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OFFICE 365 Student Email Account.

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1 OFFICE 365 Student Account

2 Educational Purpose and Acceptable Use of Electronic Resources, Technologies and the Internet
West Virginia Board of Education (WVBE) Policy 2460:

3 Digital/Network Etiquette:
Users are expected to abide by the generally accepted rules of digital/network etiquette. These include, but are not limited to, the following: Be polite. Do not write or send abusive messages to others. Use proper English and appropriate language; avoid “Netspeak.” Do not swear; do not use vulgarities or other inappropriate language. Use extreme caution when revealing personal information, including a home address and phone number, on web sites, blogs, podcasts, videos, wikis, or as content on any other electronic medium. Do not reveal, on any electronic medium, personal information about another individual. Digital/Network Etiquette:

4 Digital/Network Etiquette:
Do not use the Internet in a way that would disrupt the use of the Internet by others (e.g., downloading huge files during prime time; sending mass messages; annoying other users). Keep educational files and messages stored on servers to a minimum. Activate the appropriate automatic reply message and unsubscribe to listservs if account is to be unused for an extended period of time. Notify the appropriate school authority of any dangerous or inappropriate information or messages encountered. Digital/Network Etiquette:

5 Accountability and Responsibility
The WVDE provides the network system, accounts and Internet access as tools for education and administration in support of the WVBE’s mission and goals. The WVDE reserves the right to monitor, inspect, investigate, copy, review and store, without prior notice, information about the content and usage of any network and system files, user files, disk space utilization, applications, bandwidth utilization, document files, folders, electronic communications, , Internet access, and any and all information transmitted or received in connection with networks, use and web- based tools. Accountability and Responsibility

6 Accountability and Responsibility
The WVDE and approved service provider(s) can monitor only the accounts issued to the "" (Microsoft) server, which is administered by WVDE and approved provider(s). Electronic filtering installed by the WVDE provides filtering for all public schools. Providing this service at the state level enables districts/schools to meet Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) guideline requirements for filtering. The WVDE will not be responsible for any damages, including loss of data or service interruptions. Accountability and Responsibility

7 Accountability and Responsibility
The WVDE and approved service provider(s) can monitor only the accounts issued to the "" server, which is administered by WVDE and approved provider(s). Non-“” accounts should not be used for school/educational purposes. WVDE-issued “” accounts should only be used for educational purposes – no personal business. Students need to know about appropriate online behavior, including interacting with other individuals on social networking websites and in chat rooms and cyber bullying awareness and response. Students can be held responsible for their online activity even if off-site. District/school equipment that is used off site is subject to the same rules as when used on site. Accountability and Responsibility

8 Accountability and Responsibility
Students are expected to use state, district, and school- owned technology in a responsible, efficient, ethical, and legal manner. The use of such technologies may be restricted or revoked (i.e. account disabled) for inappropriate behavior or use. Students and staff are encouraged to use district and school equipment whenever possible. Accountability and Responsibility

9 Use of Electronic Resources, Technology and the Internet.
Unauthorized or unacceptable use of the Internet or any safety violations as part of an educational program by students may result in suspension or revocation of such use. Each student who will access the Internet will be provided acceptable use training and shall have an acceptable use form, signed by a parent or legal guardian, on file at the county/school. The WVDE provides the network system, accounts and Internet access as tools for education - users should have no expectation of privacy. The WVDE reserves the right to monitor, inspect, investigate, copy, review and store, without prior notice, information about the content and usage of network resources (e.g. files, Internet access, and accounts.) Use of Electronic Resources, Technology and the Internet.

10 Use of Electronic Resources, Technology and the Internet.
The use of telecommunications (e.g. ) and/or access to the Internet is an extension of the students' responsibility in the classroom and must follow all federal and state laws as well as state and local policies. Acceptable network use by students and staff includes creation of files, projects, videos, web pages and podcasts using network resources in support of student personalized academic learning. Other examples of acceptable network use would be appropriate participation in school-sponsored blogs, wikis, web tools, social networking sites (e.g. Edmodo) and online groups. Use of Electronic Resources, Technology and the Internet.

