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Thank you for coming tonight

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Presentation on theme: "Thank you for coming tonight"— Presentation transcript:

1 Thank you for coming tonight
Thank you for coming tonight! Please take our Parent Survey on the Chromebook while we wait to get started. Open the Chromebook Click on the “App” button Select Parent Survey

2 Welcome to Back to School Night!
Type your grade. -

3 Hello! Hello, hello! It’s a brand new year.
Filled with fun and learning, Nothing to fear. Sit back and listen, Lend me an ear, We’re your teachers for the rest of this year! Tell your students more about yourself. -

4 I am Miss Benner Insert your name here -

5 All about Miss Benner! CSUF Grew up in Rancho Cucamonga
4th year teaching first at Grapeland 10 month old - Weston Tell your students more about yourself. -

6 I am Mr. White Insert your name here -

7 All about Mr. White BA Liberal Studies & Special Ed. (UCR)
MA Administration (Chapman University) 17 years teaching (2nd, 5th, 6th grades) 3rd year as vice principal Previous schools: West Heritage & Day Creek Intermediate Wife is a speech therapist at Day Creek Son Grady is RCHS Daughter Audrey is in 6th Day Creek Tell your students more about yourself. -

8 Schedules

9 Teacher Schedule Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday – Miss Benner
Thursday and Friday – Mr. White Type in your classroom rules. -

10 Specials P.E. – Wednesday’s & Friday’s 8:30-9:20
Library – 10am Music – Every other Monday Type in your classroom rules. -

11 Expectations Insert time. -

12 Student Expectations Come to class & be on time.
Complete class work on time. Do all your homework and bring it to school on Friday. Be an active learner- participate! Respect others. Try, try, try – we take risks! Independent learners – being resourceful Type in your classroom rules. -

13 Parent Expectations Check your child’s purple folder every night!
Work with your child to complete homework. Scaffolding ☺ Read every day Enjoy watching your child learn and grow! Type in your classroom rules. -

14 Classroom Management Insert time. -


16 Clip Chart Check & initial the calendar on the back of your child’s purple folder DAILY!!!!! Blue, Purple, and Pink – had above average behavior  *prize* Green – was ready to learn Yellow, Orange, and Red – had below average behavior and had to have a consequence. Type in your classroom rules. -

17 Homework Insert time. -

18 Newsletters go home on Friday. Week at a glance
Homework/Event reminders Homework will be an extension of the daily lessons and activities we are working on in class. Math workbook Spelling Special Assignments Projects, book reports, etc. Insert info or delete slide. -

19 Log in

20 Go to My Library

21 Math Games

22 Tutorial videos for the lessons



25 A.R. Insert time. -

26 Accelerated Reader Our class goal is to have ALL our students make ALL 5 goals!!!! We can do this  Incentive Program Great for building comprehension & becoming better readers. Times to take A.R. tests In class upon completing work. Before and after school. Insert info or delete slide. -


28 Birthdays Insert time. -

29 Happy Birthday Celebrating birthdays with friends is such a treat!
Please bring only birthday bags with no food items enough for 23 students – we will celebrate and pass out at the end of the day. Summer birthdays ½ birthday or end of year Insert info or delete slide. -

30 Other Insert time. -

31 Supplies Needed Glue sticks, glue sticks, and more glue sticks!
Pencils Erasers Crayons Inexpensive prize items Markers White glue Kleenex Insert info or delete slide. -

32 Volunteers Attend training with Mrs. E & MUST fill out a new volunteer packet Sign in when you come Daily classroom assistance Prep parent Friday parent Classroom parties Field Trips Insert info or delete slide. -


34 Any questions? Copy slide if you want to add more sections to this PowerPoint. -

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