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Presentation on theme: "PREPARING SEASONINGS AND COOKING"— Presentation transcript:

Department : Restaurant Skill Competence : Restaurant Service Standard of Competence : Doing Cooking Preparation Basic Competence : Doing Basic Cooking Preparation

2 A. Preparing and Making Seasoning
Definition Seasoning is materials which can increase the food aroma, without changing its original taste. 2. Functions of seasoning and spices Giving taste Giving color Giving appetite Preserving food Art & Tourism

3 A. Preparing and Making Seasoning
3. Classification of Seasoning: Seasoning can be classified based on their origin: a. Seasonings from animal: prawn and terasi b. Seasonings from plants: spices, branch, fruit, Seed and leaves. c. Artificial seasoning Art & Tourism

4 B. Kinds of Seasoning 1. Seasoning from animals
Dried prawn Terasi 2. Seasoning from plants Fruit : 1. Chili 2. Tamarind 3. Orange 4. Star-fruit 5. Petai 6. Pepper Art & Tourism

5 B. Kinds of Seasoning Chili Star-Fruit Petai Pepper Orange
Art & Tourism

6 B. Kinds of Seasoning b. Flower Flower which can be use as seasoning;
Kecombrang Telang Flower Cloves Kecombrang Flower Cloves Art & Tourism

7 B. Kinds of Seasoning Branch & skin d. Leaves Cinnamons Kayu secang
Cocopandan Cinanamons Cocopandan leaves Kayu Secang Art & Tourism

8 B. Kinds of Seasoning Salam leaves Leek 4. Guava leaves
6. Jintan leaves 7. Kari leaves Salam leaves Leek Jintan leaves Art & Tourism

9 B. Kinds of Seasoning 8. Kemangi leaves 9. Coriander leave 10. Curcuma leaves 11. Bowl leaves 12. Mint leaves 13. Suji leaves Kemangi leaves Curcuma leaves Coriander leaves Bowl leaves Art & Tourism

10 B. Kinds of Seasoning Kari Leaves Guava Leaves Suji Leaves Mint Leaves
Art & Tourism

11 B. Kinds of Seasoning e. Spices 1) Onion 2) Ginger 3) Curcuma 4) Lengkuas 5) Betel Vine 6) Temu Kunci 7 Onion Curcuma Ginger Art & Tourism

12 B. Kinds of Seasoning Temu Kunci Curcuma Ginger Art & Tourism

13 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
B. Kinds of Seasoning f. Seeds Jintan 2) Wijen 3) Kapulaga 4) Kemiri 5) Coriander 6) Nutmeg Pala Coriander Nutmeg Jintan Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

14 C. Seasonings from Their Freshness
Fresh coconut a. Coconut b. Keluak c. Mango 2. Dried Seasoning Adas Angkak Ngohiong seasoning Spekuk seasoning Kemukus Klebet Pekak Coconut Keluak Art & Tourism

15 C. Seasoning from Their Freshness
Ngohiong Seasoning Klabet Seasoning Pekak Seasoning Spekuk seasoning Art & Tourism

16 3. Additional Seasoning a. Sugar b. Salt Baking powder
Artificial aroma Vinegar Coloring material Yeast Sugar Vinegar Salt Artificial Aroma Art & Tourism

17 D. Choosing and Keeping Seasoning
If we buy fresh seasoning like ginger, curcuma, onion and so on, choose the fresh ones. We seasonings can last for 1-2 months, wash it first, wrapped in the plastics and put into freezer Dried seasonings will be broken if it is kept long Art & Tourism

18 D. Choosing and Keeping Seasoning
4. If we buy dried seasoning, buy the smallest pack to avoid it is broken 5. Choose registered-instant seasoning under Dirjen POM and notice the expire date 6. Close the pack after using it. Art & Tourism

19 E. Kinds of Basic Seasoning
Generally, seasoning can be divided into three basic seasonings.: red, white and yellow seasoning. From these three basic seasoning, we can add more seasonings: 1. Basic Red Seasoning Basic Red Seasoning has hot taste. It is used for sambal goreng, rendang, pepes, bajak sauce, gulai, rujak and balado. Here are the composition of basic red seasoning: Art & Tourism

20 E. Kinds of Basic Seasoning
Onion 9 pieces Garlic 5 pieces Chili 10 piece Salt 1 tsp Additional Seasoning: Nutmeg 5 piece Pepper 1 stp Coriander 1 stp Terasi 1 stp Sugar 1 stp Cooking oil 4 stp Step: All seasonings are mashed and fried until it smells good. Art & Tourism

21 E. Kinds of Basic Seasoning
2. Basic White Seasoning Basic white seasoning has salty and unclear white color. It is used ase lidah, gudeg, terik daging, sayur bobor, and opor ayam. Composition: Onion 11 piece Garlic piece Salt stp Art & Tourism

22 E. Kinds of Basic Seasoning
Additional Seasoning: Nutmeg 7 pieces Pepper 1 stp Coriander '/ stp Terasi 1 stp Sugar 1 stp Cooking oil 3 dp Steps: All seasonings are mashed and fried until it smells good Art & Tourism

23 E. Kinds of Basic Seasoning
3. Basic Yellow Seasoning Basic yellow seasoning has salty and bright color. This basic seasoning can be developed into curry seasoning, yellow acar, yellow rice, pesmol fish, fried chicken and so on. Composition: Onion 10 piece Garlic 6 piece Curcuma 2 cm Salt 1 stp Art & Tourism

24 E. Kinds of Basic Seasoning
Additional Seasoning: Nutmeg 7 piece Pepper 1 stp Coriander '/ stp Terasi 1 stp Sugar 1 stp Cooking Oil 3 dp Steps: All seasonings are mashed and fried until it smells good Art & Tourism

25 F. Variation of Basic Seasoning
Dishes Seasoning Ingredients Liquid Technique Result 1. Semur Onion, garlic, pepper, nutmeg, salt, brown sugar, ketchup, tomato and tamarind Chicken, fish, meat, tofu, tempe, potato, vegetablen Water Sliced & Mashed Liquid & Brown 2. Terik Onion, garlic, coriander, salt, and nutmeg Ayam, ikan,d a g i n g, t e l ur, tempe, tahu Coconut milk Sliced & Mashed White, sweet and salty 3. Besengek Onion, garlic, coriander, nutmeg, terasi, salt, jinten and salam leaves Ayam , i k a n , d a g i n g, t e l u r, t e m p e, tahu 4. Opor Onion, garlic, nutmeg, pepper, jinten, betelvine, and brown sugar Ayam,daging, telur, tem- pe, tahu, k a c a n g merah White, thick, sweet and salty Art & Tourism

26 F. Variation of Basic Seasonings
Dishes Seasoning Ingredients Liquid Techniques Result 1. Kalio Onion, garlic, chili, ginger, curcuma, ginger, salt and lime leaves Meat, heart, bean, red bean and small potato Thick coconut milk Mashed Yellow, salty and spicy 2. Gulai Onion, garlic, chili, jinten, curcuma, clove, pepper, brown sugar and so onBawang me- rah, bawang putih, cabai merah, kemi- ri, jinten, ke- tumbar, ku- nyit, asam, cengkih, jahe, garam, kapu- laga, kayu manis, gula merah, sa­lam, lengkuas Chicken, meat, lamb, liver and so on Art & Tourism


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