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Digital public procurement

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1 Digital public procurement

2 Public procurement Procurement operations in public sector are complex and very sensitive. Not only are there many regulations but public sector also has additional internal guidelines to help avoid issues that may arise, such as improper disclosure of procurement. Therefore, a need for end-to-end business intelligence, that provides data transparency and provides contracting officers support for strategic planning and improved decision making, is increasing every day.

3 Digital public procurement document management system
What is the solution? Smart Ltd provides an ideal solution to securing public procurement information in a multi-tenant, shared services environment, based on Microsoft SharePoint 2013 and SQL 2012. Digital public procurement document management system

4 This application was designed to be used by:
All government institutions Local municipal administration Public companies Agencies and offices established by the state Medical institutions and healthcare providers Universities and other educational institutions Everyone who must apply public procurement legislation

5 Who else can use this application?
Any private company that wants to automate the procurement function in the organization, achieve long-term cost savings, cut down the time and effort required to monitor organizational spending, control the vendors, ensure healthy supplier competition to meet quality and price objectives, and more.

6 Why Microsoft SharePoint 2013?
SharePoint offers superior economies of scale compared to other document management systems. Centralized, shared SharePoint infrastructure is significantly more cost effective and requires less effort to maintain than multiple, stand-alone deployments.

7 Technical requirements
SharePoint server 2013 license, SQL 2012, Windows 7 license, Office 2013 license, Internet Explorer license (at least IE 9). Adequate server architecture. Windows 7 and Office 2013 at client endpoint. Good internet connection between locations.

8 Architecture structure

9 Application description
Web application Designed for work with multiple users, multiple locations and multiple companies. Covers complete process of public procurement, from entering of the procurement plan into the system, to the signing of the contract. Does not include planning (preparation and approval of the plan) Does not include implementation of contract – invoice monitoring and invoice payment. Available in every language Automatic notifications and alerts regarding every action in solution process.

10 Roles in application Top management – controls the work of all participants. They do not work with documents, unless they are one of the public procurement commission members. Application manager – Does administration of all reference classification systems and takes care of changes in application. Public procurement officer – they can use and see all parts of the application. Public procurement commission members – they can work only on procurements in which they are members of the commission.

11 Initial screen - Top management
Reports Subsidiaries

12 Initial screen - Application management

13 Public procurement officials
Organizational structure Users

14 Suppliers (Bidders) Bidders information
Contains all the necessary information about the bidders (supplier) Allows you to add documents to individual bidders Possibility of placing bidders on blacklist Includes the ability to edit the current information about suppliers

15 Public procurement plan
data entry Selection of year to which the plan applies Configurable, intelligent numbering format (classification) based on public legislation and company policy The Plan contains regular plan and procurement plan in which the legislation does not apply

16 Public procurement plan– plan revision
Application allows plan revision several times a year.

17 Prior Announcement Application provides the following options:
Get the document set. Enter contact information. Publish the announcement to the company's website. Withdraw announcement. Get the scanned document. (one or more).

18 Initiation of procurement 1/4
List of all procurement plans Category number Procurement subject Estimated value Parties Approximate date of procurement initiation You can choose procurement plan from the list of all procurement plans.

19 Initiation of procurement 2/4
When you select procurement plan item from the list, a new form will open. This new form contains: General data of selected plan item. Documents (document set for this operation and other documents). Procurement initiation date, date of procurement initiation decision, status change, public procurement reference generator, procurement commission entry). All parts of the screen can be used only when user uses “Get document set” option (to get group of documents that are used in this part of the process).

20 Initiation of procurement 3/4
General data of selected plan. Documents (document set for this operation and other documents). Date of suggestion to initiate procurement, Date of procurement initiation decision, Status change

21 Initiation of procurement 4/4
Documents set Document sets are forms in which the data necessary for the procurement process is entered. Documents can be saved in the application or locally. Documents (document set for this operation and other documents). Commission members entering Chairman of the commission Secretary of the commission Vice president and secretary deputy. Other members of the commission

22 Conducting of public procurement –beginning of the process 1/7

23 Conducting of public procurement – beginning of the process 2/7
1. Find the previously approved procurement and open it. You can use the filtering feature to help you find the needed procurement. (All procurements can be filtered by year and by the procurement reference number)

24 Conducting of public procurement – beginning of the process 3 /7
Parts of this screen General Status Procurement criteria Stages of procurement Documents This part of the application consists of several sub-modules that have been developed for the purpose of detailed procurement process conducting and monitoring.

25 Conducting of public procurement – beginning of the process 4/7
Document set This part of the screen can be used only when user gets (pulls) document set from the server. Document set contains 20 document models (Microsoft Word format) which are needed to create public procurement documentation. When user gets the document set from the server, other parts of the page are unlocked.

26 Conducting of public procurement – beginning of the process 5/7
Process in progress Interrupted process Suspended process Canceled process Completed process (the contract signed) Contract obligations fulfilled Possible statuses of public procurement Dates of each status are manually entered, only the date of “process in progress ” status is automatically set.

27 Conducting of public procurement – beginning of the process 6/7
In the upper part of the screen there are three important dates. Date of procurement publication. Deadline for submission of procurement applications. Date of bid opening.

28 Conducting of public procurement – beginning of the process 7/7
Entering of the criteria for the selection and ranking of bidders is done through the dropdown menu. Unos kriterijuma se radi izborom iz padajućeg menija koji je vezan za šifarnik kriterijuma. Ako traženi kriterijum ne postoji u bazi, član komisije ga može dodati i odmah koristiti. Uz svaki kriterijum se dodaje broj pondera. Zbir pondera ne može biti veći od 100. Ovo je bitan deo aplikacije jer se odavde delimično puni rang lista: pravi se spisak ponuđača po kriterijumima. If the requested criteria does not exist in the database, a member of the commission can easily add it and use it immediately. With each criteria public procurement officer can add weighting points.

29 Conducting of public procurement – work with received offers 1/2
Bidder offers In “Received offers” is part of application you can access on the upper part of the screen by click on the outlined button. Using this form, bidders information, information about time when bids were received and the number under which the offer is filed, are entered. The application automatically compares information about time when the bid was received with the deadline for the submission of offers and evaluates whether the offer had arrived on time or not.

30 Conducting of public procurement – work with received offers 2/2
Information must be entered for each bidder separately: Whether the offer is complete, suitable, acceptable or not. Whether the bid is independent or not. Whether the bidder is in consortium or a group. If the supplier is consortium or group, it is necessary to specify information about every other member. If there are subcontractors, it has to be defined who they are.

31 Conducting of public procurement – ranking list
Application itself calculates the points by all criteria for each bidder and forms the ranking list. When the decision on who is going to be the supplier is made, user tags that bidder in the application. Information of the bidder is automatically transferred to the “Contracts” - next part of the application.

32 Conducting of public procurement – input and monitoring of contracts

33 Reporting contains four groups of reports
Entire plan Short plan PLANS Prior Announcement PRIOR ANNOUNCEMENT Initiation of procurement INITIATION Procurement process by status; Procurement process by bidders . Conducting of procurement Reporting contains four groups of reports

34 Reporting 2/2

35 For more information:

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