11 Use of Electronic Resources, Technology and the Internet.
Unacceptable Use: Inappropriate use or transmission of any material in violation of any U.S. or state law or regulation is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, copyrighted material, threatening, abusive, or obscene material, or material protected by trade secrets. Use for commercial activities by for-profit institutions is not acceptable. Use for product advertisement or political lobbying is also prohibited. Illegal activities and privacy and safety violations of COPPA, CIPA and FERPA are strictly prohibited. Use of Electronic Resources, Technology and the Internet.

12 Use of Electronic Resources, Technology and the Internet.
Specific examples of unacceptable and/or unauthorized use include, but are not limited to: Viewing, creating, accessing, uploading, downloading, storing, sending, or distributing obscene, pornographic or sexually explicit material. Downloading, uploading and/or executing viruses, worms, Trojan horses, time bombs, bots, malware, spyware, SPAM, etc., and changes to tools used to filter content or monitor hardware and software. Using and other electronic user IDs/passwords other than one's own. Passwords are the first level of security for a user account. and system logins and accounts are to be used only by the authorized owner of the account, for authorized purposes. Students are responsible for all activity on their account and must not share their account IDs and passwords. Use of Electronic Resources, Technology and the Internet.

13 Use of Electronic Resources, Technology and the Internet.
Specific examples of unacceptable and/or unauthorized use include, but are not limited to: Illegally accessing or attempting to access another person's data or personal system files or unauthorized access to other state/district/school computers, networks and information systems. Supplying your password and user information to any electronic request or sharing them with others via any other communications. Storing passwords in a file without encryption. Using the “remember password” feature of Internet browsers and clients. Leaving the computer without locking the screen or logging off. Use of Electronic Resources, Technology and the Internet.

14 Use of Electronic Resources, Technology and the Internet.
Specific examples of unacceptable and/or unauthorized use include, but are not limited to: Corrupting, destroying, deleting, or manipulating system data with malicious intent. Requesting that inappropriate material be transferred. Violating safety and/or security measures when using , chat rooms, blogs, wikis, social networking sites, Web 2.0 tools and other forms of electronic communications. Hacking, cracking, vandalizing or any other unlawful online activities. Disclosing, using, or disseminating personal information regarding students. Use of Electronic Resources, Technology and the Internet.

15 Use of Electronic Resources, Technology and the Internet.
Specific examples of unacceptable and/or unauthorized use include, but are not limited to: Cyber bullying, hate mail, defamation, harassment of any kind, discriminatory jokes and remarks and other unauthorized uses as referenced in WVBE policies or other policies and laws. Personal gain, commercial solicitation and compensation of any kind. Any activity which results in liability or cost incurred by the district. Downloading, installing and/or executing non-educational gaming, audio files, video files or other applications (including shareware or freeware) without permission or approval. Use of Electronic Resources, Technology and the Internet.

16 Use of Electronic Resources, Technology and the Internet.
Specific examples of unacceptable and/or unauthorized use include, but are not limited to: Support or opposition for ballot measures, candidates and any other political activity. Information posted, sent or stored online that could endanger others (e.g., bomb construction, drug manufacture, etc.). Plagiarism or reproducing/repurposing audio/video without permission/consent. Attaching unauthorized equipment to the district or school networks or the state backbone network. Any such equipment may be confiscated and turned over to law enforcement officers for a potential violation of W. Va. Code §61-3C-5, Unauthorized Access To Computer Service Use of Electronic Resources, Technology and the Internet.

17 Use of Electronic Resources, Technology and the Internet.
Specific examples of unacceptable and/or unauthorized use include, but are not limited to: Vandalizing technology equipment or data. Vandalism is defined as any attempt to harm or destroy data of another user or to intentionally damage equipment or any connections that are part of the Internet. Uses related to or in support of illegal activities will be reported to authorities. Use of Electronic Resources, Technology and the Internet.

