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Frindle Vocabulary Words

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1 Frindle Vocabulary Words
Fifth Grade Unit 1

2 VOCABULARY Chapters 1, 2, and 3

3 Method in which a business or action is carried on
procedures Manner or Method in which a business or action is carried on

4 To give a quick, hard blow
jolt To give a quick, hard blow

5 well ordered or cared for
tidy well ordered or cared for

6 monopoly complete control over the entire supply of goods or service in a certain market

7 deep purplish red color
crimson deep purplish red color

8 thermostat a device that functions to establish and maintain a desired temperature automatically

9 to put off to a later time; postpone
delaying to put off to a later time; postpone

10 To stop or pause because of uncertainty or decision
hesitated To stop or pause because of uncertainty or decision

11 Vocabulary Chapters 4, 5, 6

12 scholarship Money given to a student to help pay for education
The student with the highest average will receive a scholarship to college.

13 complex A whole made up of many complicated parts
The constructed response math problem was very complex.

14 To represent in visible form
embodies To represent in visible form The political party embodies all the ideals of our government.

15 oath A solemn appeal of one’s word; the sincerity of a promise
He took an oath to carry out the duties of the office of president.

16 adjusted To bring to a better state; set right
I adjusted the strap in the car to fit her seat.

17 linoleum Floor covering made of hardened linseed oil and cork dust
The linoleum floor in the kitchen is very shiny.

18 prepositions A group of words that combines with a noun or pronoun to form a phrase Using prepositions in your writing makes your sentences sound better.

19 clattered To make or create a rattling sound
The car engine clattered as it pulled into the driveway.

20 Vocabulary Chapters 7, 8, 9

21 emphasized Stress as being important
Mrs. Hebert emphasized how important it is to study for tests.

22 badge a mark or sign worn to show that a person belongs to a certain group, class, or rank The policeman showed his badge to the people he questioned.

23 defender One that defends or protects
The defender of the plan told us the details he has set up.

24 abruptly Sudden The electricity went out abruptly during the storm.

25 disruption something that causes disorder
The bell ringing caused a disruption during announcements.

26 vandalism intentional destruction or damage to property
The boys were arrested for vandalism to the building.

27 stumped to make unable to answer or do
The hardest question really stumped me.

28 auditorium the part of a public building where the audience sits
The play will take place on the stage in the auditorium.

29 Vocabulary Chapters 10, 11, 12

30 headline the title over an item or article in a newspaper or magazine
The headline read, “Boy wins contest for the second time!”

31 academic of or relating to school or college
Although he is well behaved, there are academic concerns because of his grades in math.

32 masterminded when someone directs a project or invents an idea
Nick masterminded a plan during school to get everyone to say the word “Frindle.”

33 subscribed to enter one’s name for a publication or service
Our class subscribed to Scholastic News last year.

34 trademark something that identifies a person or a thing
McDonald’s tradmark is the golden arches.

35 investment to give or spend money for income or profit
The millionaire had a lot of investment properties in the town.

36 merely being only this and nothing else
I wasn’t yelling, but merely raising my voice to emphasize the importance of completing all your work.

37 controversial relating to or causing controversy
Some people think it is controversial that his dad is the umpire for the game he is playing in.

38 Vocabulary Ch 13, 14, 15

39 forbidden to order not to do
Snow White took a bite of the forbidden apple.

40 legally permitted by law or established rules
You can legally get a driver’s license at age seventeen.

41 endures to continue on in the same way; to allow to happen or continue
The air conditioning repair man endures the heat every day.

42 commotion noisy excitement and confusion
There was a lot of commotion at the concert.

43 celebrity a famous or celebrated person Drew Brees is a
famous celebrity.

44 villain an evil person Who is your favorite Disney villain?

45 rascal a mischievous or dishonest person or animal That dog is a

46 consumer a person who buys goods and services
Most consumers like to read labels on products before buying.

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