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CALPADS Updates May 2017
Contact Information Brandi Jauregui Senior Info. Systems Analyst CALPADS/CBEDS/CDS Operations Office
Agenda Student Absence Summary File CASEMIS to CALPADS Transition
CAASPP and CALPADS Direct Certification General Updates
Student Absence Summary (STAS) File
Student Absenteeism Summary (STAS)
Intended to identify students who are chronically absent (10% or more of the days they were expected to attend) Required in EOY Certification of cumulative enrollment will also be required CCEs must be resolved Most recent file format is available at :
Who’s In and Out? You MUST submit STAS data for:
Students with PRIMARY and SHORT-TERM enrollments Enrolled between 7/1/2016 and 6/30/2017 You DO NOT have to submit STAS data for: Home/hospital students Students enrolled at NPS schools Students who are primarily enrolled but are attending college 100% of the school day Students enrolled in summer school
Talk to your VENDORS SIS vendors are responsible for developing the business rules for the STAS extract Talk to your vendors to understand how each of the STAS fields are being calculated.
STAS Input Validation Errors
Error Number Error Message Error Description Severity STAS0303 Invalid Absence Summary Information when Exemption is not Indicated The following Student Absence Summary information must be populated if the Student Absence Summary Data Collection exemption Indicator is null. - Hourly Attendance School Type Indicator - Expected Attendance Days - Days Attended - Days Absent out-of-school suspension - Days in Attendance In-School Suspension - Days Absent Excused Non-Suspension - Days Absent Unexcused Non-Suspension - Incomplete Independent Study Days Fatal STAS0304 Invalid Absence Summary Information when Exemption is Indicated The following Student Absence Summary information must be null if Student Absence Summary Data Collection Exemption Indicator is equal to "Y" (yes) Hourly Attendance School Type Indicator - Expected Attendance Days - Days Attended - Days Absent out-of-school suspension - Days in Attendance In-School Suspension - Days Absent Excused Non-Suspension - Days Absent Unexcused Non-Suspension - Incomplete Independent Study Days
STAS Input Validation Errors
Invalid Expected Attendance Days When populated, Expected Attendance Days must be between 1 and 250 days, inclusive Fatal STAS0306 Invalid Days Attended When populated, Days Attended must be less than or equal to Expected Attendance Days STAS0307 Invalid Out-of-School Suspension days absent When populated, Days Absent Out-of-School Suspension must be less than or equal to Expected Attendance Days Less Days Attended (May be 0) STAS0308 Invalid In-School Suspension days attended When populated, Days in Attendance In-School Supsension must be less than or equal to Expected Attendance Days Less Days Attended (May be 0)
STAS Input Validation Errors
Invalid Excused Non-Suspension days absent When populated, Days Absent Excused Non-Suspension must be less than or equal to Expected Attendance Days Less Days Attended (May be 0) Fatal STAS0310 Invalid Unexcused Non-Suspension days absent When populated, Days Absent Unexcused Non-Suspension must be less than or equal to Expected Attendance Days Less Days Attended (May be 0) STAS0311 Invalid Incomplete Indpendent Study Days When populated, Incomplete Independent Study Days must be less than or equal to Expected Attendance Days Less Days Attended (May be 0) STAS0313 Absence Summary Exemption Only for NPS or Home/Hospital Schooled Student Student must be enrolled in Non-public school (NPS) or is receiving instruction through at home/hospital instructional setting to be exempt from submitting Student Absence Summary Data Warning
STAS Certification Validation Errors
# Validation Rule Name Description Lvl CERT125 Missing In-School Suspension Data for a student who was reported as attending in-school suspension Students who are reported as attending in-school suspensions in the absence summary data must have an associated SDIS data for the same school in the same academic year where the student's disciplinary action taken was In-school suspension Fatal CERT126 Missing Primary or Short-term Enrollment record for a student with Absence Summary Data Students who are reported as attending school in the absence summary data must have associated SENR data for the same school in the same academic year with an enrollment status of Primary or Short-term.
STAS Certification Validations
Missing Out-of-School Suspension Data for a student who was reported as absent due to out-of-school suspension Students who are reported as absent due to Out-of-school suspensions in the absence summary data must have an associated SDIS data for the same school in the same academic year where the student's disciplinary action taken was Out-of-school suspension Fatal CERT128 Missing Absence Summary Data for Student Each student who has an SENR record with an enrollment status of Primary or short-term in grades KN-12, UE, US must have an assocated STAS record for the same school and academic year.
