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Tax on property transfers

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1 Tax on property transfers

2 duty on documents Dr. Robert John Muscat LLD - MLS Notaries

3 Inter vivos transfers Dr. Robert John Muscat LLD - MLS Notaries

4 The normal rate of duty due by the Transferee is 5%
Dr. Robert John Muscat LLD - MLS Notaries

5 Exceptions and exemptions:
Dr. Robert John Muscat LLD - MLS Notaries

6 Sole ordinary residence
Duty at the rate of 3.5% on the first €150,000 of the Value if: The Purchaser does not require an AIP permit to acquire The Purchaser is an EU Citizen Declares on the deed that he shall reside in the property being purchased as his Sole Ordinary Residence Purchaser does not own another residential property Duty at the rate of 5% on the excess Dr. Robert John Muscat LLD - MLS Notaries

7 First time buyer No Duty is payable on the first €150,000 of the Purchaser Price if: A Purchaser is acquiring his Sole Ordinary Residence (As per previous slide) It is the FIRST Property acquired inter vivos by the Purchaser The Promise of Sale was signed after the 31st July 2013 Duty at the rate of 5% on the excess (Presently applicable for transfers prior to the 1st January 2017) Dr. Robert John Muscat LLD - MLS Notaries

8 What qualifies as the sole ordinary residence?
It is the place where an individual will reside and establish as his centre of affairs – ‘A dwelling house which is the only or main residence of a person’ It shall also include: A garage attached to or underlying such residence or a garage situated in the same block of residential apartments of which the residence forms part or a garage of not more than 30 s.m situated within 500m of such residence or block of apartments, where such garage has been acquired together with such residence on the SAME DEED; Land which the owner has for his own occupation and enjoyment with that residence as its garden or grounds consisting of an area which, regard being had to the size and character of the dwelling house, is required for the reasonable enjoyment of it as a residence Dr. Robert John Muscat LLD - MLS Notaries

9 Donation No tax is due on the first €200,000 and the rest is charged duty at 3.5% Conditions: Donation to descendants in the direct line Descendant acquiring with the intention to establish therein the Sole Ordinary Residence The first such transfer between the parties NB: if the acquirer transfers property gratuitously within 5 years, he must refund the ‘unpaid’ duty Dr. Robert John Muscat LLD - MLS Notaries

10 Donation continued In the case of a transfer by donation by a person to his spouse, descendants and ascendants in the direct line and their relative spouses, or in the absence of descendants to his brothers or sisters and their descendants, who acquire such property for the purpose of establishing therein or constructing thereon their sole, ordinary residence, the value of the land is reduced to 80% of the market value of the land so transferred together with the (100%) cost to make the improvements thereon in the state that they are on the date of transfer, if any. Dr. Robert John Muscat LLD - MLS Notaries

11 Exchange A deed of echange is deemed to be one transfer
Duty is payable on the highest resulting tax EX: One property is valued at €10,000 and the other is €12,000. Duty at 5% is paid on the higher value (€12,000) and the duty is paid in equal shares by both parties Dr. Robert John Muscat LLD - MLS Notaries

12 Division / partition Duty is paid on the excess (ekwiparazzjoni), if any excess is paid Dr. Robert John Muscat LLD - MLS Notaries

13 Urban Conservation Area
Duty is payable at 2.5% on the Value of the property Conditions: Transfer made between and before Transferee does not need an AIP permit Property declared to be situated in a UCA First relief being granted under the scheme Dr. Robert John Muscat LLD - MLS Notaries

14 Transfers which are exempt
The assignment of immovable property between persons who are married or who were formerly married to each other, after a consensual or judicial separation or a divorce between such persons, OR On the dissolution of the Community of Acquests existing between spouses Or on any partition of any property held in common between spouses, being community property or otherwise on the death of one spouse between the surviving spouse and the heirs of the deceased spouse The assignment of immovable property between spouses, consequent to a consensual or judicial separation, shall also include any immovable property owned by a company which is fully owned by any or both spouses. Dr. Robert John Muscat LLD - MLS Notaries

15 More Exemptions Deeds of division of property where the property so divided came from any inheritance Deeds of partition where no owelty (consideration) is paid The transfer of a share by one co-owner to the other co-owner of a property that was acquired by them with the intention to establish therein their sole ordinary residence Where the Commissioner issues a certificate attesting that a property is being transferred within the same group of companies. Dr. Robert John Muscat LLD - MLS Notaries

16 Causa mortis transfers
Dr. Robert John Muscat LLD - MLS Notaries

17 The normal rate of duty due by the Transferee is 5%
Dr. Robert John Muscat LLD - MLS Notaries

18 Exceptions and exemptions:
Dr. Robert John Muscat LLD - MLS Notaries

19 Dwelling house of the deceased
No duty is due when: The property is a dwelling house, being the ordinary residence of the decuius The beneficiary of such residence is the surviving spouse Dr. Robert John Muscat LLD - MLS Notaries

20 Dwelling house of the deceased continued
No duty is due when: The property transferred causa mortis consists of a dwelling house or a part thereof, or of any real right over a dwelling house; The property is transferred by the person from whom the transfer causa mortis originates to his descendants in the direct line; The said dwelling house was, at the time of the transfer, and during the whole period of three years preceding the transfer, the ordinary residence of the person from whom the transfer originates N.B The Causa Mortis Declaration must be done within one year from the date of death of the decuius Dr. Robert John Muscat LLD - MLS Notaries

