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Jet production and αs measurements at CMS

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1 Jet production and αs measurements at CMS
Georgios Mavromanolakis University of Cyprus On behalf of the CMS Collaboration ICHEP 2014: 37th International Conference on High Energy Physics, 2-9 Jul 2014, Valencia, Spain

2 G. Mavromanolakis, Univ. of Cyprus
Outline Introduction Jet Energy Scale and Resolution Selected Results Inclusive jet cross sections Dijet cross sections Measurements of the strong coupling constant Hadronic event shapes (see Poster by R. Gupta) Multijet production (see Poster by D. Roy) Low-pT and forward jet measurements at CMS (see Poster by S. Cerci) Summary - Conclusions G. Mavromanolakis, Univ. of Cyprus

3 G. Mavromanolakis, Univ. of Cyprus
Introduction QCD measurements are of great importance in order to: Test pQCD in a new energy regime, in a totally unexplored kinematic region Provide constraints on PDFs, measure strong coupling constant, study initial and final state radiation and parton showering effects Tune Monte-Carlo generators in order to better describe the data Measure and understand the main background to most new physics searches, or get a chance to have a first glimpse of something new and unexpected G. Mavromanolakis, Univ. of Cyprus

4 Data Collection The measurements shown in this talk are
from the 7 TeV and 8 TeV running period All results shown can be found at: G. Mavromanolakis, Univ. of Cyprus

5 Jet Energy Scale and Resolution
Plot courtesy of K. Rabbertz CMS DP CMS DP Now at the 1% level! JINST 6 (2011) P11002 G. Mavromanolakis, Univ. of Cyprus

6 G. Mavromanolakis, Univ. of Cyprus
Theoretical Tools Non-perturbative corrections for multi-parton interaction and hadronization Parton showering effects (POWHEG) Perturbative QCD NLO NLOJet++/JETPHOX fastNLO PDFs Matrix Element Parton level Particle level Detector level Parton Showering PDFs Parton distribution functions (PDF) CT10 MSTW2008 NNPDF2.1 HERAPDF1.5 ABKM09, ABKM11 LO QCD Monte-Carlo generators PYTHIA6, PYTHIA8 HERWIG++ ALPGEN MADGRAPH G. Mavromanolakis, Univ. of Cyprus

7 Inclusive Jet Cross Sections at 7 and 8 TeV
CMS-PAS-SMP CMS-PAS-FSQ Phys. Rev. D 87 (2013) Good description of G. Mavromanolakis, Univ. of Cyprus

8 Inclusive Jet Cross Sections: 7 TeV
The experimental uncertainties are comparable to the theoretical ones Some PDFs describe the data better than others These measurements are useful for PDF tuning and for constraining PDFs (see more on E. Lipka’s talk), as well as for determining the strong coupling constant G. Mavromanolakis, Univ. of Cyprus

9 Inclusive Jet Cross Sections: 8 TeV
CMS PAS SMP Experimental uncertainties comparable to the theoretical ones Some PDFs describe the data better than others These measurements are useful for PDF tuning and for constraining PDFs, as well as for measuring the strong coupling constant (imminent) G. Mavromanolakis, Univ. of Cyprus

10 Dijet Cross Sections: 8 TeV
CMS-PAS-SMP Good description of G. Mavromanolakis, Univ. of Cyprus

11 Dijet Cross Sections: 8 TeV
Experimental uncertainties comparable to the theoretical ones. Electroweak corrections included (new) Some PDFs describe the data better than others These measurements useful for PDF tuning and for constraining PDFs G. Mavromanolakis, Univ. of Cyprus

12 Hadronic Event Shapes at 7 TeV
CMS-PAS-SMP Central Transverse Thrust Sensitive to the modeling of two-jet and multijet topologies. For a perfectly balanced two jet event it is zero, while in isotropic multi-jet events it is (1-2/π). Jet Broadenings Insensitive to the contribution of the underlying event and hadronization. Sensitive to color coherence effects. Jet Masses Q is the scalar sum of the momenta of all the constituents in jets. The same behavior and dependence as jet broadenings but more sensitive to (initial state) forward radiation. Jet Resolution Estimates the relative strength of the pT of the third jet with respect to the other two jets. Zero for two-jet events, a non-zero value indicates the presence of hard parton emission and is sensitive to parton showering modelling. G. Mavromanolakis, Univ. of Cyprus

13 Hadronic Event Shapes at 7 TeV
Central thrust : all generators show an overall agreement with data to within 10%. Variables sensitive to longitudinal energy flow in the event show a larger disagreement between data and theory. Modeling of color connection between soft scatters and beam remnants, ISR, and FSR are the major sources of the discrepancies between the data and various QCD generators. G. Mavromanolakis, Univ. of Cyprus

