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Learning and Teaching strategies in specialist area

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1 Learning and Teaching strategies in specialist area
Subject specialism

2 Activity 1 Take a few minutes to think about what your specialist area of teaching might be. In order to consider what you might teach think about what subject your highest qualification is in? E.g. English, Drama, ESOL, Motor Mechanics, hairdressing, counselling etc. A level 3 qualification is the minimum required for Associate teacher status. Full teacher status requires you to have a level 5 qualification (Tutor to collate feedback on the whiteboard)

3 Licensed Practitioner Requirements
From September 2007 onwards: Associate Teacher: ATLS required for those with a level 3 or 4 qualification. Full Teacher: QTLS required for those with a level 5 qualification. Both within 5 years of first teaching/training appointment Essentially, all teachers that have had their first teaching position within the sector since September 2007 are required to undertake and complete professional formation within 5 years of their first appointment.

4 1.1 Learning and Teaching strategies in specialist area
1.1 Summarise learning and teaching strategies used in own specialism (specialist requirements e.g. subject content, knowledge, skills; strategies e.g. varied, learner-centred, individual or group work; teaching e.g. tutor- led, presentation, practical, research, distance learning, ILT (Information and Learning Technology).

5 Activity 2 Look at the teaching strategies on the next page and in small groups. What do you think is dialogical learning? What do you think is experiential learning? What do you think is problem solving/problem based learning?


7 Activity 2 part B In groups of 2-3 write down what you think each of the different teaching methods might involve. You have 7 minutes to complete this activity. Each person in the room will then stand up in front of the class and explain their definition of 1 of the teaching methods. You should also ask the rest of class for additional answers which and you will record in a Word document which will be printed at break time and shared with the group.

8 Whole class questions This picture we have been studying is a mind- map. Where would mind mapping appear as a teaching technique if it was present on the picture? What other ways could this teaching technique be used? Can you think of any other teaching techniques not listed. For example, modelling behaviour?

9 Learner Notes to clarify terminology


11 Homework for PTLLS level 4 learners
Read the following document and consider the implications to your teaching practice: GeoffonHattie.doc

12 Homework for PTLLS level 3 learner
Complete section 1.1 in the handbook

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