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Forest School at.

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1 Forest School at

2 Forest School is defined as “an inspirational process that offers children...regular opportunities to achieve and develop confidence and self esteem through hands on learning in a woodland environment”

3 Forest School An outdoor woodland activity can only be called Forest School if it is led by a Level 3 Forest School leader. Nicola achieved her qualification in 2013 and September 2017 will see the fifth year of taking our leaver children to Forest School each week. 24 children will take part, split between a Monday and Wednesday afternoon. The first term is mostly about : Getting used to the new routine in nursery – having an early lunch Understanding the routine of getting clothes out, putting them on, listening to instructions, following instructions. Walking safely to the site and learning about the expected standard of behaviour Exploring the site and understanding and adhering to safety rules Learning to have fun in a new environment Forest School is a regular activity as it builds up over a period of time and is not something that can be joined some weeks and not others. If your child is not well enough for Forest School you would need to collect them at lunchtime from nursery – please do not assume they can stay at nursery instead, as staffing ratios do not permit this.

4 Forest School The Forest School site we use is at Chetwynd Deer Park – a private woodland area that only Tiggy’s and St Peter and St Paul Catholic Primary School use during the week – us on mondays and wednesdays and the school on a tuesday. We cross Chetwynd Road, having walked through the adjacent estate and have a safe crossing procedure of this main road. All children wear hi vis vests over their waterproofs. A full risk assessment of all aspects of Forest School has been carried out and is regularly checked. Using tools and having a fire is introduced when the group is considered ready – sensible enough to listen to adult instructions and follow the routines. Safety of your child is a priority but giving them the opportunity to take risks is encouraged. There are no toilets – children will have to go before they leave (and must be confident with going to the toilet by September) although we do have a potty should the need arise whilst at the site. Boys are encouraged to stand up to wee in the designated ‘toilet’ area with support from staff.

5 Forest School What it means for your child:
a change to the usual lunchtime routine – lunch at 12 for 30 mins lots of independent undressing and dressing skills – start practising now lots of listening and processing of instructions and sequencing of what to do next taking things out of their bags and putting things back in having to listen and respond to adult instructions – if your child struggles with this they may not be ready for FS leaving nursery at 1.00 walking being in a new environment having fun! developing their confidence, independence and social skills Returning to nursery by 3.15 ready to be picked up at your child’s usual finish time

6 Forest School What parents need to do:
buy waterproofs and wellies (if you don’t already have them) Please do not buy all in ones or dungarees – too difficult for toileting. Waterproof jacket with hood and separate trousers are required. Various makes available online or in shopseg. Sports Direct and Aldi & Lidl when on offer. encourage independent undressing and dressing skills –FROM NOW ON - especially shoes and wellies, putting on and taking off their waterproofs, socks, trousers – all self-help dressing skills. get them walking ( no carrying or pushchairs). We are going 590 metres to the FS site so it is not that far but children need to get used to walking if you tend to carry or use a pushchair introduce road safety if you haven’t already started support your child with the correct way to wash hands Remember to bring their Forest School kit on their day – wellies to go in the cubby hole under their peg. Provide a bag that they are able to put their kit back into.

7 Forest School Clothing : “there is no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing” Long sleeve tops and long trousers, spare pair of socks and wellies are always required – even in summer Layers, layers, layers is the key in in winter as opposed to one really thick coat – fleece tops very useful when it is cold as a base layer under coat and waterproof. Additional winter clothing – thermal socks, hat (no novelty ones, mittens (preferred unless your child can put gloves on independently) – again no novelty ones, neck scarves/snoods only Thick, insulated gloves may look like a good idea but for a child it is like an adult wearing oven gloves and being expected to pick things us easily. Spare mittens in their bags on cold days are needed. Sun hats in summer Don’t send them in their best items as mud and water will be involved * except high winds and /or torrential rain when due to depart from nursery!

8 Any questions? – please speak to Nicola
Forest School Any questions? – please speak to Nicola Forest School visits will provisionally start week on Wednesday 13th or Monday 18th September The exact date and your child’s day will be confirmed when we return in September

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