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Nice to Meet You! (Mucho Gusto) Parte Uno

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Presentation on theme: "Nice to Meet You! (Mucho Gusto) Parte Uno"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nice to Meet You! (Mucho Gusto) Parte Uno
Español 1

2 Ways to Greet Someone… Hello: hola Certain Times of Day:
Good Morning: Buenos días Good Afternoon: Buenas tardes Good Evening: Buenas noches Vocabulario Importante: Día = Day Bueno = Good Noche = Night Tarde = Afternoon

3 Actividad # 1: A. Turn to your compañero.
B. Have them say a random time of day. C. Greet them appropriately for that time. What about 7:00 at night? What about 10:00 am? What about 1:30 after lunch?

4 How to Address Different People…
Mr. (any male any age): Señor Miss (unmarried female): Señorita Mrs. (married woman): Señora

5 Whole Clase Actividad #2
Name 2 people in your school who you would address as “señor” Name 2 people in your school who you would address as “señora” Name 2 people in your school who you would address as “señorita”

6 Finding Out Each Other’s Names…
What’s your name: Cómo te llamas? My name is: Me llamo I am: Yo soy/soy What’s your name (formal): Cómo se llama usted? And you: y tú Vocabulario Importante: And: y You: tú How: cómo You (formal): usted

7 Grupo Actividad #3 1. Huddle together with a grupo.
2. Everyone think of a fake name. 3. Start asking each other’s name. Who can point & name someone’s fake name? Did anyone have a weird name?

8 Compañero Actividad #4 1. Turn to your compañero.
2. Have them name someone in your school (pretend as if you haven’t met them). 3. Decide if you would ask them their name informally or formally. 4. Practice asking in Spanish & have your partner reply back.

9 Did you know.. Cómo te llamas doesn’t ACTUALLY mean “What’s your name”
It actually means “How do you call yourself?” Sounds funny, huh? Me llamo isn’t actually MY NAME is but rather “I call myself”

10 Finding Out Someone Else’s Name…
Who is he: Quién es él? Who is she: Quién es ella? He is ____: Él es _______. She is _____: Ella es _____. What’s her name: Cómo se llama ella? What’s his name: Cómo se llama él? His/her name is: Se llama ______. Vocabulario Importante: Who: Quién He: él llamar: to call Is: es She: ella

11 Did you know… “Cómo se llama ella/él” doesn’t literally mean “What’s his/her name” It means “How do he/she call themselves” “Se llama” doesn’t literally mean “His/her name is” but rather “He/she calls themself” _______.

12 Role Play Actividad #5 1. Huddle with a grupo.
2. Pretend someone walked into your classroom as a new student. 3. Discuss how you would ask who they are. 4. You have 1 minute to put together a fake scenario asking their name & responding. Would anyone want to share their convo for extra credit?

13 Asking Someone How They Are…
How are you: cómo estás I am well/regular/bad: Estoy bien/regular/mal How are you (what’s up): Qué tal I am so-so: Estoy mas o menos/así así How are you (formal): Cómo ésta usted? Vocabulario Importante: How: cómo You (formal): Usted Well: bien Bad: mal

14 Conversación Actividad #6
1. Turn to your compañero. 2. Pretend you bumped into a friend & ask how they are doing. 3. Have your partner reply & trade roles. If you’re sad, how would you reply? If you’re excited, how would you reply? If you’re not bad, but not great?

15 All the Different Ways to Say Goodbye…
Bye: adiós/chao See You Soon: Hasta pronto See You Later: Hasta luego See You Tomorrow: Hasta mañana See You Around: Nos vemos I have to go: Tengo que irme.

16 Whole Class Actividad #7
Escenario # 1 – See your friend after school…how would you say goodbye? Escenario # 2 – See your teacher the next day…how would you say goodbye? Escenario # 3 – Having to cut the convo off early…how would you say this?

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