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Scientific Method & Metric Conversions

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Presentation on theme: "Scientific Method & Metric Conversions"— Presentation transcript:

1 Scientific Method & Metric Conversions

2 Your Topic Observation & Inference Metric Conversions
Scientific Method Observation & Inference Metric Conversions Variables Science Skills 100 200 300 400 500 Bonus Question: 2500 pts

3 Hypothesis A testable answer to a question Topic 1: 100 Question:

4 Procedures Written out step-by-step instructions in an experiment.
Topic 1: 200 Question: Written out step-by-step instructions in an experiment. Answer Procedures Back

5 Conclusion This section tells the reader what you learned in the lab
Topic 1: 300 Question: This section tells the reader what you learned in the lab Answer Conclusion Back

6 Results This step contains data tables/observations/graphs
Topic 1: 400 Question: This step contains data tables/observations/graphs Answer Results Back

7 Sources of Error Topic 1: 500
Question: This part of the lab report includes identifying things that could change your measurements/data, but you have no control over. Answer Sources of Error Back

8 Inference Topic 2: 100 The woman is getting married. Question: Answer

9 One of the players has an orange helmet.
Topic 2: 200 One of the players has an orange helmet. Answer Observation Back

10 The pumpkin is as orange as an orange.
Topic 2: 300 The pumpkin is as orange as an orange. Answer Inference Back

11 Topic 2: 400 There are not many tall buildings in Mexico City. Answer Inference Back

12 Kobe Bryant is about to dunk the ball.
Topic 2: 500 Question: Kobe Bryant is about to dunk the ball. Answer Inference Back

13 Topic 3: 100 Question: 306 cm = ______ m Answer 3.06 meters Back

14 Topic 3: 200 Question: 1.56 g = ____ mg Answer 1560 milligrams Back

15 Topic 3: 300 Question: .57 km = ____ m Answer 570 meters Back

16 Topic 3: 400 Question: 295 mm = ____cm Answer 29.5 centimeters Back

17 23.75 km = ____ mm 23,750,000 millimeters Topic 3: 500 Question:
Answer 23,750,000 millimeters Back

18 Topic 4: 100 Question: Only factor that the scientist changes on purpose during an experiment. Answer Independent Variable Back

19 Constant A factor that remains unchanged in all trials. Topic 4: 200
Question: A factor that remains unchanged in all trials. Answer: Constant Back

20 Amount of water Topic 4: 300 Plant 1: 10 mL of water, tomato seed, sun
Identify the independent variable Answer Amount of water Back

21 50 mL of water/sun/soil Topic 4: 400
Plant 1: 50 mL of water/bean/sun/soil Plant 2: 50 mL of water/tomato/sun/soil Plant 3: 50 mL of water/turnip/sun/soil What are three constants in this experiment? Answer 50 mL of water/sun/soil Back

22 Topic 4: 500 Brian wanted to know if listening to music while studying would help him do better on tests. He wanted to do an experiment. He listened to music while studying for his science test and Cam didn’t listen to music while studying for his French test. Cam got a better grade than Brian. How would you change it to make it better? Answer Only 1 independent variable allowed. Could keep either the test the same or have them both listen to music (same type). Back

23 Topic 5: 100 Students performed an activity to test the effects of water temperature on the rate that salt dissolves. Which of these must be held constant for this activity to be accurate (best answer)? Time of day C) mass of salt Water temperature D) time salt dissolves “C” Mass of salt Back

24 Topic 5: 200 Meg wants to see how long it will take a marble to fall 20 cm when placed in different liquids. Put these four steps in order…. Set up the equipment for the activity Graph the data Figure out how to measure the times fairly Drop the marble into liquids and record times Back

25 Topic 5: 300 Set up experiment to see which foods grow mold the fastest. Number the steps in order: ___ Put the lid on the jar and seal with tape ___ Ask for 4 pieces of leftover food ___ Put the 4 wet pieces of food into jar ___ Watch the food and take notes ___ Dip each piece of food into water 2,5,3,1,4 Back

26 Topic 5: 400 Question: What is the unit best used to measure the width of your textbook? Answer centimeters Back

27 Topic 5: 500 Question: What is the best unit to use to measure the distance from Philadelphia to Los Angeles? Answer Kilometers Back

28 Bonus Question: 2500 pts. Question: France was the first country to adopt the metric system. What year did that occur? Answer 1790 Back

29 Daily Double If your team chose this question, you get double the points if you get this right! Everyone else still can get regular value if they get the question right.

30 Daily Double If your team chose this question, you get double the points if you get this right! Everyone else still can get regular value if they get the question right.

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