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NSBE Elevator Pitch Competition Info Packet

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1 NSBE Elevator Pitch Competition Info Packet
2015 NSBE Elevator Pitch Competition Info Packet Region V

2 Pitch… The Elevator Pitch is your business plan overview effectively, powerfully and concisely delivered to any investor who happens to ride the same elevator as you. Your pitch should provide a clear picture of the company and its solution. This competition is designed to encourage individuals on how to make memorable impressions in a short period of time with a unique branding statement. Did you know people form an opinion of you within the first 30 seconds of meeting you? Your first impression is critical in capturing the attention of a potential investor or customer. Give them something powerfully captivating to remember you by!

3 Rules… All teams compete at FRC on TBA
All teams compete in all 3 rounds Optional: Practice Required: 1st, Challenge & Semi-Final One index card is permitted during the 1st round Pitch will be delivered by 1 team member Each round has a unique pitch duration (3,2,1 min miracle speeches) Teams will be scored at the end of each round There will be no Q & A period during pitch

4 Scoring Card…

5 Tips for Thought Remember!
Have Energy! Show some Passion! Give brief description of problem & solution! Be Creative! Target your customers needs! Use less technical Language! Name big clients/partners! Discuss the market & business opportunities! Share Success Metrics! Mention Financial Highlights! Ask yourself, Would you invest? Guidance & Feedback will be provided! Remember! You’re providing a “teaser” to the audience with the purpose of having them ask "tell me more about your Company!”

6 Register Online via
Important Dates… Today! Register Online via October 30th Submit Final Updates (i.e Team name, Team members, Summary of service/product) To November 2nd Withdrawal Deadline

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