chapter 22: d-Block Elements
Scandium Scandium is rather widely distributed in Earth’s crust, but there is only one mineral from which it is extracted, thortveitite, Sc2Si2O7 Despite its relative rarity, the physical and chemical properties of scandium have been well characterized. Its chemistry is based mostly on the Sc3+ ion EOS Scandium properties resemble main group metals, particularly aluminum Chapter 22: d-Block Elements

8 Chapter 22: d-Block Elements
Titanium Titanium is the ninth most abundant element in Earth’s crust and the second most abundant transition metal (after iron) Three desirable properties make titanium a highly useful metal: (1) low density; (2) high structural strength, even at high temperatures; and (3) corrosion resistance EOS The most important compound of titanium is the oxide, TiO2, and its most important use is as a white pigment in paints, papers, and plastics Chapter 22: d-Block Elements

9 Chapter 22: d-Block Elements
Vanadium Vanadium is reasonably abundant in Earth’s solid crust, ranking nineteenth among the elements It is mostly obtained as a by-product of the production of uranium from carnotite, K2(UO2)2(VO4)2·3 H2O Vanadium is of interest because of (1) its use as an alloying element in steel; (2) the catalytic activity of some of its compounds, principally V2O5; and (3) the range of oxidation number in its ions EOS The different oxidation states of vanadium gives a variety of distinctive colors Chapter 22: d-Block Elements

10 Chapter 22: d-Block Elements
Chromium The most important source of chromium is the mineral chromite, FeCr2O4, or FeO·Cr2O3 In addition to its use in alloys, chromium can be plated onto other metals, generally by electrolysis from a solution containing CrO3 in H2SO4 Dichromate ion, Cr2O72–, is a common oxidizing agent; chromate ion, CrO42–, is a good precipitating agent EOS The name chromium is from chromus (color) because its compounds exhibit many colors Chapter 22: d-Block Elements

11 Chapter 22: d-Block Elements
Manganese Manganese is obtained mainly from the mineral pyrolusite, MnO2 Ferromanganese alloys are wear resistant and shock resistant and are used for railroad tracks, bulldozers, and road scrapers Manganese dioxide is the starting point for making most other manganese compounds EOS Potassium permanganate, KMnO4, is an important oxidizing agent that is used in both analytical and organic chemistry laboratories Chapter 22: d-Block Elements

12 The Iron Triad: Fe, Co, and Ni
Iron is the fourth most abundant element in Earth’s crust. Cobalt and nickel are not nearly as common, but they are still sufficiently abundant that their annual production is thousands of tons All three iron triad elements form 2+ ions EOS Ferromagnetism is a much stronger magnetic effect than paramagnetism Chapter 22: d-Block Elements

13 Ferromagnetism and Paramagnetism
EOS Chapter 22: d-Block Elements

14 Chapter 22: d-Block Elements
Heme and Hemoglobin Transition metals are required for life … EOS Chapter 22: d-Block Elements

15 Important Metals of Group IB
EOS Chapter 22: d-Block Elements

16 Chapter 22: d-Block Elements
Zinc Zinc has many uses, such as in alloys, and is a good electrical conductor Brass is a copper alloy having from 20 to 45% zinc and small quantities of tin, lead, and iron Zinc oxidizes in air to form a thin, adherent oxide coating that protects the underlying metal from further corrosion EOS Because zinc is more easily oxidized than iron, zinc is used in making galvanized iron Chapter 22: d-Block Elements

17 Chapter 22: d-Block Elements
Cadmium Cadmium can substitute for zinc in coating metals for certain applications Its primary uses are in alloys and as electrodes in batteries Because of its capacity to absorb neutrons, cadmium is used in control rods in nuclear reactors Zinc in trace amounts is an essential element for humans; cadmium is quite toxic EOS Its effect may be to substitute for zinc in certain enzymes Chapter 22: d-Block Elements

18 Chapter 22: d-Block Elements
Mercury Mercury differs from zinc and cadmium in at least six significant ways Mercury forms few water-soluble compounds and most of its compounds are not hydrated The physical properties of mercury, especially its metallic and liquid properties and its high density, determine many of its uses Long-term exposure can present a serious health hazard EOS Mercury poisons the body’s systems, in part by interfering with sulfur-containing enzymes Chapter 22: d-Block Elements

19 The Lanthanide Elements
The elements cerium through lutetium comprise the first series of the f-block and are called the inner transition elements These elements are frequently called “rare earths,” a name of historical origin but a clear misnomer because several are not rare at all For many uses, the lanthanides do not have to be separated from one another. A mixture of the lanthanide metals with about 25% La is used in certain steel and magnesium-based alloys. Some of the oxides are used to color glass EOS Chapter 22: d-Block Elements

20 Terminology for Complexes
A complex consists of a central atom, which is usually a metal atom or ion, and attached groups called ligands EOS The coordination number is the total number of points at which a central atom or ion attaches ligands Chapter 22: d-Block Elements

