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Career Development Interventions in Higher Education

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1 Career Development Interventions in Higher Education
Publisher to insert cover image here Chapter 13 Career Development Interventions in Higher Education Developed by: Jennifer Del Corso

2 Career Needs of Students in Higher Education
In 2011, slightly 21 million students were enrolled in postsecondary education in the United States. In October 2013m 65.9% of 2013 high school graduates enrolled in colleges and universities. College enrollment rates of Asians (79.1%) is highest compared to White (67.1%), Black (59.3%) and Hispanic (59.9%) The unemployment rate for high school graduates not enrolled in college was 30.9% 2

3 Changing Landscape of Higher Ed- Enrollment
Women made up 57% (about 12 million) of undergraduate student population in 2014, with just over 9 million men enrolled (NCES) International students are another group that represents a substantial percentage of those enrolled in higher education. There were approximately 886,052 international students enrolled in higher education in the United States in 2014 Ethnic minorities made up 32% of students in higher education in 2007. In a recent survey of 90,000 college students (2012), 3% identified as gay/lesbian, 1.9% unsure, and 0.2% transgender. 3

4 Changing Landscape of Higher Ed- Graduation Rates
Only 19% of students enrolled in 4-year bachelor’s degrees at nonflagship colleges; 36% from flagship or very high research universities, graduate in four years (Complete College America, 2014). Only 59% graduate in six years (NCES, 2014) despite 83.4% believing they will graduate in four years- mismatch in expectations and a need for more preparation 4

5 Changing Landscape of Higher Education
Survey results from the Higher Education Research Institute (2012) indicate that most first-year college students (87%) indicate that they chose to attend college to “get a better job” and 75% report that they chose to attend college “to make more money” Project on Student Debt (Kingkade, 2014) reports that 69% of students graduating in 2013 from four-year colleges and universities had student-loan debt. Average debt levels for graduate seniors is $28,400 in 2013 11.8% of all 18 to 24 year olds enroll in community college 5

6 The Evolution of Career Development Interventions
Professor/advocate Job placement Employment agencies Placement offices Diverse services (no single type of counseling center or placement center) 6

7 Five Major Approaches for Delivering Career Services
Macrocenter Counseling orientation General-level service Career planning and placement Minimal service 7

8 Why College Students Seek Career Assistance
Learn more about themselves Identify career goals Become more certain of their career plans Explore career options Do educational planning Learn job search skills 8

9 Career Development Competencies in Adulthood
Personal Social Development Educational Achievement and Lifelong learning Career Management 9

10 Personal Social Development
Career service providers can help students with the following personal development goals: 1) develop understanding of self and maintain a positive self-concept; 2) develop positive interpersonal skills, including respect for diversity, 3) integrate growth and change into your career development, and 4) balance personal, leisure, community, learner, family, and work roles 10

11 Educational Achievement and Lifelong Learning
Career service providers can help students obtain educational achievement and life learning by: Helping students know how to access and use the information they gather in their educational and occupational career exploration Helping student develop strategies for overcoming obstacles in their career path (e.g. childcare, financial costs) Offering career planning courses to assist students in long and short range career plans Providing career information via courses, workshops and small groups 11

12 Career Management Career service providers can help students reach their career management goals by helping students: Create and manage a career plan that meets their career goals Use a process of decision making as one component of career development Use accurate, current, and unbiased career information during career planning and management Master academic, occupational, and general employability skills in order to obtain, create, maintain, and/or advance your employment Integrate changing employment trends, societal needs, and economic conditions into their career plans 12

13 Goals of Career Interventions in Higher Education
Help students learn to identify and transfer career interests to a plan of action Help students relate interests and goals to opportunities Help students relate their career plans to life goals and opportunities Help students learn how to evaluate their progress toward career goals through academic preparation 13

14 Career Interventions in Higher Education (Crites’ Model)
Explore a variety of options. Crystallize a narrow range of specific options. Make a commitment to a choice and specify college major. Implement the choice of major. 14

15 Powell and Kirts Model Proposes a systems approach to career services in higher education Starts by providing an overview of services to new students Continues by providing self-assessment Then focuses on exposure as students engage actively in career exploration Finally provides training in job search skills 15

16 The Florida State Model
A curricular career information service (CCIS) model with five modules, as follows: Introduction to the service Orientation to the decision-making process Self-assessment Career information Matching of majors and jobs 16

17 Sampson Model (2008) Eight-step model which begins by evaluating and assessing career resources and services. Based on the initial assessment, career resources and services are adapted and revised to meet the students’ needs.

18 Career Services Courses, workshops, and seminars -- structured group experiences on topics such as career decision making, career planning, and job search skills Group counseling activities for students dealing with career indecision, career indecisiveness, and job search anxiety Individual career counseling Placement programs 18

19 Career Services in Higher Education (Herr)
Infuse academic subject matter with information pertinent to career development Provide coursework on career development Use external resources such as internships) to provide career-related information, Integrate placement and transfer processes in support of career planning

20 Career Services in Higher Education (Herr) (Continued)
Offer opportunities for work-study/cooperative education Provide decentralized counseling using academic departments Provide seminars in residence halls, student unions, that focus on college life and career planning Provide group counseling Provide interactive, computer-based career guidance and information systems

21 Goals of Career Interventions in Higher Education (Herr et al., 2004)
Provide assistance in the selection of a major Provide self-assessment and self-analysis Assist students to understand the world of work Assist students to learn decision-making skills Provide assistance with unique needs of sub-populations Provide assistance with access to jobs 21

22 Council for the Advancement of Standards (CAS) Guidelines
Essential components of career services Leadership Organization and management Human resources Financial resources Technology Facilities and Equipment 22

23 CAS Standards continued
Legal Responsibilities Equity and Access Campus and External Relations Diversity Ethics Assessment and evaluation 23

24 Advantages of Centralized Services
More likely to have a critical mass of professional staff Efficiencies and economies of scale in use of facilities and support staff Vibrant, challenging environment because of heterogeneity of student population 24

25 Disadvantages of Centralized Services
May be viewed by students as less personal due to size May be located farther away from places where students spend most of their time 25

26 Ten Imperatives for Career Services (Rayman, 1999)
1: Acknowledge lifelong nature of career development and challenge students to take responsibility for their own career destiny 2: Accept and embrace technology as an ally in service delivery 3: Continue to refine and strengthen professional identity 4: Acknowledge and accept that individual career counseling is at the core of our work 26

27 Ten Imperatives for Career Services (Rayman, 1999)
5: Forge relationships with other professionals and parents to achieve a “multiplier effect” 6: Redouble efforts to meet needs of an increasingly diverse student body 7: Maintain focus on quality career services while also filling relationship role with corporate America 27

28 Ten Imperatives for Career Services (Rayman, 1999)
8: Acknowledge that on-campus recruiting is a thing of the past and develop new approaches 9: Resolve the nature of the university’s role with alumni, eliciting support rather than providing services to them 10: Advocate effectively for resources to maintain and increase services and use existing resources efficiently 28

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