21 Dwelling house of the deceased continued
If the property is the dwelling house of the Deceased: no account shall be taken of the first €35,000 of the value of the house, being the ordinary residence of the decuius If the property is the dwelling house of the Deceased AND of the transferee: The first €35,000 is exempt The second €35,000 is charged duty at 3.5% Duty at 5% on the rest Dr. Robert John Muscat LLD - MLS Notaries

22 Dwelling house of the Transferee
When the house serves as the dwelling house of the transferee ONLY The first €70,000 are charged duty at 3.5% The rest of the value is charged at 5% Dr. Robert John Muscat LLD - MLS Notaries

23 Property inherited by person with disability
No duty is due when: The property transferred causa mortis consists of any immovable or any real right over an immovable; The transferee causa mortis is a person who is on the Register of Persons with Disability kept by the National Commission Persons with Disability set up in terms of the Equal Opportunities (Persons with Disability) Act, and identifies himself as such on the declaration of the relative transfer causa mortis by means of an identity card issued by the said Commission; the person from whom the transfer causa mortis originates is the parent or the legal guardian of the said transferee causa mortis; N.B The Causa Mortis Declaration must be done within one year from the date of death of the decuius Dr. Robert John Muscat LLD - MLS Notaries

24 rebate A rebate of €250 per transferee applies if:
The Causa Mortis is done within 6 months from date of death Duty due is less than €2,300 for that transferee Dr. Robert John Muscat LLD - MLS Notaries

25 The vendor – property transfer tax
Dr. Robert John Muscat LLD - MLS Notaries

26 The normal rate of tax due by the Vendor is 8%
Dr. Robert John Muscat LLD - MLS Notaries

27 Exceptions and exemptions:
Dr. Robert John Muscat LLD - MLS Notaries

28 5% Tax Rate Transfer made after 1.1.2015
Property not part of a project Selling Property within 5 years from the date of acquisition N.B Does not apply if: Last transfer was an inter-company transfer Within the 5 year period the property was owned by a person related to the transferor and the property at that time formed part of a project. Dr. Robert John Muscat LLD - MLS Notaries

29 5% Tax Rate Transfer after 1.1.2015 Property situated in Valletta
Acquired prior to Restored and rehabilitated after the date of acquisition in accordance with the planning permit MEPA certificate stating that property is refurbished according to permits issued and works carried out before 31/12/2018 Selling this property not later than 5 years from Dr. Robert John Muscat LLD - MLS Notaries

30 10% tax rate Property acquired prior to 01.01.2004
N.B if the Promise of Sale was registered before , the old 12% will apply Dr. Robert John Muscat LLD - MLS Notaries

31 2% Tax Rate Transfer made after 1.1.2015
The property was immediately before the transfer co-owned by 2 individuals Declared that it is their Sole Ordinary Residence on the Deed of Acquisition They are selling within 3 years from the date of acquisition. No other property in their name Dr. Robert John Muscat LLD - MLS Notaries

32 Property acquired by Causa mortis and donation
Selling property that was acquired by Causa Mortis: Pre – 7% Final Witholding tax on the whole sale price Post – 12% of the difference between the sale price and the value declared on Causa Mortis Selling property that was acquired by Donation: Selling within 5 years of acquisition – 5% of the sale price (N.B if property is part of a project, 8% applies) Selling after 5 years of acquisition - 12% of the difference between the sale price and the value declared on Donation Dr. Robert John Muscat LLD - MLS Notaries

33 Exchange Deemed to be two separate sales
Property Transfer Tax is paid by both parties on the value of the property they transfer Dr. Robert John Muscat LLD - MLS Notaries

34 Partition / division No tax if no payment (ekwiparazzjoni) is made
If there is payment (ekwiparazzjoni), tax is paid on that amount, by the person who received the sum Dr. Robert John Muscat LLD - MLS Notaries

35 Property not forming part of a project or SDA
Source: Property not forming part of a project or SDA Dr. Robert John Muscat LLD - MLS Notaries

36 Projects and special designated areas
If Promise of Sale is registered after : 10% Tax if property was acquired before 8% Tax in all other cases If Promise of Sale was registered before 12% Tax if Vendor elected to have prior transfers taxed under the Final Witholding Tax System 35% Tax on profit 7% Provisional paid on contract if Vendor had excluded prior transfers from the Final Witholding Tax System NB: in case of a PROJECT where the property is transferred after 12 years from acqusition, 12% Tax applies Dr. Robert John Muscat LLD - MLS Notaries

37 Urban conservation areas
Tax at 5% is payable by the Vendor Conditions: Property is situated in a UCA The Vendor had rehabilitated and/or restored the property in accordance with a MEPA permit Permit was issued after Property is transferred after The works have been declared satisfactory by MEPA Dr. Robert John Muscat LLD - MLS Notaries

38 No tax is due on: Donation: to a spouse, descendant or ascendant or the spouse thereof or if there are no descendants, to siblings or their descendants and donations to philanthropic institutions Sole residence: a property that is owned and occupied for at least the past 3 years and even though property is vacated it has not been vacated for more than 1 year Assignment of property between spouses after judicial separation or divorce, even if property is fully owned by the spouses Where the community of acquests is dissolved and property is transferred from one party to the other Inter-company transfer The transfer of property upon the incorporation of a business or a partnership en nom collectif as a going concern into a limited liability company Settlement of property on trust Transfer by company to its shareholder (according to the conditions applicable) Dr. Robert John Muscat LLD - MLS Notaries

39 Property forming part of a project or SDA
Source: Property forming part of a project or SDA Dr. Robert John Muscat LLD - MLS Notaries

40 Thank you

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