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Scott Helmhold 4/17/2017 Document Gallery.

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1 Scott Helmhold 4/17/2017 Document Gallery

2 Causes

3 absolute government Louis XIV king of France
                                                        absolute government Louis XIV king of France

4 inefficient government
The French government faced fiscal crises in the 1780s, and King Louis XVI was blamed for mishandling these affairs.

5 economic problems In this cartoon from the time, Louis is looking at the chests and asks "where is the tax money?“

6 Three Estates A common depiction of the Third Estate, carrying the burden of the other Estates

7 Enlightenment philosophers
John Locke's kit-cat portrait by Godfrey Kneller, National Portrait Gallery, London

American Revolution John Trumbull's Declaration of Independence, showing the Committee of Five presenting its work to Congress.

9 Components

10 National Assembly and Tennis Court Oath
The Tennis Court Oath, brown and black ink drawing by Jacques- Louis David, 1791.

11 Fall of the Bastille Militia hoisting the heads of Flesselles and the marquis de Launay on pikes. The caption reads "Thus we take revenge on traitors".

12 Declaration of rights of man and citizen
The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen of 1789 is a fundamental document of the French Revolution and in the history of human rights.

13 An illustration of Parisian women marching to Versailles, October 1789
March on Versailles An illustration of Parisian women marching to Versailles, October 1789

14 National Assembly Reforms 1789-1791
                                                               Le serment de Jeu de Paume. Copper plate by Pierre-Gabriel Berthault after a drawing by Jean-Louis Prieur (1789). The representatives swore not to depart until they had given France a new constitution.

15 Louis and family attempt to escape
Their attempt failed, however, when they were recognized along the road by a passerby who called for soldiers to have them arrested. Returned to Paris, the king and his family had no choice but to accept any demands put upon them by the people and to remain in their home as prisoners.

16 France at war with Austria and other European nations
                                              The Battle of Valmy (20 September 1792) France at war with Austria and other European nations The Battle of Valmy (20 September 1792)

17 Execution of Louis XVI The execution of Louis XVI in 1793.

18 Assassination of Marat
In the fall of 1793, the radical journalist was confined to his bathtub by a paralyzing skin disease he had contracted while hiding from the police in the sewers. Whether out of personal obsession or prompting, Charlotte Corday sneaked into his home to silence this self–declared tribune of the people.

19 Reign of Terror Nine emigrants are executed by guillotine, 1793
                                                        Reign of Terror Nine emigrants are executed by guillotine, 1793

20 Execution of Robespierre
After this event, members of the Convention and the Committee eyed Robespierre with suspicion. He had ordered the death of two of his close friends despite the fact that they had been popular among the people of Paris. Robespierre was the sole person who decided between wrong and right. The Convention saw Robespierre as a tyrant and his Republic of Virtue as authoritarian. A faction of the Convention banded together to destroy Robespierre before he destroyed the remaining members of the French government.

The French Revolution was a period of far-reaching social and political upheaval in France that lasted from 1789 until 1799, and was partially carried forward by Napoleon during the later expansion of the French Empire.

22 Consequences

23 Napoleon Bonaparte seizes power during the Coup of 18 Brumaire
republic established Napoleon Bonaparte seizes power during the Coup of 18 Brumaire Bouchot_-_Le_general_Bonaparte_au_Conseil_des_Cinq-Cents

24 new institutions The Constitution of 1791, France’s first attempt at a written constitution

concept of war Surrender of Lord Cornwallis by John Trumbull, depicting the British surrendering to French (left) and American (right) troops. Oil on canvas, This shows that the underdogs can win wars.

26 conditions of the peasants
Karl Marx. From Karl Marx’ Oekonomische Lehren, by Karl Kautsky, 1887

27 Church Gemma Betros examines the problems the Revolution posed for religion, and that religion posed for the Revolution.

28 bourgeoisie/middle class
The 16th-century German banker Jakob Fugger and his principal accountant, M. Schwarz, registering an entry to a ledger. The background shows a file cabinet indicating the European cities where the Fugger Bank conducts business.

29 influence on other countries
The French Revolution obviously had a major impact on Europe and the New World.

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