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TM5 Common Status Descriptors

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2 TM5 Common Status Descriptors
July 19, 2016 TM5 Midterm Meeting Beijing, China

3 Current Status The TM5 partners agreed to the common status descriptors chart and the corresponding definitions. The TM5 partners agreed to implement up to Level 2 of the common status descriptors. Partners agreed to the accompanying icons. Partners in process of deploying common status descriptors. USPTO deployed April 2016.

4 Agreed Upon Descriptors

5 Agreed Upon Definitions
LIVE/APPLICATION/Awaiting Examination –The trademark application has been accepted by the Office (has met the minimum filing requirements) and has not yet been assigned to an examiner. LIVE/APPLICATION/Under Examination – The trademark application has been accepted by the Office (has met the minimum filing requirements) and that this application has been assigned to an examiner. LIVE/APPLICATION/Appeal of Refusal Pending – An appeal of the Office’s final refusal to register a pending trademark application is currently pending. LIVE/APPLICATION/Published for Opposition – A pending trademark application has been examined by the Office and has been published in a way that provides an opportunity for the public to oppose its registration. LIVE/APPLICATION/Opposition Pending – The pending trademark application has been examined by the Office and was published for opposition, at which time one or more oppositions were filed but they have not yet been decided. LIVE/REGISTRATION/Published for Opposition - The trademark application has been added to the Registry for that Office and has been published in a way that allows the public to challenge the registration. LIVE/REGISTRATION/Opposition Pending - The registered trademark has been published for opposition, at which time one or more challenges to registration were filed but they have not yet been decided.

6 Agreed Upon Definitions Ctd.
LIVE/REGISTRATION/Issued and Active – The trademark application has been registered with the Office. LIVE/REGISTRATION/Cancellation/Invalidation Pending - This trademark application has been registered with the Office, but it is currently undergoing a challenge which may result in its removal from the registry. DEAD/APPLICATION/Refused/Dismissed or Invalidated – This trademark application was refused, dismissed, or invalidated by the Office and this application is no longer active. DEAD/APPLICATION/Withdrawn/Abandoned – The owner of the trademark application withdrew (e.g. abandoned) the application and the application is no longer active. DEAD/REGISTRATION/Cancelled/Invalidated – The trademark application was registered, but subsequently it was cancelled or invalidated and removed from the registry. DEAD/REGISTRATION/Surrendered – The trademark application was registered, but subsequently voluntarily removed from the registry by action of the owner. DEAD/REGISTRATION/Expired – The trademark application registered, but subsequently removed from the registry when the registration was not successfully maintained. OTHER—For the situation where the status is uncertain, unknown, or other than those previously identified.

7 Current Status of Implementation
USPTO Associated 161 Status Codes (currently in use) with the appropriate common descriptors. Plans to fully implement the descriptors by early 2016. JPO We understand that JPO hopes to implement the program some time following the completion of IT optimization activities. KIPO Working on implementation. OHIM Working on implementing into E-Search. SAIC

8 Proposed Enhancements: Universal Colors & Icons
Green=Live Red=Dead Black=Unknown Folder Icon=Application Ribbon=Registration

9 Agreed Upon Enhancements
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 13, 14, 15 have all changed.

10 Next Steps Continue to implement the common status descriptors’ wording. Continue to implement the common status descriptors’ icons. Consider inviting other national trademark offices to implement the common status descriptors.


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