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Environmental Science

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1 Environmental Science
Mr. Holmes Hephzibah High School

2 Monday Lab Day Plan of Action for Monday
1 Finish up Safety Test if needed. Only a few classes/students need this time to finish Safety Test. Pass out a copy of Safety test and Safety Rules for any students who need to study the information to retest. Begin Lab. Students should take out their Composition Notebooks, or at least 2 sheets of lined paper.

3 Part 1 Organization Front of Composition Notebook:
First Name and Last Name Mr. Holmes Period _______ Inside of notebook: Bottom Outside Corner, Number the pages. Number both Front and Back of Pages up to pg. 10. 1

4 The setup of Lab 1) Question 5) Test the Procedures
2) Do your Research and Identify Variables. 3) Hypothesis Create If Then Because statement 4) Experiment Materials (What do you need to do the lab) Procedures (Step by Step How are you going to do the lab) 5) Test the Procedures 6) Observer and Record Data in Data Tables and Graphs. 7) Conclude and Report Findings

5 On Page 5 Name and Date Top of Page Title: Jellybean Organization
Question : Which Jellybean appears in greater quantity than the others? Color or Taste perhaps? Research: Write down what research you have conducted. Personal Experience can count a little. Your Personal experiences. Identify Variables.

6 Hypothesis If I ____________________ then _____________________ because _____________________.

7 Materials What do you need to conduct the experiment?
Paper Towel or Paper Plate Mini-Cup Jellybeans Anything else?

8 Procedures How do you do the Lab? STEP by STEP! 1) Obtain Materials
2) Pour Jellybeans onto Paper Towel or Plate. 3) Begin sorting Jellybeans by color. 4) Count each color and record onto Data Sheet/Section. 5) Organize Count into Graph or Table or Chart.

9 Data Color or Flavor of Bean Number of Beans

10 Conclusion Was your Hypothesis correct for your selection of Jellybeans? Was your Hypothesis correct when you compare all groups information? After conducting this lab, my hypothesis was found to be correct. The lab could have been conducted better if ____________. After conducting this lab, I found my hypothesis to be in error. More trials might be necessary to determine validity of experiment. Improvements to this lab could be ____________________.

11 TID (Poss. Tuesday) Name, Date and Period OR -1 Point.
Write Question, OR -1 Point. How does and organism's habitat (place of living) relate to its survival?

12 Cornell Note Style

13 Standard SEV1. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to investigate the flow of energy and cycling of matter within an ecosystem. a. Develop and use a model to compare and analyze the levels of biological organization including organisms, populations, communities, ecosystems, and biosphere.

14 Essential Questions How do the nonliving parts of Earth's systems provide the basic materials to support life? How do changes in population size relate to environmental conditions? How do ecologists organize and study life?

15 Chapter 4-1 Vocabulary: Ecosystem – A community of Organisms and their nonliving environment. Biotic factor - The living factors in an Ecosystem Abiotic factor - The Non living factors in an Ecosystem Organism – An individual living thing. Species – A group of organisms that can mate and produce fertile offspring Population – All the members of the same species living in the same place at the same time. Community – All the different species living in the same place at the same time. Habitat – The place an organism lives.

16 Video As you watch the video use the vocabulary to identify the information presented. Ex: Biotic Factor – The Resplendent Quetzle Costa Rica's Monteverde Cloud Forest Listen to the video and write down questions that you may have in your question section of your notes.

17 Monteverde Now Monteverde Now
How doe changes in population size relate to changes in environmental conditions? As you watch this video think about this question, in your notes answer this question to the best of your ability.

18 Vocab Cont. Producers (Primary Producer) – Organisms that get energy directly from the sun. Consumers - Organisms that obtain energy by eating other organisms. Herbivore – Organisms that only typically eat plants. Carnivore – Organisms that only typically eat other animals. Omnivore – Organisms that eat both plants and animals. Decomposer – Organisms that get energy from feeding off of dead or dying organisms.

19 Vocabulary MORE Biosphere – The part of Earth where life exists.
Food Chain – A pathway of energy transfer as a result of the feeding pattern of different organisms. Food Web – A diagram that shows the connection between food chains in an ecosystem. Trophic Levels – One of the steps or levels of the food chain or food pyramid. Detritivore – Organisms that get energy from eating decaying organisms and return essential nutrients to the soil.

20 Ecosystems How Ecosystems Work The Circle of Life
Everything is connected together inside the Ecosystem. How? Ecosystems which are close to each other are connected. As we continue to expand our view, we get to the Biosphere. We pretty much call it Earth. Everything in the biosphere is connected as well.

21 Last of the Vocab Photosynthesis – The Process plants use to make energy from sunlight. Chemosynthesis – A Process used by organisms to produce energy from other chemicals. Bacteria near thermal vents use this. Cellular Respiration – The process of creating energy from consumed food. (Animals) Law of Thermodynamics – A set of laws that state Energy isn’t destroyed, simply transferred from one organism to another by feeding.

22 Food Chains and Food Webs

23 What is a Food Chain? A food chain is the path by which energy passes from one living thing to another.

24 What’s in a Food Chain? Producers Consumers Decomposers

25 Producers Producers make their own food Producers are on the bottom of the food chain

26 Consumers Consumers hunt, gather, and store food because they cannot make their own.

27 Three Types of Consumers
Herbivores Carnivores Omnivores

28 Herbivores Animals who eat plants: grasshoppers rabbits squirrels deer

29 Carnivores Animals who only eat other animals: tigers lions hawks
wolves cougars

30 Animals who eat both plants and animals:
Omnivores Animals who eat both plants and animals: humans bears

31 Decomposers Microorganisms that are able to break down large molecules into smaller parts Decomposers return the nutrients that are in a living thing to the soil

32 Predator & Prey Predator- An animal that captures and eats other animals Prey- The animal that is captured and eaten

33 What is a Food Web? A more realistic way of looking at the relationship of the organisms in an environment Several food chains linked together A predator from one food chain may be linked to the prey of another food chain

34 How many food chains can be Made from this food web?

35 Sources Parts Created by Mrs. Miller Pictures from Google
Parts borrowed from RuthAnn Lane Definitions from Environmental Science Textbook – Holt Ga.

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