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Doerre Intermediate School

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1 Doerre Intermediate School
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3 Learn more about graduation endorsements and requirements

4 Differences between Regulars, Pre-AP, and Pre-AP/GT

5 Regulars Homework will be a major part of nightly routine
Teacher directed activities and learning Daily drill of new learning Review sheets often given before tests

6 Pre AP & Pre AP-GT Independent learners Faster pace
Increased homework level Application level questions and/or essay style tests Active participation Self Motivated

7 6th grade GT Must have qualified based on previous screening
GT students may be asked to complete outside, independent research/project to be presented in the classroom TPSP project required

8 Exit Policy from Pre AP Courses
Conference with Teacher Intervention plan including but not limited to; tutoring and retest as per subject policy. Exit at the end of first semester It is recommended that the parent contacts the teacher for a conference if the student is not making a “C” average in the Pre AP curriculum

9 6th grade Bell Schedule 8:15-First bell rings (allows all students to enter building) 8:25-8:40 students report to Gym 8:40- dismissed to locker then class 8:50 1st period begins 4 minutes between classes (exclusively 6th graders in hallways at same time) 6th graders eat lunch with other 6th graders only

10 Subjects & Electives

11 Typical 6th Grade Schedule
English/Language Arts Block Math Science Social Studies PE Elective Pride time (all students are assigned a pride time; this is right after 4th period)

12 Language Arts Two periods per day (double block) with same teacher
Spelling, grammar, reading comprehension, & composition skills Homework assigned nightly

13 Math Must know multiplication and division facts prior to 6th grade
Homework given nightly Before school tutorials/reviews available on test days Textbook online resource (video tutorials, sample homework problems and practice quizzes)

14 Science General science Lab safety and experiments
Homework assigned 2 – 3 nights a week

15 Social Studies Countries and cultures Map study
Homework assigned 2 – 3 nights a week

16 Electives Art* Theater Arts* Band* Choir* Orchestra*
Power Math (required based on STAAR results) PATH – Next Step *Requires fees and/or instrument rental *Band and Orchestra will send letters in late March for instrument selection dates and times.

17 Physical Education 6th and 7th grade
Dress out in their PE uniform daily Off Campus PE program (paperwork required –(contact your elementary counselor) *Category plus hours per week *Category plus hours per week Must be a KISD approved off campus PE establishment

18 Home and School Communication

19 Binder Reminder Available at Doerreintation (the Thursday before first day of school) Use to record assignments Teacher and parent can communicate through binder reminder

20 Progress Reports 4th Thursday of each 6 weeks
Distributed during 7th period

21 Teacher Communication
Teacher website Individual Conference

22 Open House Fall and Spring semester
Fall Open House allows parents to walk through their student’s schedule Spring Open House has different scheduled activities to visit

23 Social Growth Opportunities

24 Social Growth Opportunities
Doerre offers many new experiences Clubs Student Council Intramurals Academic and Extracurricular Activities

25 Doerre Clubs Anime Club Chess Club Culture Club
DI (Destination Imagination) Doerre Scribes Math Club    NJHS Doerre Chiefs / No Place for Hate Student Council (STUCO) Doerre Step Club Warriors for Christ Other ways to get involved: Try out for sports (football, volleyball, basketball, track, cross country, swimming, cheerleading, etc.) Join the choir, orchestra or band! Participate in Theater Arts productions. Compete in drawing and writing competitions!

26 Students Can Prepare By…
Begin now to strengthen organizational skills Master all math facts Read, read, read, especially during the summer Novels, Non-fiction, Current events

27 Parent Strategies

28 How Can Parents Prepare?
Talk with the 5th grade teachers about subject level placement (Regulars, Pre AP, Pre AP/GT) Help your child make a wise elective choice Be patient and let your child accept responsibility along with the natural consequences!

29 What Can You Do To Make Your Doerre Student Successful?
Check Skyward family access (registrar can send you an at beginning of year to set this up) Check Binder Reminder nightly Check teacher websites teachers Do not accept zeros as grades!

30 Who Do We Call For Help? Classroom teacher(s)
Assistant Principals and Counselors– Larry Domino & Brandi-Collins Halverson (A-G) Ursula Johnson & Jennifer Lange (H-O) Dr. Karen Kulhanek-Rochin & Tinisha Prevost (P-Z) Amanda Davis (Case Manager) Doerre Principal, Thomas Hensley

31 Additional Resources Doerre Website Student Handbook
Student Handbook KISD Intermediate course catalog Promise to purpose Follow us on Follow us on

32 Last Day for Schedule Change
The last day for any schedule change, including both elective change and on level changes (Pre AP to regulars) will be June 8 at 3:00 pm (contact your child’s elementary counselor). After June 8 no changes can be honored. Once school starts if your child struggles in Pre AP a change from Pre AP to regular can be requested at semester.

33 Thank you for coming. Have a successful finish to 5th grade
Thank you for coming! Have a successful finish to 5th grade!! See you in August!!

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