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The Pupil Premium Action Plan- making it work for Tidcombe

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1 The Pupil Premium Action Plan- making it work for Tidcombe
Disadvantaged Pupils The Pupil Premium Action Plan- making it work for Tidcombe

2 Key Questions How do we encourage eligible parents to register their children for free school meals ahead of the January census? How do we make sure the funding received through the Pupil Premium is identified and planned? What support is available for disadvantaged pupils? How do we monitor the progress of disadvantaged pupils? How do we inform governors of planned spend and subsequent impact?

3 What works? According to research from Education Endowment Foundation
Effective feedback on learning Metacognition and self-regulation Peer tutoring Early intervention One-to-one tutoring Phonics Parental involvement

4 What are we doing? The Head and SENCo have planned and written a budget plan The SENCo will be a PPG Champion. It will be her role to ensure the plan is delivered effectively. She will monitor the progress of and plan support for disadvantaged pupils of all abilities.

5 What might that look like?
Data will be gathered on the profile of pupils eligible for the Pupil Premium funding. This will include GL assessment, prior attainment and progress, speech and language link assessments (if appropriate), absences, personal and social development, parental involvement. One-to-one meetings will initially be held with each pupil to include pupil voice in the profile. Half-termly individual progress meetings with pupils will look at achievement, target-setting and provide feedback. Regular tracking of progress will ensure identification of need and gaps.

6 Closing the gaps Provide accessibility to a school ‘toolkit’ of well-evidenced strategies and interventions which can be drawn on to meet the identifies needs when they arise. These might be: Specialist maths tuition in small groups One-to one reading support and phonic teaching Inference group to support comprehension of texts Small group/one-to-one maths support from trained TAs using recognised and diagnostic interventions One-to-one support with overcoming emotional barriers

7 Evaluating the impact Use interventions that have diagnostic pre- and post-intervention assessments. Use pupil progress meetings with teachers termly to talk about progress Twice yearly GL assessment will provide data Use Pupil dashboard to compare data with other schools Individual pupil mentoring meetings with PPG Champion will allow effective feedback and assure personal expectations are high. Ensure parents are informed and involved.

8 What else can we offer? Ensure good attendance of disadvantaged pupils through tracking by administrator who will liaise effectively with parents. Availability of music tuition Help with funding of residential trips A rich and balanced curriculum through effective planning Monitoring of quality of feedback given to pupils

9 Actions Administrators to encourage eligible parents to register pupils for free school meals ahead of January census. Head and SENCo to identify, plan and write PPG budget spend Inform governors of PPG budget and proposed plan PPG Champion to gather data on disadvantaged pupils and create individual profiles PPG Champion to have initial individual meeting with all disadvantaged pupils to include pupil voice. PPG Champion to identify needs and set up plan to close gaps. Early identification – speech and languagelink screening SENCo/PPG Champion to monitor delivery of strategy/intervention Organise regular feedback/mentoring sessions with individual pupils Organise termly Pupil Progress Meetings with teachers Termly meetings with SLT to discuss impact of interventions and next steps. Plan how to improve parental involvement Write termly report for SLT and governors evaluating impact of the plan.

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