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Communities In Schools MOSPA Conference May 2017

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1 Communities In Schools MOSPA Conference May 2017

2 Mission Communities In Schools surrounds students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.

3 Every child needs and deserves
The Five Basics Every child needs and deserves A one-on-one relationship with a caring adult A safe place to learn and grow A healthy start and a healthy future A marketable skill to use upon graduation A chance to give back to peers and community

4 Communities In Schools across the nation
The largest and most effective dropout prevention program in the United States. A network of nearly 200 non-profit organizations in 26 States and the District of Columbia. Serving 1.4 million students annually in 2,200 public schools in urban, suburban and rural communities. Focused on the lowest performing schools and the students most vulnerable to dropping out.

5 CHILDTRENDS REPORT First synthesis of the evidence-base for ISS
KEY FINDINGS Child Trends Study of Integrated Student Supports (ISS) First synthesis of the evidence-base for ISS Provided common definition for ISS Identified common components (Needs assessment, coordination/integration of services/supports, community partnerships, and data collection and tracking) Identified positive outcomes associated with ISS; informed standard metrics

6 A Community of Support

7 Academic Supports Extra academic support---individual, classroom
Enrichment, homework help

8 A wide variety of Student Supports
Basic physical needs Hunger Clothing, hygiene, school supplies Vision exams and eyeglasses Dental hygiene and treatment School-based health Social-emotional learning Mental Health Chronic absenteeism

9 Our Foundation: A Positive Data Culture
An organization that asks ‘what does the data say?’ and then acts on the results even when convention or tradition may disagree. It is using an analytic process to leverage relevant data insights to transform the way business is done internally and externally. The culture depends on staff at all levels to measure outcomes, act based on available data, and build on existing knowledge over time.


11 CIS Model of Integrated Student Supports
Affiliate’s role to bring resources, including the Site Coordinator and partners INTO the school. The Site Coordinator manages a set of processes to ensure the CIS Model is implemented with fidelity Monitoring and Adjusting and Evaluation are core elements of our model and are part of an on-going, fluid process. Tiers of Support are brokered or delivered within the implementation of the full CIS Model

12 Building a Case Management Continuum
Three Tiers of Support and a Case Management Continuum Three Tiers of Support Building a Case Management Continuum

13 Three Tiers of Support Tier I Tier II Intensity Tier III
Widely available services designed to foster a positive school climate and address school-level risk factors. Tier II Tier I Tier III Intensity Low Targeted services typically provided in a group setting to students with a common need. Intensive, individualized services typically provided in a one-on-one setting to students with highly specific needs.

14 Site Coordination Establishing and implementing a process within a school to effectively deliver or broker integrated student supports. This include the actions associated with: Needs Assessment Support Planning Coordinating Three Tiers of Support Monitoring, Adjusting and Reporting Evaluating Progress Against Goals

15 Defining Case Management for CIS
A collaborative process to 1.) Establish a system of services provided to individual students; and 2.) Identify and partner with individual students who are at risk of dropping out of school to: Assess needs and assets Create individualized plans Provide/coordinate and monitor and adjust service delivery Evaluate student progress against established goals

16 CIS Site Coordinator Communicates the vision and mission of CIS
Supports/participates in a multi-disciplinary team approach Facilitates assessment of student and family needs Collaborates with school leadership and staff to address needs Coordinates services and service providers at the site Manages data and documentation at the site Reports activities and results to school principal, CIS leadership, and other stakeholders

17 2015-16 Michigan Affiliates CIS of Metropolitan Detroit
CIS of Kalamazoo CIS of Lenawee County CIS of Northwest Michigan CIS of Tecumseh CIS pilot Lansing * * began in 2015

18 Michigan Outcomes 24,754students served in 9 Districts at 58 Schools 90% of seniors with targeted services graduated 98% of students with targeted services were promoted to the next grade 83% of students with targeted services met attendance goals 87% of students with targeted services met academic goals 82% of students with targeted services met behavioral goals

19 Communities In Schools of Michigan
CIS Michigan Contact Information Communities In Schools of Michigan Executive Director/CIS state Director: Jeff Brown Phone: Ext 13

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