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New to Reception Meeting 12th July 2017

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Presentation on theme: "New to Reception Meeting 12th July 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 New to Reception Meeting 12th July 2017
Welcome to Abbey Gates F2 class

2 Practical Details Morning Routine:
We advise that you arrive at school before the bell rings at 8.50 am. Registration takes place at 8:55am so please ensure your child is on time each morning. Please let us know if anyone different will be collecting your child. We would like your child to be as independent as possible when bringing their things into school so we will encourage them to hang up their own items and put their own bags, water bottles and snacks in the correct place.

3 Morning Routine continued:
When your child comes into the classroom they will need to find their name and place it under the sandwiches or hot dinners signs on the board. They will then “Get busy” with an activity to support the development of their basic skills. For example, hole punching or name writing.

4 Milk All children get milk for free until their 5th birthday.
When your child turns 5 you can pay for milk; Joy in the school office will point you in the right direction!

5 Practical Details Lunch time:
All children in Reception and KS1 are eligible for Universal Free School Meals. Dinners are freshly prepared on site and the children love them. Please put any packed lunches in a named lunch box to avoid any mix ups! Fruit will be provided for your child every morning and they are encouraged to also bring a healthy snack for the afternoon. Your child will need a water bottle every day.

6 Practical Details End of the day: School finishes at 3:25.
Children will be brought out to you through the FS2 door. If, for some reason, someone different is picking your child up, please let us know that morning. Please don’t be surprised if your child is very tired initially, school is hard work when you are 4!

7 Practical Details What will my child need:
Children need to have a coat and wellies in school. We will go outside in all weathers so please ensure your child has a waterproof coat with a hood. Every child will also need a sun hat and all day sun cream when it is hot. In winter, we ask that you bring your child some slippers to change into- we don’t want a wet soggy carpet or anyone slipping over! They need to bring their book bag every day. Please ensure ALL uniform is labelled with your child’s name, especially PE kit and jumpers/cardigans. (Even the sun cream!)

8 Parental Involvement We are always happy to have parent/grandparent helpers in school especially to listen to children read. Next year we will re-launch Grandparent reading sessions. During this time, the children will listen to a story read by a grandparent from one of our lovely story sacks. Please ask all grandparents if they would be interested and let us know as soon as possible. 

9 Celebrations We really like to celebrate children’s achievements in school as this has a positive impact on their emotional development and behaviour. In school, children will be given stickers and raffle tickets as rewards and names will be chosen to win prizes. Stars are rewarded for lots of positive things and certificates will be given in assembly after 15 stars! Children will also be rewarded using our weather chart- if they reach the pot of gold there will be a prize!

10 Accidents at School If an accident occurs at school (which they do-especially grazed knees!) your child will come home with an accident form. If it is an accident we feel is an emergency you will be contacted straight away so it is important your phone number is up to date. If your child has any facial or head injuries then you will be contacted immediately according to school policy.

11 Medical Matters If your child is going to be absent, please call the school office in the morning. Please inform us of any medical conditions. Any other information that will benefit the care of your child we would like to know. If your child needs prescribed medication then please let us know and ensure this is in school at all times e.g. inhalers – you will need to complete a form from Joy.

12 Early Years Foundation Stage:
There are 7 areas of learning- 3 Prime Areas: Communication and Language development Physical development Personal, Social and Emotional development 4 Specific Areas: Literacy Mathematics Understanding of the World Expressive Arts and Design

13 In Class The children will have opportunities throughout the day for teacher led and child led activities. There will be lots of activities that support your child’s fine motor skills in order to prepare them for writing. Children can choose indoor and outdoor play based activities.

14 Reading and Phonics Reading is extremely important and we would really encourage your child to read as much as possible at home, even if it is just a couple of pages a night- please make sure that you write in their reading diary every time that they read at home.

15 Reading and Phonics We will have daily phonics sessions.
During this time your child will learn the different sounds that letters make along with some fun actions. As your child learns these new sounds, flashcards will be added to their reading folder. Please practise these before you read to develop your child’s confidence. When your child is confident with lots of sounds and blending, we will send home a book that is fully decodable- if you are unsure, please ask! Word ladders will be added to reading diaries to practise at home.

16 s-a-t sat ch-o-p chop

17 What you can do to help prepare your child for writing.
Encourage children to draw, paint etc Show children your writing, shopping lists, things to do, birthday cards. Make scrap books, write postcards, party invitations. Develop fine motor skills by cutting, sewing, dot-to-dots, play dough etc. Draw wiggles and squiggles with different pens and pencils.

18 What you can do to help your child with their mathematical development.
Point out numbers around you, on houses, clocks, cars, television channels, cookers and microwaves etc. Sing number songs such as “1,2,3,4,5 once I caught a fish alive” Say number names in order as you climb the stairs, count teddies on a bed, plates on the table. Compare quantities, who has the most sweets, which shopping bag is heavier, who is the tallest?

19 Topic and child-centred learning:
We will be regularly changing our topics to keep the learning fun and exciting. We have some ideas already but your children will give us lots of other ideas that can help us to make their time in school more relevant for them.

20 Homework: Your child will receive weekly homework.
We encourage you to support your child in completing these tasks as independently as possible. Homework should be handed in every Thursday.

21 Before September… It would be beneficial for your child when they start school if they can: Use the toilet independently. Dress and undress independently. Follow simple instructions. Use a knife and fork. Use their manners when speaking to others.

22 Induction Pack In the pack you will find:
A copy of your child’s peg label. Letter formation sheets. Phase 2 sound mat. Number formation sheets. Cutting skills sheets. Wow moment sheets. Fun maths ideas. CD Reading poster

23 Thank you for your time. If you have an questions at all then please feel free to ask me or another member of staff. If you feel there is something that we urgently need to know about your child then please let us know.

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