14 G. Mavromanolakis, Univ. of Cyprus
Multijets at 7 TeV CMS-PAS-QCD Ratio of energy of leading jet to total Kinematic and angular distributions in inclusive multijet final states are a natural probe of QCD and its inner dynamics Comparisons made between data and predictions of leading order calculations and parton shower generators Models with only leading order calculations for dijet production cannot provide a satisfactory description of all multijet distributions G. Mavromanolakis, Univ. of Cyprus

15 The strong coupling constant : αS
C.Quigg Fundamental QCD quantity Least known of the three coupling constants Running of αS sensitive to new physics! G. Mavromanolakis, Univ. of Cyprus

16 Three to two jet ratio and αS
Eur.Phys.J. C73 (2013) 2604 Many systematic uncertainties cancel out in the ratio The ratio is sensitive to the strong coupling constant One of the first and very precise measurement at the TeV scale G. Mavromanolakis, Univ. of Cyprus 16

17 G. Mavromanolakis, Univ. of Cyprus
Three jet mass and αS CMS-PAS-SMP First measurement at 1.4 TeV G. Mavromanolakis, Univ. of Cyprus 17

18 Inclusive jet cross sections and αS
CMS-PAS-SMP Inclusive jet cross section shows sensitivity to the strong coupling constant Complementary independent measurement of this fundamental quantity G. Mavromanolakis, Univ. of Cyprus 18

19 G. Mavromanolakis, Univ. of Cyprus
Summary - Conclusions Using jets precision QCD measurements have been performed that are being used for testing new physics models, constraining and tuning PDFs, extracting the strong coupling constant and its running, and providing useful information for various aspects of the theoretical modeling (FSR, ISR, color coherence, MPI, hadronization, etc) There are a few more important measurements to come, while there is intense preparation and anticipation for the exciting 13 TeV running! G. Mavromanolakis, Univ. of Cyprus


21 Non-Perturbative Corrections
Non-Perturbative corrections are derived and applied to NLO calculation to account for : Multi-parton interactions (MPI) Hadronization effects (HAD) Used POWHEG interfaced with PYTHIA and HERWIG++ to define an envelope the mean of which is the NP correction, and half of its spread is the systematic uncertainty. G. Mavromanolakis, Univ. of Cyprus 21

22 G. Mavromanolakis, Univ. of Cyprus
CMS Experiment Solenoid 3.8 T Pixels σ/pT~ 1.5∙10-4pT(GeV)⊕0.005 Hadronic Calorimeter σE/E ≈ 120%/√E(GeV) ⊕ 6.9% Electromagnetic Calorimeter σE/E ≈ 2.9%/√E(GeV) ⊕ 0.5%⊕0.13GeV/E Muon Spectrometer σpT/pT ≈ 1% for low pT muons σpT/pT ≈ 5% for 1 TeV muons G. Mavromanolakis, Univ. of Cyprus

23 G. Mavromanolakis, Univ. of Cyprus
Jet Reconstruction Anti-kt clustering algorithm : with a cone R = 0.5 and 0.7 for CMS, which is infrared and collinear safe, geometrically well defined, and tends to cluster around the hard energy deposits Calorimeter Jets : Clustering of Calorimeter Towers composed of ECAL and HCAL energy deposits Particle Flow Jets (CMS) : Clustering of Particle Flow candidates constructed combining information from all sub-detector systems G. Mavromanolakis, Univ. of Cyprus

24 Inclusive Jet Cross Sections : 7 TeV
CMS 5 fb-1 results submitted to PRD, full error correlation matrices will be available Some PDFs describe the data better than others : these measurements useful for PDF tuning and for constraining PDFs G. Mavromanolakis, Univ. of Cyprus

25 Dijet Cross Sections : 7 TeV
Some PDFs describe the data better than others : these measurements useful for PDF tuning and for constraining PDFs G. Mavromanolakis, Univ. of Cyprus

26 G. Mavromanolakis, Univ. of Cyprus
Jet Calibration Dijet asymmetry Photon+Jet Balance G. Mavromanolakis, Univ. of Cyprus

27 G. Mavromanolakis, Univ. of Cyprus
Jet Mass CMS New Massive (SM or new physics) particles can be produced with significant Lorentz boosts => decaying into quarks the masses of the evolved jets can be used to discriminate them from lighter objects generated by QCD. For large boosts decay products emitted as collimated groupings into small sections of the detector => resulting particles can be clustered into a single jet. Jet “grooming” techniques are designed to separate jets from the decay of heavy boosted particles from quark/gluon initiated jets with large mass. G. Mavromanolakis, Univ. of Cyprus

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