21 Terminology for Complexes
The region surrounding the central atom or ion and containing the ligands is called the coordination sphere EOS A substance consisting of one or more complexes is called a coordination compound Chapter 22: d-Block Elements

22 Cobalt(III) Coordination Cmpds
If a complex carries a net electric charge, it is called a complex ion EOS Chapter 22: d-Block Elements

23 Chapter 22: d-Block Elements
Ligands Many metal atoms and ions have empty orbitals that can accommodate electron pairs EOS Ligands with one donor atom have just one point of attachment to the central metal atom or ion and are called monodentate ligands Chapter 22: d-Block Elements

24 Chapter 22: d-Block Elements
Ligands Polydentate refers to multiple points of attachment by one ligand EOS Chapter 22: d-Block Elements

25 Chapter 22: d-Block Elements
Naming Complex Ions In naming a complex, first name the ligands and then the central metal atom or ion as a single compound word Name the ligands in alphabetical order based on the first letters of their names and ignoring prefixes Designate the number of ligands with prefixes Use the unmodified name of the central metal in a complex cation. In a complex anion, add the ending -ate to the name of the central metal EOS Write the names in the order of cation followed by anion Chapter 22: d-Block Elements

26 Some Metals in Complex Anions
EOS Chapter 22: d-Block Elements

27 Isomerism in Complex Ions
Structural isomers differ in the ligands that are attached to the central atom or in the donor atoms through which the ligands are bonded EOS Geometric isomers differ in the arrangement of the attached ligands, forming either cis- (same side) or trans- (opposite sides) compounds Chapter 22: d-Block Elements

28 Chapter 22: d-Block Elements
Optical Activity Optical isomers are isomers that differ in their ability to rotate the plane of polarized light EOS Chapter 22: d-Block Elements

29 Chapter 22: d-Block Elements
Optical Activity Each of the two molecules or ions of an optical isomer is called an enantiomer and each enantiomer rotates the plane-polarized light in opposite directions EOS Chapter 22: d-Block Elements

30 Chapter 22: d-Block Elements
Crystal Field Theory The attractions between a central atom or ion and its ligands are largely electrostatic EOS To predict the magnetic properties of a complex ion, its structure and the ability of its ligands to split the d-orbital energy levels must be known Chapter 22: d-Block Elements

31 Chapter 22: d-Block Elements
d-Level Splitting EOS Chapter 22: d-Block Elements

32 Chapter 22: d-Block Elements
Crystal Field Theory The spectrochemical series shows the relative abilities of some common ligands to split the d-orbital energy levels EOS Ligands that produce large energy separations between groups of d orbitals are called “strong field” ligands, and those that produce small separations are “weak field” ligands Chapter 22: d-Block Elements

33 Chapter 22: d-Block Elements
Color in Complex Ions Many complex ions are colored because the energy differences between d orbitals match the energies of components of visible light EOS Chapter 22: d-Block Elements

34 Effect of Ligands on Colors
EOS Chapter 22: d-Block Elements

35 Non-visible Transitions
Ions having the following electron configurations have no electron transitions in the energy range of visible light noble-gas electron configuration An outer shell with 18 electrons EOS An “18 + 2” configuration (for example, Sn2+) Chapter 22: d-Block Elements

36 Chapter 22: d-Block Elements
Chelates Chelates generally are much more stable than complexes with monodentate ligands The increase in entropy during chelation is an important factor in the stabilities of chelates EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) is commonly used to sequester metal ions in solution EOS Chelation therapy is sometimes used to treat heavy metal ion poisoning Chapter 22: d-Block Elements

37 Chapter 22: d-Block Elements
A Metal–EDTA Complex EOS Chapter 22: d-Block Elements

38 Chapter 22: d-Block Elements
Summary of Concepts All the elements of the d block are metals Most metals exist in several oxidation states and form many complex ions and colored compounds The early members in a period in the d block are active metals but later members are less active Scandium resembles aluminum but is not widely used The uses of titanium depend on its high strength, low density, and corrosion resistance EOS Dichromate and permanganate ions are widely used oxidizing agents Chapter 22: d-Block Elements

39 Chapter 22: d-Block Elements
Summary (cont’d) Copper, silver, and gold are much less active than earlier members of their periods Zinc, cadmium, and mercury are not transition elements; their atoms and ions all have filled d subshells The central metal atom or ion of a metal complex is a Lewis acid; it forms coordinate covalent bonds by accepting lone-pair electrons from ligands, which are Lewis bases EOS Isomerism among complexes is of two general types: structural and optical Chapter 22: d-Block Elements

40 Chapter 22: d-Block Elements
Summary (cont’d) Interactions between lone-pair electrons on ligands and electrons in the d orbitals of the central metal atom or ion produce a splitting of the d-orbital energy level Electron transitions between d orbitals of different energy provide a way for a complex to absorb some wavelength components of visible light and transmit others, giving rise to color Explanations of the colors and magnetic properties of complexes are facilitated by a special listing of common ligands called the spectrochemical series EOS Chapter 22: d-Block Elements

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