18 Use of Electronic Resources, Technology and the Internet.
Filtering: Filtering software is not 100% effective. While filters make it more difficult for objectionable material to be received or accessed, filters are not a solution in themselves. Every user must take responsibility for his or her use of the network and Internet and avoid objectionable sites. Any attempts to defeat or bypass the state’s Internet filter or conceal Internet activity are prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, proxies, https, special ports, modifications to state browser settings and any other techniques designed to evade filtering or enable the publication of inappropriate content. inconsistent with the educational missions of the state, district or school will be considered SPAM and blocked from entering boxes. Use of Electronic Resources, Technology and the Internet.

19 Use of Electronic Resources, Technology and the Internet.
Copyright: Copyright laws protect the rights of people who create intellectual property by providing the creator with exclusive rights to license, sell or use the works. A creator owns the rights of reproduction, adaptation, distribution, public performance, public display, digital transmission and moral rights. Downloading, copying, duplicating and distributing software, music, sound files, movies, images or other copyrighted materials without the specific written permission of the copyright owner is generally prohibited. However, the duplication and distribution of materials for educational purposes are permitted if and when such duplication and distribution fall within the Fair Use Doctrine of the United States Copyright Law (Title 17, United States Code and content is cited appropriately. Students are expected to adhere to the copyright laws. Use of Electronic Resources, Technology and the Internet.

20 WVBE Policy 2460

21 Remember: No Privacy Be safe No Bullying Beware of viruses.

22 Log on to internet explorer (or other browser)
Go to Enter your entire address Enter issued initial password

23 Click on ‘Change Password’ (on the top, left of middle)
Enter the OLD (issued) password, then create a new password Confirm it by entering the new one again. Then click the ‘Submit’ button. Password requirements are as follows: MUST be 8 characters long MUST have at least 1 number MUST have at least 1 uppercase letter MUST have at least 1 lowercase letter SHOULD have at lease 1 non alpha-numeric character e.g. For example, School2$

24 OPTIONAL – Add existing other email account (e. g
OPTIONAL – Add existing other account (e.g. gmail, yahoo, Frontier, Suddenlink) to your profile for password recovery Click on ‘My Information’ to the left of ‘Change Password’ At the bottom of the ‘Account Info’ box, click on ‘Manage s’ You can add any existing accounts you have for Office 365 password recovery. Entire the entire address and click on ‘Send Activation Code’ A message pops up confirming that it’s been sent. Open up another browser tab or window and login to that other you just entered. You should see a message from webtop: verification. Open the message and click on the ‘Click here to add this address to your account’ It will open up a new tab that looks similar to the original page where you started, but you can just close it. Now when you go to another section on the ‘Webtop User Profile’ screen and then go back to ‘Manage s’, you will see your just-added . Now, if at some time in the future you forgot your Office 365 password, then you can go to the same page where we started: Then you click on ‘Forgot username and/or password?’ link below the ‘Submit’ button It will take you to a ‘Request Password Reset’ screen, here you put your secondary address. A message will be sent to that secondary account.

25 Click on Office 365 icon or go to
Enter entire address and NEW password 1st – change language and time zone (Eastern Time) Click save Outlook is the mail portal. OneDrive is where you can save When finished, click on the silhouette (upper right-hand corner)and Sign out

26 Key points – Office 365 Everyone with an account will also have an extra 5 installs at home! A K-12 student could use their account information and upgrade their home computers to match what is being used at school. A family with two K-12 children would get 10 installs at home. IPads, iPhones, Android devices, tablets, and most modern mobile devices are also covered. 50 GIGABYTES of online storage! Unified Calendar One TERABYTE (TB) of online document storage (OneDrive) Greater security through encryption (Office 365 Frequently Asked Questions)

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