STAS Certification Validations
Expected Attendance Days is greater than Total Enrollment Days A student's Expected Attendance Days must be less than or equal to their Total Enrollment Days** at the same school for the same academic year. ** Total enrollment days based on SENR records Fatal
UPDATES CASEMIS file layouts will be MODIFIED for to mirror names and code values proposed for C2C In lieu of “pilot” or “beta” test Draft file layouts and code sets have been distributed to special education system vendors
REMINDERS FOR EOY 3 SELPAs MUST review discipline reports for students with disabilities prior to certification Establish a local review process Provide access to CALPADS reports for SELPA Letter will go out to Superintendents in May
REMINDERS FOR EOY 3 If “Removals to Interim Alternative Setting” > 1 for an LEA, data could be inaccurate – verify with SELPA New fatal error when Removal to Interim Alternative Setting has been populated for a student WITHOUT a disability (no 144 program) Ensure that K-3 students are not being suspended solely for Disruption/Defiance (Code 511) Verify using Report Discipline Actions - Count by Offense Exception for “teacher suspensions” for disruption/defiance
Special Education Division is now requesting that LEAs obtain SSIDs for preschoolers with plan type 30 (Pending evaluation) Do not submit SPRG record until student is determined “eligible for services” If student is determined to be ineligible, exit student with an N470 (No Show Exit) LEAs should NOT obtain SSIDs for any K-12 students with plan type 30
CASEMIS Roadshows Spring roadshows have concluded Additional roadshows will be announced in the Fall Sign up for the CASEMIS to CALPADS listserv for updates
CAASPP and CALPADS When Should LEAs exit students from CALPADS? And, what student data are used in reports? For 2017 summative testing ETS freezes the demographic data it receives from CALPADS at the end of the LEA’s testing window OR when the student exits, whichever comes first, and uses these data for reports in TOMS, the Online Reporting System (ORS), and on the public Website This means… For students who leave during a selected testing window, LEAs can and should exit their students when the student exits—LEAs should not wait until the end of the testing window Students who complete the school year at the school should be exited at the end of the school year Demographic data for students who are not exited prior to the end of the testing window will be frozen as of the end of the testing window
CAASPP and CALPADS Do NOT manually close any of the following program records during the testing window: 504 Accommodations Special Education Migrant National School Lunch Program (NSLP) Keep in mind that NSLP records will close automatically on the date you exit a student Coordinate exit submissions with your assessment coordinators!!
Ensure student has a current-year enrollment for interim testing
Direct Certification Changes
May Extract Includes: S – SNAP-Certified T – TANF-Certified M – Medi-Cal Free Certified* R – Medi-Cal Reduced Certified* N – Not Certified *only 14 pilot LEAs will see all M- and R-certified students (available statewide July 2, 2017)
DC/CALPADS Coordination
July 2nd DC match is largest match of the year Includes E155 exits Excludes all other exits Best practice is to have NEW incoming students enrolled in CALPADS for the new academic year by July 1 so they are included in July match (Kinder or matriculating students) This ensures they start receiving meals as of the first day of school Work with your food service staff to coordinate
Direct Certification Workshops
Remaining DC workshop locations and dates (times for all sessions are 9:00 am to 1:00 pm): Corona-Norco May 18 and 19 See CALPADS Flash #124 for registration instructions
ESSA Teacher Reporting Requirements
ANNUAL counts of minority and socioeconomically disadvantaged students compared to counts of non-minority, non-socioeconomically disadvantaged students taught by the following: “Ineffective Teachers” “Out-of-Field” Teachers Teachers with “Emergency or Provisional Credentials” “Inexperienced Teachers”
ESSA Teacher Reporting Requirements
CDE will report the following in (no additional collection requirements for LEAs) Teachers with “Emergency or Provisional Credentials” “Inexperienced Teachers” A plan on how the remaining data will be collected is still in development
ESSA Teacher Reporting Requirements
Professional Learning Support Division will be holding stakeholder meetings over the next two months to solicit input on the term “Ineffective Teacher” which will be included in the draft ESSA State Plan Could potentially affect “Out-of-Field” definition as well Definitions will be sent to the State Board for review in July 2017, finalized in September 2017
General Updates
CALPADS Administrator Account Renewal
LEA Administrator applications over one year old will be required to submit a new application upon password reset All users will be required to annually renew their acceptance the CALPADS Confidentiality and Security Agreement
WHY????!!! High % of expired LEA Administrator Accounts
Local accounts can ONLY be created by the LEA Admin Data in CALPADS are highly confidential – CDE must know who has access
COMING SOON - GOOD NEWS! LEA Administrator accounts will be assigned ALL roles in CALPADS You WON’T need multiple accounts if you wear many hats in your LEA
Exit Certification is Moving to End-of-Year!
We are considering moving the certification of exits (grads and drops) to a NEW EOY submission Fall 1 submission would only reflect current year enrollments
Potential Discipline Anomalies
CA reported a high % of K-3 students committing: Sexual assault Sexual battery Sexual harassment Ensure sites are selecting the appropriate Offense Code If offense does not meet Penal Code definition – choose a different offense code!!!!
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